Dhalsim + Ver1.1 by Blackjack 45%

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Dhalsim + Ver1.

1 by BlackJack 45%

Why the plus you ask? Well I was orii!ally oi! to "o
the #$%V$$& 'ersio! o!ly but I thouh I woul" a"" i! his
(lpha ) mo'es as well plus he is slihtly *aster maki!
him more accessible *or players
What+s Do!e
(ll basic a!imatio!
,oa &ire
,oa &lame
What+s -ot
. wi! poses
(ct *iles
/roper sou!"
,oa Blast
,oa teleport
,oa i!*er!o
,oa $trike
,oa 0empest
,oa $tream
-(#1 23##(-D
,34( &I51 62& + 7 , 35 8
,34( &9(#1 62B + 7 , 35 8

0%(-:$; 1 #aius
&alle! (!el

0hu!"er 4o"
(-D (99 0%1 30%15$ I &35430=

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