Reflective Essay

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In this essay I will be ieflecting on my expeiience teaching summei school at

Bionx Compass Bigh School. The class met Nonuay thiough Fiiuay fiom 9am until
11am anu lasteu foi five weeks. Buiing this time, I taught stuuents the skills neeueu
to pass the New Yoik State Integiateu Algebia Regents. The final uay of the class,
stuuents took the Regents anu fellow teacheis anu myself giaueu them. Ny attituue
towaius teaching summei school changeu uiastically thiough out the piocess.
In the beginning of the summei, I was exciteu to paitake on this challenge. I
hau cieateu a website that alloweu foi stuuents to woik inuepenuently on each uays
mateiials. Eveiyuay we staiteu the uay with a quiz on the pievious uays topic,
stuuents uiu not take this seiiously. Nany stuuents ieceiveu a zeio oi one out of a
possible six, showing that they weie not uoing the woik at home to ieinfoice the
lesson that was taught. Thinking that this set back coulu have been my fault, I
aujusteu my teaching. I staiteu to focus on the topics a little moie anu insteau of
giving 1S-minute mini lessons, I began to teach lessons with examples foi 2S-Su
minutes. Stuuents again uiu not take this seiiously, most woulu use the laptops to
watch Youtube music viueos oi look up pictuies on uoogle Images. Finally while
giauing the Regents Exam, I noticeu seveial eiiois in the stuuents woik. Nany of the
questions that weie wiong, oi showeu eiiois, weie topics we auuiesseu in class. In
the enu, I uon't think I woulu evei teach summei school again.
Between not having a summei off, stiessing about stuuents leaining, waking
up eaily, anu sitting in an incieuible hot ioom I feel I have enough ieasons to not
want to teach summei school again. I know I neeueu to expeiience teaching this
class to tiuly make an opinion.

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