vsw100 Art and Creativity Online Activities Portfolio 1 Part 4

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Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued

Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement

The Gates - Ideas 1, 2 and 3 (Dimmeys crossing)
An other important aspect of this work was to visit the location and look for other possible locations. The walkway located almost half
way through The Gateway near Dimmeys gets many pedestrians. The reason I considered this location is that I realised that the
background history is the same and the gates could act as a set of gates to represent the pedestrians crossing over the The Gateway.
Instead of welcoming the
traffic through The Gateway
it would welcome the
pedestrians as they pass
through The Gateway.
The following three slides break
down my thoughts on the
placement of each set They also
display a close up photo strictly
for the purpose of viewing.
Here I felt the gates didnt look to bad, they seemed to be at peace here. This could be due to the fact that the location is not as open. The
colours also worked in well here.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates - Ideas 1 (Dimmeys crossing)
This set of gates sits much better for me. The full heads preventing the background interference is much nicer. The scale seems to fit in well. I like
the colours against the background and I feel they have a real welcoming feeling to them as the pedestrian cross over the Gateway.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates - Ideas 2 (Dimmeys crossing)
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates - Ideas 3 (Dimmeys crossing)
For me I dont like the design here as it just seems to much. Im not sure if its the contemporary look or the scale, but I will need to test the scale
to help resolve these thoughts.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Ideas 1, 2 and 3 (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The other location I consider
for the same reasons as the
Dimmeys location was the
crossing in front of the
Chisholm.edu.au building.
The following three slides break
down my thoughts on the
placement of each set They also
display a close up photo strictly
for the purpose of viewing.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Ideas 1 (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The gates still seem at peace here, but I worry that they camouflage to much.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Ideas 2 (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
I love this placement. The design feels right and the size is perfect. I feel that the design interacts nicely from both directions. I like the visual
provided by the gates against the immediate environment as it gives me the feeling they had always been there. However I dont like the open
space behind the cow due to the road way coming of Lonsdale street. But I do worry that the colours camouflage to much.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Ideas 3 (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
Despite the fact that I like the positioning of the gates I really dont like the way they appear here. I am thinking this could be the scale or maybe
the contemporary vision of them.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1, 2 and 3 - (Gateway Entrance)
One of the most important aspects to consider is the scale of the design and how this will affect its appearance. To work out the best
scale I inserted the design into a photo of the chosen location using Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo x2. I choose to consider three different
sizes. Small, medium and large. The following nine slides break down my thoughts on the different scales of each set and their individual
sides. They also display a close up photo strictly for the purpose of viewing.
At a small scale I feel the horse gets complete lost to its surroundings. As a result it losses its concept of being a gate and looks more
like an ornament at the side of the road.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1 - Small (Gateway Entrance)
With a medium scale the horse looks a little better, but I still feel that the design is not right for the location. I think full body of the horse is
partly responsible for the horse getting swallowed up by its surrounding.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1 Medium (Gateway Entrance)
Surprisingly despite the larger scale I still feel that the horse disappears in the surrounding. As the scale is so large I can only assume its
the design that gives it this affect.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Large - (Gateway Entrance)
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 - Small - (Gateway Entrance)
I really like the design of the horses head in this one but with the scale this small it doesnt give the impression its a gate nor does it
appear to welcome the people to Dandenong.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Medium - (Gateway Entrance)
For me this scale looks perfect for the surrounds and location. I like how it gives a strong gate appearance. I feel like the size is perfect for the
medium strip also. The horse communicates the welcome concept well in this location.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Large (Gateway Entrance)
The first thing I thought when I looked at this was wow way to big. The scale just blows the design out way to much
making it very over powerful.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 - Small - (Gateway Entrance)
As with ideas 1 and 2 I feel that this small scale changes the meaning of the gate and loses its original intent. As a results the building
provide a bigger focus.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Medium - (Gateway Entrance)
The scale just felt right here. As a result everything about the gate seemed to work such as the contemporary colours, design and location.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Large - (Gateway Entrance)
As I found with ideas 1 and 2 the large scale is just to large giving the appearance that its aim is to keep people out. So it really wouldnt be
suitable for my intended purpose.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1, 2 and 3 - (Gateway Exit)
This slide like with the Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1,2,and 3 (Gateway Entrance) slide, takes a look at the
scale for the (Gateway Exit). This was also explored using three different sizes. Small, medium and large. The following
nine slides break down my thoughts on the different scales of each set and their individual sides. They also display a
close up photo strictly for the purpose of viewing.
With a small scale the cow looks to be hidden and the lady is just not visible, losing a great deal of the design and in tern its meaning.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Small - (Gateway Exit)
The medium size scale fits nicely and seems at peace with its environment. I like also that the women can be seen at this size.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Medium - (Gateway Exit)
The large scale is ok but I still feel its a little over powering. Looking at this size really shows me that the medium scale just feels right. Unlike its
partner though this design doesnt get lost to its surroundings.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Large - (Gateway Exit)
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2- Small - (Gateway Exit)
This small scale show just how unsuccessful this size is as the cows lower part of its face is lost to the bushes. It also loses the feel of the gate.
However the design I feel fits in wonderfully.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2- Medium - (Gateway Exit)
The cow looks great at the medium scale. I like the way his mouth lines up with the planter box.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2- Large - (Gateway Exit)
The large scale is just to big taking over the area which makes it look awkward.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Small - (Gateway Exit)
I find this small scale better than it looks at the entrance of the gateway but, still feel its to small for the exit..
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2- Medium - (Gateway Exit)
I love the feel of the scale here. For me it sits nicely with its surrounds but also feels like a gate.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2- Large - (Gateway Exit)
Strangely I like the large scale with the contemporary look despite that I felt it was to large in ideas 1 and 2. I think the colour makes it more
interesting and due to the interest the size sits better for me.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1, 2 and 3 (Dimmeys crossing)
It was also important that I tested the scale size best suited for the Dimmeys Crossing. This was also explored using three
different sizes. Small, medium and large. The following nine slides break down my thoughts on the different scales of each
set. They also display a close up photo strictly for the purpose of viewing.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Small - (Dimmeys crossing)
Clearly the small scale doesnt work here at all. The gates dont even appear like gates. The ladies at the lights really highlights to me how small
these gates are as she's a bit of distance in front yet still towers over them. They really feel out of sorts here.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Medium- (Dimmeys crossing)
The medium scale feels right as it has a nice strong gate presence, without giving it the feeling like its trapping something in.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1- Large - (Dimmeys crossing)
Here I get this over large feeling like as if the gates have become bars representing a prison.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Small - (Dimmeys crossing)
These gates are defiantly to small at the small scale. Instead of being gates they look more like dividers. So I feel they totally lose their meaning.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Medium - (Dimmeys crossing)
I like the scale here for both the horse and the cow. I feel it fits in well with its surroundings. Its a nice size that doesnt leave the public feeling
trapped and are quite inviting and welcoming.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 - Large - (Dimmeys crossing)
I think the large scales works here, although I much rather the medium scale. I keep feeling that the large scales causes a trapping feeling which I
just dont like. I want the gates to be welcoming for the public not trapping.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Small - (Dimmeys crossing)
The contemporary feel doesnt seem to change my opinion on the small scale. I still feel that they are two small. However I dont get the feeling
of dividers which I find interesting. But I cant figure why that is.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Medium - (Dimmeys crossing)
The medium scale seems to work well for all of the designs. As once more I do like the contemporary done in the medium scale. It seems to
connect with the environment and its immediate surroundings. I also feel when I look at the lady at the lights that the size
difference makes more sense. At this scale I tend to loss that trapped feeling I spoke of previously.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 - Large - (Dimmeys crossing)
Despite being in the contemporary form I still find this scale to be to large for my likings. I really dont like this closed in feeling like
the public are being locked up.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1, 2 and 3 Small
(Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
It was also important that I tested the scale size best suited for the Chisholm.edu.au Crossing. This was also explored using
three different sizes. Small, medium and large. The following nine slides break down my thoughts on the different scales of
each set. They also display a close up photo strictly for the purpose of viewing.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1 Small - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The small scale just doesnt work at all. I think this is even more so here due to the open space from the road coming of Lonsdale Street.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1 Medium - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The medium scale seems the best size for this location. However I really dont like this design as the horse makes it very awkward.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 1 Large - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The large scale tends to cover the gap created from the road coming of Lonsdale Street, however I still feel that the gates are just to large in their
scale as they still feel to me like they are trapping people in.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Small - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
I think the small scale looks affective here. I think this is due to the opening for the road coming of the other side.
I think the small scale makes this less obvious. However I still think the scale is a little to small for its intended purpose.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Medium - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
This is the perfect size scale for this location. The scale seems to work well with the environment but also when compared to the height of the
average public member. It also sits well with the plant boxes.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 2 Large- (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
Compared to the small and medium scale for this design I think the large scale works ok, but still prefer the medium size as I feel it just works in
better with the immediate surroundings .
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Small - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The scale looks to small here. I feel it allows to much of the surroundings to be seen around the gates . It also opens the area
up more and takes away the gate impression.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Medium - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The scale here when compared with the immediate surrounds, people and traffic fits in perfectly as it doesnt get drowned or swallowed up.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Importance of Scale Testing Ideas 3 Large - (Chisholm.edu.au crossing)
The large scale feels over sized to me when looking in the photo as the gates seem taller than the buildings veranda on the other side of the
road. This gives me an awkward feeling about the gate. It also appears very closed in, which makes it really unsuitable for this location.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Discovery Design Idea 1
By placing the maquette into their intended location I was able to assess how they would appear and interact with their environment.
What I discovered with Idea 1, was that the design seemed to be swallowed up by its surroundings, deeming the design an unsuitable
choice for this locations and environment.
Week 6: Project Two: Art + Public Space Continued
Week 6 Exercise 4: The Maquette: Placement
The Gates Discovery Alternate Locations Idea 1
I then discovered that Idea one when placed at the crossing near Dimmeys didnt seem to bad at all. In fact it seemed a piece
here. I think this was because the location wasnt as open and also it didnt camouflage as much to its background

When placed in front of the Chisholm.edu.au crossing again the design seemed more at peace with its environment, but tended
to camouflage more with its surroundings.

From this I can assume that if this design was to be installed it be best installed at the Dimmeys crossing as this location seems
to be the most suited for the design. Clearly the size of the environment has a large impact on the outcome as well as the
colours found within the immediate surroundings.

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