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Group Discussion Topics & Answers

1. Is coalition politics here to stay?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:
Nature of coalition politics. Indecisiveness of elections. No particular party is
getting the peoples mandate. Advantage of coalition politics in enabling
formation of government. Flipside of coalition politics- a party with a handful of
seats become powerful. Government falls before tenure. Fresh elections each
time. uggest a way out of this problem! for e.g.: once a party pledges support to
a coalition! it will not withdraw its support until it has watched a governments
performance for at least three years...etc The future -will it only have
coalitions !emerging political trends...etc...
2. Does India need a dictator?
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
The current political structure. "rawbac#s of it. $ureaucracy! layers in decision
ma#ing! anarchy. "ictatorship would mean centrali%ed power and faster decision
ma#ing. $ut! country run on whims and fancies of an individual. Freedom on
individuals could be clamped..etc....&resent a balanced argument for and against
and ta#e up your position on the issue.
3. Is India moving away rom a secularist state?
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
"e'ne secularism.(onstitution calls our country such a state! but how things
have changed over the last )* years.pread of nationalism. "ivision into ma+ority
and minority groups-e.g. bene'ts given to minority groups perceived as a threat
by others. ,ole of non-tolerant neighbors in fuelling fundamentalism. It is a
passing phenomenon. -e have the national character to overcome this....&oints
along these lines can be discussed.
!. "ducation in India#or the lac$ o it.
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
"iscuss current education system. "iscuss our sociological structure.&overty
which forces #ids to drop out to supplement family income..icious circle-poverty
due to lac# of education and vice versa.uggest solutions to get out of this-for
e.g.! governments are doing a commendable +ob with the midday meal schemes
but we need more of such e/orts. Going down further ! why restrict it to
government alone0 why cant private people! NG1s and other voluntary bodies
come forward to do the same0 2ow about tapping corporate funds for such
causes .....etc.....
%. &hat ails Indian sports?
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
A nation of 3)* million! we fail to produce great champions barring the
occasional .ishwanathan Anand or Geet ethi. ports system steeped in
bureaucracy. 1verriding popularity of cric#et leading to neglect in other
sports.Traditionally ! sports not accorded much importance by us as a career.
Need to develop sports from the primary school level-4catch em young4. .arious
incentives to be given to budding sportsmen li#e academic credits! sports in lieu
of a few other sub+ects etc. "evelopment of sports infrastructure! ma#ing it
amenable and a/ordable...etc.....
'. The Age o Inormation.
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
Today a plethora of sources to provide information-Newspapers! radio! Television!
Internet etc. Information available at the touch of a button. Greater decision
ma#ing power to the individual. Also easier decision ma#ing for the
individual.Information is the #ey to ones success today. 1ne who is more
informed forges ahead. The 5ipside-information over#ill. At times deciding is
tough due to too much information ...etc.....
(. Is )hilosophy *ust arm chair theory?
6This is an e7ample of an abstract topic which is thrown up to students once in a
while by the e7aminers8
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
Tal# what you #now about this topic . Tal# of its relevance in day to day life6 or
irrelevance if you feel so..8. Tal# of its in5uence in literature e.g. In5uence of 9ant
on the romantic poets especially -ordsworth or of $acon ! .oltaire et al on the
4:nlightenment4period etc. Tal# of its in5uence in politics e.g. In5uence of
Niets%che on 2itler and subse;uent genocide during Na%i regime etc. Tal# of
ethics and morals and their importance in life. tal# of Indian philosophy. the Gita .
"iscuss whether we use any of these in our lives and their importance in
moulding our values...etc...
+. ,uccess is all a-out human relations
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
The most important s#ill for success in to have people on your side. 1ne can get
a lot of wor# done by superiority and hierarchy but one cannot be a leader of
men unless one maintains e7cellent human relations.Its importance not only in
professional life but personal life too.9nowledge and e7pertise does one no good
if one cannot maintain proper human relations...etc.....
.. /orderless worlds#Dream or reality?
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
Globali%ation of business. 1pening up of the various economies. (ross cultural
e7changes. <ore and more people getting an opportunity to wor# in di/erent
lands among di/erent peoples and absorbing a bit of their values and culture.
This leads to greater tolerance and understanding of others= problems. The other
side-people despite all this have nationalistic and regionalist chauvinism . A
world divided into 'rst! second and third worlds. &eople still tal# of 4their4
economy and not world economy. :urope has shown a step in this direction with
:> but its feasibility remains to be seen. o while people clamor for globali%ation!
they still thin# only in terms of their national interests...etc...
10. 1uality is a myth in India.
The following points could be discussed under this topic:
The Indian products and manufacturing techni;ues. -hy are we unable to
sustain against global competition. 1ur mindset towards ;uality. Indian attitude
of 4chalta hai4 which leads to an undemanding customer which in turn lets
people get away with substandard products and services. Today competition is
forcing our industry to adhere to global standards so we are getting there in
terms of ;uality. :7amples of our software industry which is recogni%ed for its
ability to meet global standards etc. ince the topic is general! we can
e7trapolate it to our ;uality of life-the air ! the water ! the facilities we have! the
infrastructure we have! the services we get and put up with etc.
Listed Below are a few GD topics for IT companies.
Satyam GD Probables:
1. US war on iraq-justified or not.
. !ole of U" in peace#eepin$.
%. &osition of 'omen in India compared to ot(er nations.
). *n+ironment ,-na$ement.
.. Is /(ina 0etter t(an India in software.
1. S(ould S2"I- $and(i 0e made t(e &,
3. B&2s in I"DI-
4. Go+t contri0ution to IT
5. 'ill punc( lines rule t(e -d+t
16. premaritial se7
11. is c(ina a t(reat to indian industr8
1. india or west 9 w(ic( is t(e land of opportunities
1%. water resources s(ould 0e nationalised
1).:B-L-"/* B*T'**" &!2;*SSI2"-LIS, -"D ;-,IL<:
1.. *ffect of cinema on <out(
11. *ducation in India compared to ;orei$n nations
13. Is it necessar8 to 0an /2/2/2L- in India.
14. '(at is t(e effect of mo+ies on 8out(.=is it $ood or 0ad>
15. -re studies more 0enifitial in India or in -0road.
6.:U"?s peace acti+ities: and :-merica?s war on Iraq:.
1.:*n+ironment-'(ose !esponisi0ilit8:.
.Is /(ina a t(reat to t(e indian software industr8.
%.!ole of U" in &eace #eepin$
).'ar on Iraq
..-0out @oc#e8 0ein$ t(e primar8 $ame in India.
1./an america occup8 iraq
3./ric#et s(ud 0e 0anned or not.
4.IS /@I"- - T@!*-T T2 I"DI-
5.&resent state of Indian /ric#et team.
%6.Lo+e marria$eA-rran$ed marria$e.
%1.-d+anta$es of /o-education.
Hot Topics:
1.@ow to deal wit( international terrorism.
.S(ould we pursue our polic8 of dialo$ue wit( &a#istanB
%.Is peace and non-+iolence outdated conceptsB
Current Topics:
1.- Unipolar 'orld spells disaster for underde+eloped countries li#e India.
.Is Glo0alisation !eall8 "ecessar8B
%.'(at s(all we do a0out our e+er-increasin$ &opulationB
)./orruption is t(e price we pa8 for Democrac8.
..;orei$n Tele+ision /(annels are destro8in$ our culture.
1.'(at India needs is a Dictators(ip.
3.'it( media pu0lis(in$ and telecastin$ tri+ia9 censors(ip is t(e need of t(e (our.
4.Caun Bane$a Crorepati is less a0out #nowled$e 0ut more a0out mone8 and personalit8.
5.Beaut8 contests de$rade woman(ood
16.T(e rise of re$ional 0locs t(reatens independent nations li#e India
11.Si7 0illion and one 0ronDeE
1.Is dependence on computers a $ood t(in$B
1%.S(ould t(e pu0lic sector 0e pri+atisedB
1)./(ina and India are similar nations wit( contrastin$ wa8s
1..Is India a Soft "ationB
11.Falue 0ased politics is t(e need of t(e (our
13.!eli$ion s(ould not 0e mi7ed wit( politics
14.@ow to deal wit( (i$( oil prices
15.2ur cric#eters are not to 0lame for matc( fi7in$
6.'(8 cant we 0e world pla8ers in industr8 as we are in softwareB
1.,ultinational corporations: -re t(e8 de+ils in dis$uiseB
.S(ould t(ere 0e limits on artistic freedom =t(e contro+ers8 on ;ire>.
%.S(ould t(ere 0e pri+ate uni+ersitiesB
).Does 0annin$ fas(ion s(ows and "ew <ear parties sa+e our cultureB
Social Topics:
1.-re Bi$ Dams "ecessar8B
.;ilms are corruptin$ t(e Indian <out(
%.- Gand(ian State sellin$ liquor is an anomal8
).Bride 0urnin$ and dowr8 ma8 loo# 0ad9 0ut are an inte$ral part of India.
..2ur /ulture is Deca8in$
1.'e are not serious a0out sa+in$ 'ildlifeA*n+ironment
3.T(e education s8stem needs serious reforms
4.T(e impact of ,TF on our ps8c(e
5.S(owin$ Fiolence and /rimes s(ould not 0e allowed in films and on tele+ision.
16.Let us le$alise $am0lin$
Management Topics:
1.Is mana$ement an art or a scienceB
.T(e !us( for ,B- is reall8 a rus( for 0i$ mone8
%.*t(ics in Business are just a passin$ fas(ion
).T(e o0jecti+e of ,ana$ement is to ma7imise profits
..Do professional mana$ers (a+e a c(ance in our famil8 run 0usinessesB
1.T(e Internet is an e7ercise in (8pe
3.Is an ,B- necessar8 to succeed in lifeB
4.;amil8 owned 0usiness +s professionall8 run 0usinesses
5.Smaller 0usinesses and start-ups (a+e more scope for professional $rowt(.
16.Dot com or dou0t comB
Creative Topics:
1.T(e '(eel is Turnin$ !ound and !ound
.If I was t(e ;inance ,inisterA&rime ,inister
%.T(ere is no ri$(t wa8 to do a wron$ t(in$
).Group Tas#: @ow can we (a+e ,ount *+erest in IndiaB
..Do Beaut8 and Brains Go To$et(erB
1.'(en I wo#e up in t(e mornin$ I sawG
3.- s(ip doc#ed in (ar0our cannot face t(e storms
4.Up t(e Down Staircase
5.Hust as we (a+e smo#e free Dones9 we s(ould (a+e c(ild free Dones
16.,arria$e is a social trap
1. T(e Internet c(ains (a+e come on t(e win$s of science and tec(nolo$8 0ut are no less restricti+e
for all t(at.
. Secularism (as 0ecome a tool to justif8 t(e wron$s done 08 t(e minorities.
%. ,edia is a mi7ed 0lessin$A@ow et(ical is mediaB
). To fi$(t -IDs9 stop 0ein$ co8 a0out se7 education.
.. '(at s(ould India stri+e for- 'esterniDation or moderniDationB
1. De+elopin$ countries need trade9 not aid.
. '(8 do we la$ 0e(ind /(inaB
%. /apitalism is a +er8 flawed s8stem 0ut t(e ot(ers are so muc( worse.
). ;le7i0ilit8 of la0our laws is t(e #e8 to attractin$ more ;orei$n Direct In+estment.
.. Is t(e 0usiness of 0usiness onl8 0usinessB
1. !eser+in$ seats for women in &anc(a8at (as not onl8 0een a farce 0ut (as distracted from
de+elopin$ a more $enuine +oice of women.
. @a+e t(e nuclear tests of 1554 0enefited or (armed IndiaB
%. Foters9 not9 political parties are responsi0le for t(e criminalisation of politics.
). T(e +oters are required to 0e well informed and educated a0out t(eir candidates so t(at t(e8 can
elect t(e ri$(t aspirant 08 t(eir own assessment.
.. India s(ould $o for t(e presidential form of democrac8.
1. In our economic matters9 t(ere is an e7cessi+e tendenc8 towards t(e t(in#in$ rat(er t(an doin$.
. *+er8 cloud (as a sil+er linin$
%. /an t(e econom8 ac(ie+e an 4 percent $rowt( rateB.
). Is disin+estment reall8 t(at $ood for India or is a ret(in# in order B
.. -re co-operati+es rele+ant in toda8?s $lo0alised en+ironmentB.
1. ;orei$n aid is a dan$erous dru$ t(at can stimulate in small doses 0ut 0ecome fatall8 addicti+e in
lar$er doses.
3. ,odern da8 sport in industrialised societ8 is an industr89 as an8t(in$ else.
4. Go+ernment s(ould clean its own (ands 0efore pointin$ fin$er at t(e pri+ate sector for corruption.
5. Is t(e "&- ordinance too (ars(B
16. !eforms (a+e to $row up.
11. T(e future lies wit( $localisation .
1. Is t(e consumer reall8 t(e #in$ in IndiaB.
1%. Glo0alisation +ersus nationalism
1). /onditional access s8stem for ca0le TF watc(ers: 0oon or 0aneB
1.. If India is poorl8 $o+erned9 t(e reason is t(at we (a+e desi$ned our s8stem of $o+ernance for
protectin$9 if not encoura$in$9 corruptionB
11. /ommercialisation of (ealt( care : Good or Bad B
13. ;or $lo0alisation to succeed in India people must 0e a0le to see w(at is in it for t(em
14. Is t(e US econom8 (eaded t(e Hapanese econom8 wa8B
15. *conomic freedom not old fas(ioned t(eories of de+elopment will lead to $rowt( and prosperit8
6. ,ar#ets left to t(emsel+es encoura$e $reed.
1. ;or $lo0alisation to succeed in India people must 0e a0le to see w(at is in it for t(em
. S(ould 0usinessmen run t(e finance ministr8
%. S(ould important ser+ices li#e transport 0e left to mar#et forcesB.
). Is t(ere an8 point in (a+in$ a 0usiness strate$8 w(en t(e world c(an$es from mont( to mont(B
.. Is t(e patents 0ill $ood for IndiaB .
1. Is t(e 0usiness of 0usiness onl8 0usinessB.
3. Glo0alisation is $ood for de+elopin$ countries
4. &u0lic sector 0ein$ a $uarantor of jo0 securit8 is a m8t(.
5. Is industr8less $rowt( (ere to sta8 B
%6. /apitalism is a +er8 flawed s8stem 0ut t(e ot(ers are so muc( worse B
%1. @ow can 0usiness $et rid of t(e 0ad name t(at it (as earnedB
%. Go+ernment pumpin$ mone8 into t(e econom8 is not t(e solution for
our economic pro0lems
%%. Business et(ics are no lon$er a lu7ur8 for corporates 0ut a necessit8B
%). @ow s(ould pri+atisation proceeds 0e utilised B
%.. Is t(e 0ud$etin$ e7ercise of an8 useB
%1. S(ould a$ricultural su0sidies 0e stopped B
%3. 'ill ,um0ai?s film industr8 e+er e+ol+e into a trul8 modern corporatised oneB
%4. 'ill mar#et reforms enric( ric( states furt(er9 w(ile poorer ones la$ furt(erB.
%5. '(8 do we la$ 0e(ind /(ina B
)6. '(o sa8s ,"/s are superior to Indian companies B.
)1. '(8 not use a 0rand inde7 to measure national prosperit8B.
). '(at we need to reduce scams is 0etter re$ulator8 0odies.
)%. 'ar r(etoric is misplaced in a countr8 li#e India w(ic( is tr8in$ to $lo0alise its econom8.
)). Trade can (elp t(e poor B
).. T(e power ministr8 s(ould cut off supplies to all t(e defaultin$ S*Bs.
)1. Steal a few la#(s and 8ou?re a criminal. Steal a few (undred crores and 8ou 0ecome an
)3. S(ould &SUs 0e di+ested t(rou$( strate$ic sale or pu0lic offerB
)4. T(e state is a0o+e t(e lawB
Management E!ucation Topics"
1. ,ana$erial s#ills learnt in t(e classroom can ne+er matc( t(ose learnt from e7perience
. Democrac8 is (amperin$ India pro$ress
%. ,B- in India is (i$(l8 o+errated.
). !eli$ion is a pri+ate affair and s(ould 0e of no concern for t(e state
.. Decreasin$ defense e7penditure and increasin$ social e7penditure is t(e need of t(e (our
TC# Online:
1.&u0lic sector is more a (indrance t(an (elp to promote socialism.
.*conomic 0etterment of t(e poorer nations is as important as disarmament to ensure lastin$ world
%.;rom pu0lic sector to pri+atiDation as in t(e U.C.9 is t(e ri$(t answer for India?s instant economic
).T(e doctrine of :limited nuclear war: is an ill-con+inced9 ill-lo$ical9 irrational and e7tremel8
dan$erous concept.
..Some simple 0ut effecti+e electoral reforms will ena0le us to retain t(e present parliamentar8
s8stem and ensure t(e preser+ation of democrac8 in India.
1.'e must (a+e onl8 two national parties to contest parliamentar8 elections and re$ional parties
s(ould not 0e allowed to contest for t(e same.
3.'e can increase our food production not onl8 to matc( our population e7plosion 0ut also for e7port
pro+ided we adopt modern9 mec(aniDed farmin$ met(ods wit( lar$e siDe land (oldin$s.
4."uclear war cannot 0e won and s(ould not 0e fou$(t.
5.&ri+ate enterprise and not pu0lic sector will contri0ute to faster and (i$(er economic $rowt( in India.
16.Inflation is ine+ita0le in our de+elopin$ countr8.
11.T(e polic8 of reser+ation is a le$ac8 of t(e Britis( and it (as done more (arm t(an $ood.
1.Do 8ou t(in# ,B-s are useful in t(e manufacturin$ A production departmentB
1%.;or a mar#etin$ post $raduate9 wit(out prior wor# e7perience wor#in$ in a 0i$ mar#etin$ firm is a
disad+anta$e w(en compared wit( wor#in$ in a small firm. Discuss.
1)./onsumerism is destro8in$ t(e social fa0ric of Indian culture.
1..;ree mar#et is a prerequisite for $rowt(.
11./ric#et as a national o0session is a detriment to ot(er sports.
13.To de+elop India (as to empower women.
14.;ormulate t(e $o+ernment?s (ealt( polic8 to control t(e spread of -IDS.
15.-d+ertisin$ is a waste of resources.
6.&ri+atiDation will lead to less corruption.
1.State is t(e 0i$$est +iolator of (uman ri$(ts.
.T(ere can ne+er 0e a classless societ8.
%.Beaut8 pa$eants are a mar#etin$ $immic#.
).Fotin$ ri$(ts to illiterates in India is illo$ical 0ecause it is widel8 misused.
..Hoint famil8 is a 0lessin$ in dis$uise.
1.@i$(er education s(ould 0e made possi0le onl8 for t(ose w(o can pa8 for it.
3.T(e wea#er se7 is t(e wea#ness of t(e stron$er se7.
4.'omen cannot successfull8 com0ine 0ot( career and (ome.
5.'omen are $ood mana$ers.
%6.*7ecuti+e s(ould 0e allowed to form unions.
%1.*ffect of li0eraliDation on po+ert8.
%.Indians perform 0etter as indi+iduals rat(er t(an in $roups.
%%.Business and et(ics $o (and in (and9 or do t(e8B
%).De+elopin$ countries s(ould spend more on de+elopment t(an on defense.
%..&olitical parties (a+e outli+ed t(eir utilit8.
%1.Is Swades(i rele+ant for India toda8B
%3.,one8 is required to earn more mone8.
%4.;orei$n trade is necessar8 for an8 countr8 to sur+i+e .
%5.&residential Fs &arliamentar8 form of $o+ernment of India.
)6.Tec(nolo$8: T(e Ism? 2f T(e "ew ,illenniumB
)1.!eli$ion -nd &olitics S(ould "ot ,i7
).T!I&S /ontro+ers8 -nd T(e &atent -ct -mendment
)%.*7port Sta$nation: /auses -nd /ures
)).*7cessi+e Depiction 2f Se7 -nd Fiolence In ;ilms
)../lassical ,usic @erita$e -nd T(e Growin$ &op-/ulture
)1.Decentralisation I T(e &anc(a8ati !aj Institutions
)3.S(ould India Si$n T(e /TBT
)4.State Inter+entions In ,ar#et Cind 2r ,i7ed *conom8
)5.Science Is - Boon 2r Bane
.6.Is Swappin$ Terrorists ;or @osta$es -n *ncoura$ement ;or &lane- @ijac#ersB
.1.India and t(e political d8nasties: T(e "e(ru ;amil8 conte7t
.."ice Gu8s ;inis( Last
.%.-ll 'or# -nd "o &la8 ,a#es Hac# - Dull Bo8
.).Indi+idual ;reedom -nd /i+il Societ8
.../on+entionalism -nd ,odernit8: T(e *+er $oin$ De0ate
.1.S(ould T(ere Be - !estriction 2n &ermissi+eness Bein$ propa$ated 08 T(e ,TF /ulture -nd
;orei$n ,ediaB
.3.,ar7ism -nd Its ;uture -ll 2+er T(e 'orld
.4.T(e Growin$ ,enace 2f /asteism -nd !e$ionalism
.5.&residential ;orm 2f Go+ernment Is "eeded In India
16.Bullet ;or Bullet: Is It T(e !i$(t &olic8B
11./apitation ;ees S(ould Be -0olis(ed
1.-rran$ed ,arria$es -re Better T(an T(e Lo+e-,arria$es
1%.Brain-Drain @as To Be Stopped
1).Business -nd *t(ics /an?t A Don?t Go To$et(er
1..-re women -s $ood as ,en 2r InferiorB
11."ot(in$ Succeeds Li#e Success
13.T(e ,alt(usian *conomic &rop(ec8 Is "o Lon$er !ele+ant
14.Secessionism In T(e "ort(-*ast: '(o?s To BlameB
15.S(ould India Brea# Diplomatic Ties 'it( &a#istanB
36.-$e and <out(: *7perience -nd <oun$ Talent
31.J*ast Is *ast I 'est Is '(ere -ll T(e -ction Is?: ,ar# Twain
3.;reedom 2f K*7pression -nd T(e State -ut(orit8.
3%./apital &unis(ment S(ould Be -0olis(ed
3).Tuitions S(ould Be Banned
3..India "eeds Gujral Doctrine ;or Better International !elations
31.Doctors? -ccounta0ilit8 To Impro+e @ealt(-/are
33.Uni+ersal Disarmament Is - ,ust
34.Indian /ric#et Team S(ouldn?t Be -llowed To &la8 -0road

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