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Magic Square Puzzle

The numbers to be used:

33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57
The sum of these numbers is 405. Divide by 3 and the magic number is 135. That means that all columns,
rows, and diagonals will add to 135.
The eight combinations are:
33 + 45 + 57 = 135
33 + 48 + 54 = 135
36 + 42 + 57 = 135
36 + 45 + 54 = 135
36 + 48 + 51 = 135
39 + 42 + 54 = 135
39 + 45 + 51 = 135
42 + 45 + 48 = 135

Number 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57
# of times used in
the combination
2 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 2
54 33 48
39 45 51
42 57 36
Note: The first combination started
with the largest number added to the
smallest number and the difference
supplied the middle number then, the
next largest number and smallest
number and so on. It is a pattern and
follows for any series of 9 numbers
chosen for a 3X3 matrix.

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