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Egypt 3 Kingdoms Poster Project

Egypt is one of the worlds most famous and long lasting civilizations. The Egyptians are
responsible for a number of innovations and contributions that last into the world today, your job
will be to research and learn about these people.

There are 3 main kingdoms in Egyptian history: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the
New Kingdom. Your job is to create a poster that explains the development of Egypt from the
Old to the new Kingdom. You will need to research a number of aspects to create a
comprehensive view of each civilization. When researching you need to find the following

You must have a timeline for each of the kingdoms.
You must tell who the first and last ruler of each kingdom is.
You must find 2 important leaders from each of the Kingdoms in addition to the rulers and
explain why they are important.
You must elaborate on any major wars/battles during each kingdom.
You must explain how writing was used, how it changed/developed in each kingdom, and
who wrote in each kingdom.
You must explain when and why each kingdom ended.
Finally, you must give at least 2 important contributions from each of the kingdoms.

You will have 2 days in class to complete this poster project. No extra class time will be

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