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September 7, 2014

New York Travel Agency

Travel R Us
421 !"rst Street
New York, NY #421
$ear Travel R Us,
T%ank yo& 'or t%e e''ort "n plann"ng t%e ()a"ge 'am"ly vacat"on* sc%e+&le+ 'or $ecember 2#t%, Un'ort&nately, at
t%"s t"me +&e to &ne-pecte+ c"rc&mstances t%e vacat"on w"ll %ave to be postpone+ to a '&t&re +ate, . wo&l+ l"ke
to cont"n&e to ma"nta"n a pos"t"ve relat"ons%"p w"t% t%"s company an+ %ope t%at t%"s w"ll not +eter &s 'rom any
'&t&re plann"ng, /&r 'am"ly wo&l+ l"ke to resc%e+&le t%e ()a"ge 'am"ly vacat"on* 'or t%e spr"ng, 0arc% to be more
spec"'"c, . w"ll keep yo& "n'orme+ o' o&r c&rrent plans an+ %ope t%at t%e +epos"t money alrea+y "n yo&r
possess"on can roll over "nto t%e '&t&re vacat"on,
Aga"n, . apolog"1e 'or "nconven"ence t%at . %ave ca&se+ yo&r company an+ %ope t%at t%"s +oes not %ave
any negat"ve a''ect on any o' o&r '&t&re en+eavors,
T%ank yo&,
're+er"ck pa"ge ...
10 Mcdonald St
New York, New York 12501
W 215 552 3023
F 215 552 0323

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