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January 28, 2014


35 Mahrlika Hi-way Brgy San Juan
Alaminos, Laguna
Attention: Ms. Mari Sherlin Chua
We are pleased to submit our best offer for the following products, FO !anila"
&+,( #$,'-.
(0% Vat)
Material: 0am +ylon)#- 111 2
Dimension: 120mm 3 180mm 3 40mm
Finished Form:
#lain, *tand &p #ouch

#hp 2541 ) pc

!in5 6ol of 1,000 pcs

. #rices are sub7ect to change without prior notice
Delivery Lead-time: #lain ag" 2 to 8 wee9s upon receipt of #5O5
Fle3ographic #rint ag" 8 to 4 wee9s upon receipt of #5O5
$otogra:ure #rint ag" 4 to ; wee9s upon receipt of #5O
Tolerance: #lease allow)accept 10% on ordered <uantity5
(han9 you and we are loo9ing forward to be of ser:ice to you soon5
*incerely yours, $ecei:ed by"

!ar9 *herwin 6alite =====================
*enior /ccount !anager

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