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Nations, States & Nation-States

A World In Anarchy
A nation is any sizable group of people who
are united by common bond of race, language,
custom, tradition, and, sometime religion.
Based on this definition, list 3 examples of
nations found within the world.
States Around the World
One of the best way to gage how many states
are in the world is to examine how many have
UN membership.
As of today, there are 193 states in the UN.
However, some sources claim that there are
206 states in the world?
Who is right?
Defining A State
1. Population
2. Territory
3. Government
4. Sovereignty
Why would a state need a population?
The most obvious essential for a state is people. The
nature of a states population affects its stability.
States where the population shares a general
political and social consensus, or agreement about
basic beliefs, have the most stable governments.

Why would a state need territory?
A state has established boundaries. The exact
location or shape of political boundaries is
often a source of conflict among states.
Territorial boundaries may change as a result
of war, negotiations, or purchase.
With A Partner, find two states that have
changed their territory over the past 12

Why would a state need Government?
Every state has some form of government.
Government is the institution through which a
state maintains social order, provides public
services, and enforces decisions that are
binding on all people living within the state.
Why would a state need Sovereignty?

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