Best Friends

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I woke up to the sunlight peeping though my green blinds.

My room is painted my favourite colours; green and blue. I have an oak desk sitting in the corner of
my room with my laptop sitting neatly in the middle. I have a double bed placed against the wall at
the back in the middle; my bed sheets are blue with green and black flowers on. I have a walk in
wardrobe packed with all my clothes; half of them I never wear but I cant seem to throw them out. I
have a huge bookcase next to my bed; it is about 6ft tall and 2ft wide, it is filled with all of my
favourite books, I love reading I spend nearly all night just reading. I have a black fluffy carpet that
tickles your feet if you walk on it bare foot. I also have a small nightstand at the other side of my bed
on that I keep my phone and alarm clock and my favourite picture of all time; its of me and Jay (my
boyfriend) we are standing down the beach with the beautiful sea behind us, jay has his arm around
me and he is kissing my cheek making me blush. It is the most wonderful picture I have of us; I love
that picture more than anything.
Jay and I have been together almost 3 years, things are perfect. He has taken me to some amazing
places. Jay is quite tall but not that much taller than me, he has silky brown hair and he is quite
toned. Hes funny, sweet, romantic and everything I have ever wanted. Although he doesnt like to
read like me but Im fine with that. We live quite close, he lives about two blocks away from me and
he comes round to my house quite often to hang out.
I thought everything was perfect but that was before I met candy. Candy was new to our school and
I thought we would be good friends, boy I was wrong.
Chapter 1.
Its a beautiful Monday morning and I have just finished getting ready for school; Im wearing a
purple t-shirt with BFMV bullet for my valentine- written on the front its the best band ever! Im
wearing tight skinny jeans with a pair of black huggs; my light brown hair is in soft curls dangling just
over my shoulders.
Just as I finished applying the last minor touches of my make-up there was a knock at my bedroom
door. I quickly put my make-up bag back on my dresser and took one last look in the mirror before I
shouted for them to come in.
My door opened slowly and jay walked in wearing a plain white t-shirt and baggy jeans with blue and
white high-tops. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged him back taking in his
smell; he is wearing my Diesel my favourite spray. When we pulled apart he kissed me softly on my
lips before he took my hand.
Lets get to school. He said softly walking out of my bedroom with my hand in his.
I was sat in my form room listening to Miss.How go on and on about the end of the school year
which is like a year away. She stopped blabbing on when the head master walked in the door with a,
skinny girl with bleach blonde hair with pink highlights, in walking behind him.
Good morning class, this is candy she has just moved here. Please make her feel comfortable and
welcome. He said nodding to Miss.How allowing her to carry on talking. He walked out of the door
at a fast pace while candy looked around the room for an empty seat; the only seat spare was the
one next to me, she noticed this and smiled at me as she made her way to the seat. She pulled out
the seat and sat down with a nervous look plastered on her face.
Hi Im candy. She said nervously smiling at me.
Hi my name is Abby. I said smiling back at her.
The rest of form dragged as Miss.How kept talking about things we didnt care about and not soon
enough the bell rang for the start of first lesson. Me and candy started walking to our first lesson
together talking about what e both like and dont like; surprisingly we have a lot in common. We
both like the same type of music and we both like football. It took us about five minutes to get to
our lesson, candy walked in first and went to a seat at the far right next to the window, and I
followed her and sunk down in the seat next to her.
what you doing after school today? i questioned candy.
nothing why. She answered anxiously.
do you want to meet up tonight at the corner cafe at six? i asked.
sure ill meet you there. She replied gladly.
The rest of the lesson got rather tiresome all we did was copy out of a text book. When the bell rang
i rushed out the classroom doors to go and find jay.
The last bell of the day finaly rang, i packed up my notebook and pens then made my way to the
class door glad to be out of school.
see you tonight! i shouted over my shoulder to candy as i walked out of the doors . i walked home
thinking about tonights upcoming event.
When i got home i dropped my stuff off in my closet and went to get ready to go out with candy.
After looking through all my clothes i decided to wear: my black skinny jeans with a sliver spiky belt,
blue high-tops and my faviourite black and white flowery top. I looked in my full length mirror and
decided i looked good. My hair was perfectly straight and shined in the light. After i finished
admiring my self i looked at my alarm clock to see that i only had fifteen minuites to get to the
corner cafe; luckily i live just five minuites away. I grabbed my phone, purse and jacket off my bed
and headed out the door.
When i got to the corner cafe candy was already waiting outside, hopefully she wasnt waiting there
to long. I walked towards her and motioned for her to follow me inside. I led us to a table in the far
right hand side of the cafe were not many people sit.
The cafe is gold and red themed; the walls are red with little gold patterns and the carpet is the
same. The tables are red and the chairs are gold. The cafe has a very elegant and expenvise feel to it
when acctualy all the local teenagers hang out here after school and the food and drinks are cheap.
Me and candy sat down and ordered our drinks, i ordered a small coke while candy ordered a small
water. The waitress came back with our drinks then left us to decide what food to order.
i hope you werent waitig long for me. I said sympathtecily.
She smiled and replied no acctualy i was waiting about a minuite. As soon as i arrived here litteraly
straight after you did as well. She chuckled at the end causing me to laugh as well.
The rest of the night went great we talked about school, home life everything really. We both
ordered cheesy chips-our favuoirites- and ate them while laughing and joking with each other. When
we were both finished we paid half the bill each and made our way to the door.
We stood outside for a couple of minuites to finish our conversation about dogs (random i know)
when our convosation ended we hugged goodbye.
see you at school tomorrow. I said as we pulled apart. She nodded in agreement, turned and
walked down the street. I turned around as well and started my peaceful walk home. All the way i
was smiling about how good tonight went.
I just know candy and i are going to be great friends.
Chapter 2
Jay and I were walking to school hand in hand in a comfortable silence. After about five minutes I
decided to break the silence.
I want you to meet candy at lunch today. I exclaimed happily.
Is she that weird lass with bright blonde hair with pink in? he said with a disgusted look on his face.
I slapped his arm with my free hand. She is not weird and she is very nice I was hanging out with her
last night. I said proudly.
Jay just nodded his head and smiled we walked the rest of the way to school in silence. When we
arrived at school we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Once I was in form I waited for candy to arrive so I could ask her to hang with Jay and I at lunch. I
broke out of my thoughts when I heard the class door opening I looked up to see Candy walking in. I
waved her other to me so she walked over and sat in the empty seat next to me.
Hey Candy do you want to hang with Jay and I at lunch today? I asked hoping she would agree.
Yeah sure. She said with a smile.
After our mini conversation form went rather quickly. When the bell rang for first lesson I picked up
my bag, said bye to Candy and made my way to maths.
All the lessons up until lunch seemed to go by in a blur since I was so distracted. All I could think
about was if Jay is going to approve of my new friend. Now Im walking to meet jay with candy at my
side. I looked up from the floor to see Jay in the distance, I smiled and grabbed Candys wrist to pull
her to him.
hi. I said overly excited to him. He looked away from his friend, to look at me, and then wrapped
his arm around me.
Hey babe. He said with a charming smile. I saw his eyes flash to candy for a moment before
looking at me with a puzzled look on his face.
Oh this is Candy. I said with a bright smile while trying to hold back a laugh. The both looked at
each other and shook hands. The rest of lunch passed in a blur and it was soon time for last lesson.
Candys P.O.V
Hey Abby, would I be able to have Jays number? You know in case I cant get hold of you? I
questioned her; we are now in last lesson coping out of a text book.
Sure Ill just write it down. She replied back with a smile. She quickly wrote down the number,
passed it to me then got on with her work. I grinned at the number in my hand.
This lunch I met Jay, Abby's boyfriend, I have got to admit he is one good looking guy. Now that I
have his number hopefully I can get him to dump her so he can be all mine. Yeah, Im using Abby to
get to him but hey she has to be good for something.
The rest of the lesson went quicker then I thought, the final bell rang so I packed up my stuff and set
of home. No one will be in when I get home no one ever is. My mum and dad are divorced so I never
see my dad and my mum is always away for work.
As soon as I get in I rush up to my room, put my bag away and then text jay.
*Hey jay its Candy, wanna come round to mine for some fun ;) xx*
When the text had sent I sat on my bed and waited for a reply. After waiting for what seemed like a
eternity jay finally replied.
*Sure, but this stays between you and I dont tell Abby xxx*
I grinned down at my phone then went to get ready for my date.
Chapter 3.
I am sat on my sofa waiting for jay to come round for our little meeting; Im dressed in my favourite
silk purple dress that hugs my body and shows of my luscious curves. I wonder if this will be worth
going behind Abbys back. Just as I start thinking a loud knock brings me back to reality I stand up,
straighten out my dress then go and answer the door. As soon as I see jay standing there in his tight
fit jeans and t-shirt I want to drag him to my room.
Come in. I say politely moving out of the way so he can get in. I shut the door while he is looking
around. I turn to him and grab his hand so I can show him my room; at first he is a little surprised but
then relaxes. I wink at him then pull him up the stairs to my room, grinning all the way.
Abbys P.O.V
Ive just finished my English essay and now Im stuck on what to do. The first thing that pops into my
head is to see what jay is doing, I walk to my bed pick up my phone and message jay.
*Hey babe you fancy coming round to mine? Xx*
While Im waiting for a reply I decide to go and make myself a drink. Once Im downstairs I pour
myself a glass of juice then talk to my dad about school. When our mini conversation has ended I
make my way up stairs hoping for a reply, he always replies within five minutes.
I walk up to my bed grab my phone and flip the lid. No Messages, huh thats weird, seem so he
didnt reply I begin to worry so I decide to ring him. I dial his number then press ring.
*Ring, Ring... Ring, Ring...Ring, Ring...Ring, Ring... This is the Vodafone messaging service please
leave a message after the beep..... BEEP*
I take the phone away from my ear and looked at it confused he always answers. Have I done
something wrong? I tired thinking back through the day to see if I could think of anything I did
wrong; after about ten minutes of thinking I slumped down onto my couch totally stumped. I cant
think of anything I did wrong. Feeling silly I decided to take a nap until he gets back to me.
Candys P.O.V
As he kisses my neck he thrusts harder making me moan with one big thrust we both release at the
same time. He rolls lazily off me leaving one arm wrapped around my waist. I tilt my head so I can
look him in his eyes.
That was awesome. I say panting.
Yeah it was, wasnt it? he replies smiling. He slowly sits himself up and then drags himself of the
bed. I roll over so Im laying on my side gazing at him. As he slowly dresses himself, in his sexy skinny
jeans and baggy top, I wonder if Abby will ever find out about this in a way I want her to because I
dont want her to be happy she reminds me of too much.
Hey Candy Im going to have to go, Abby has rang me so ill have to go see her. He disappointed.
I hope we can do this again sometime. Just give me a text if you're feeling lonely. I cheekily say
while winking.
Me too. He says while leaning down and kissing my cheek. He then turns and leaves.
Abbys P.O.V
I woke up to a rather loud banging on my front door. I groggily stood up from the sofa and dragged
myself to the door. I opened the door to see a very red Jay, instantly I wondered why his face was so
red he didnt run here as his car was parked in my drive. I looked up at him with my hands on my
hips and a mildly angry look on my face.
Where have you been? I demanded. As soon as I saw his face fall I knew this wasnt going to be
Chapter 4.
I was round at candys helping her study. He said with a smile that didnt reach his ears. I put my
hands on my hips and frowned.
Why is your face all red and your hair a mess? shock flashed across his face but he quickly hid it
with a smile.
I ran here. He looked so confident that I would believe him, I laughed.
I saw your car in my drive! You didnt run here. Tell me the truth please? I pleaded. His face turned
into disappointment and he opened his mouth to speak but a knock at the door interrupted him.
I glared at him hoping he would understand that this wasnt over. I pulled open the door and before
I could blink candy pushed passed me and stood next to jay. I slammed the door and turned to face
them both; jay was staring at her in shock while she had a smug look on her face.
What are you doing here? I asked her my voice filled with venom.
I have come to put things straight. I glared at her but didnt say anything, she nodded and
continued. Im sure jay told you we were studying? Well he lied, I turned my hand to him and all
he did was shrug We were actually having sex. She finished with a triumphant smile slapped on
her face.
Tears pricked at my eyes. Jay is this true? I asked my voice nearly breaking in. All jay did was look
down at the floor and nod. At that very second I heard my heart shatter along with my hopes. I
walked over to the front door opened it and stated I think its best you both leave. When I said that
they both headed out the door, just as jay got out the door I said I dont want to see ether of you
again! with those last words I slammed the door in their face and ran upstairs to my room.
I laid face down on my bed crying my heart out. How could he do this to me? I dont want to live
without him. As soon as I thought that the best idea popped into my head. I sat up on my bed, dried
my eyes and dragged myself over to my bath room. I shut and locked the bathroom door then I
walked over to the medicine cabinet. I got out my dads old fashioned shaving razor I sat on the side
of my bath pulled my trousers up and placed the cold sharp razor on the edge of my thigh. I took one
last look around the room before I pushed as hard as I could and cut from the left side to the right
side of my leg. I dropped the razor to the floor and watch the blood run down my leg, I slowly began
to go light headed, and I fell backwards into the bath. I felt the impact on my head and I saw the
blood running down the side of my body. The last thing I remember thinking was Isnt this suppose
to hurt?

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