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Matthew Montanino

18-35 21
Road, Astoria, NY 11105 ! ! 516-672-3430


new ?ork SLaLe Secondary MaLhemaLlcs LducaLlon lnlLlal CerLlflcaLlon SepLember 2010
new ?ork SLaLe Speclal LducaLlon rofesslonal CerLlflcaLlon SepLember 2013


Mo||y Co||ege, 8ockvllle CenLer, n? SepL. 2010-May 2013
Ma[or: Speclal LducaLlon CA: 3.9

Long Is|and Un|vers|ty-C.W ost, Cld 8rookvllle, n? SepL. 2006-May 2010
Ma[or: MaLh LducaLlon CA: 3.2

1each|ng Lxper|ence

8ronx Compass n|gh Schoo|, MaLh-Speclal LducaLlon 1eacher, 8ronx, n? SepL. 2012 - resenL
ueslgned and lmplemenLed currlculum for 9
grade MaLhemaLlcs LhaL seamlessly lnLegraLed
Lhe usage of Lechnology lnLo Lhe classroom
repared sLudenLs for SLaLe 8egenLs exams and had a pass raLe of 73
Conferenced and wroLe sLudenL lLs, ensurlng LhaL each sLudenL had an lndlvldual plan LhaL
would resulL ln sLudenL growLh
1aughL as a generallsL Leacher ln a 8lg lcLure" classroom of up Lo 26 sLudenLs
Worked as an advlsor for 16 sLudenLs for Lhelr enLlre hlgh school career. Some of my
responslblllLles lncluded Lracklng graduaLlon credlL accumulaLlon, applylng Lo colleges, and
lnLernshlp advlsor

Nassau-Suffo|k Serv|ces for Aut|sm, Speclal LducaLlon 1eacher, Commack, n? !une 2011- Aug. 2011
Scaffolded sLudenL maLerlals Lo address sLudenL needs
ln a classroom of 8, LaughL one on one Lo a sLudenL wlLh auLlsm
Chaperoned school Lrlps of 13 sLudenLs Lo educaLlonal desLlnaLlons

Lev|ttown ub||c Schoo| D|str|ct, SubsLlLuLe 1eacher, LevlLLown, n? SepL. 2010- !une 2012
Managed and malnLalned a well sLrucLured classroom, LhaL faclllLaLed Lhe lnsLrucLors plan
Worked wlLh deparLmenL chalrperson Lo ensure sLudenL progress conLlnued ln Leacher's

8eferences furnlshed upon requesL

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