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Form 1 Social Studies Portfolio

Use the following tasks listed below to complete your portfolio to obtain maximum marks.
Tasks Marks
o Presentation placed in folder ,legibly written or typed , bounded properly,
title page ,cover page ,table of contents, bibliography, headings on separate
sheets of paper. Bible text that will take you through this year (2mks)!
o #reati$ity
%Use of colours and ictures (2)
! "esign on pages (#)
!$mpact on the marker (2!
o 'ntroduction ( )hom am '
$ntroducing myself, %y life&s story so far. 'obbies and favourite things, (hy $ am
different , %y education) school ,*ircle of support , *ontact details
o compare and *or contrast your own li$es as adolescents! to the
li$es of your grandparents when they were adolescents use the
following headings(
! education
! services available
! transportation
! communication
o Thorough explanation of features that are inherited + for .eg hair,
eyes, skin colour, blood type, etc.
o Thorough explanation of influence of the en$ironment on
personality (family, society, media!
o +ist of at least & strengths and & weaknesses
o #reate an action plan to con$ert all weaknesses
o #hoose a tele$ision character who you belie$e has a high self
esteem and one who has a low self esteem. ,e sure to state why
you choose these characters. place pictures of the television
o #hoose a character that you think best describes you and your self%
esteem .(bible or tv character)
o Meet my family Students write a detailed account of their family
and include pictures% type ,family union ,roles of members in the family!
o #onstruct a family tree showing at least three generations
Total /" marks
0ate due ( 12
3ctober 1"1.

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