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Good afternoon. I wanted to inform you of the progress of my presentation for

the committee board for next Tuesday (25th of November). I am on schedule as we
discussed with my presentation and there are no delays. Everything is going as
scheduled and I will not need to ask for an extension as of this moment. Here is my
power point presentation for your review of appropriateness and presentability for the
other members of the committee.
Any type of feedback from you would be welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Frederick R. Paige III
DynaTech Customer Service Rep
Work 555-1212
Cell 555-1212
Hows it going? I hope youre as excited as me about the presentation next
Tuesday. Ive been putting in some long hard hours for this proposal and I hope it pays
of. Im excited to share my ideas with the committee and hope that theyll be just as
excited when Im through presenting my ideas. Could you do me a favor if you could?
Take a look at this proposal and let me know what you think? Let me know if you think I
could pursway the committee with this power point? Any feedback would be great.
Thanks so much.
These two emails difer and a couple of diferent ways. The frst email is formal to
someone in a much higher position in the company. Grammar, punctuation and spelling
are correct and the email is formal, direct and to the point.
The Second email is less formal yet still respectful since I am writing to a
Manager in a higher position than I. It is informal in the way of all the laid back
questions and asking for his advice on my presentation.

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