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Volume: 2: Issue-4: Oct - Dec -2011 ISSN 0976-4550


Salave A.P., P. Gopal Reddy* and P.G.Diwakar**
Shri Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya, Newasa. Dist. Ahmednagar-! "#$
*%otany P.G. Resear&h 'entre, P.(.P. 'ollege Pravaranagar-!$ )!$
**%otani&al S*rvey o+ ,ndia,-estern 'ir&le, P*ne-!! ##!
.mail/ salave0ap1yahoo.&om
ABSTRACT: 2his region has 3een inha3ited &onstantly 3y a gro*p o+ nomadi& tri3als vi4.Dhangar, 5aman
and (an6aris +or &*ring &ertain ethno3otani&al ailments sin&e an&ient times.2he present paper en*merates
traditional ethno3otani&al *ses o+ !7 spe&ies 3elonging to !8 genera and !" +amilies 3y the natives o+ the
st*dy area i.e.9aran6i Ghat o+ Pathardi tahasil in Ahmednagar distri&t :M.S.; ,ndia. <*t o+ these, seed in =
plants, lea+ in plants, lea+ and stem in $ plants, root in $ plants, stem in = plants, +r*it in " plants and +lower
in ! plant are *sed +or ethno3otani&al p*rposes 3y the lo&al inha3itants
Keyword: Nomadi& tri3als, 9aran6 Ghat, ethno3otani&al.
Sin&e the 3eginning o+ &ivili4ation, h*man 3eing has 3een remained &onstantly dependent on the endemi&
plants +or &ertain primary needs and spe&i+i& ailments &*re and &are. in &o*rse o+ time, his intera&tions with
the wild plants as well as animals in&reased whi&h has made him a s*perpower o+ earth planet.Do&*mentation
o+ h*man relationship and intera&tions with the plants in a s&ienti+i& way has 3e&ome a prime need o+ time
these days whi&h is &alled as ethno3otany :'otton, !77";.
,n re&ent years, ethno-pharma&e*ti&al st*dies are re&ogni4ed as the most +r*it+*l methods +or identi+ying new
so*r&es o+ dr*gs. ,t is interesting to note the most re&ent pop*lar plant 3ased dr*gs o+ ethno3otani&al interests.
S!"dy #re#:
%eing a part o+ Gar3hagiri hills, the st*dy area is lo&ated in 3etween !7>!#?="@N-!7> $!?=7@ N latit*de and
)>)!?A=@.-)A>!#?A@. longit*de at an altit*de o+ )##-)A# mtr. As a 3ea*ti+*l hilly lands&ape +amo*s +or its
diversi+ied vegetation, it is sit*ated along So*th--estern side o+ Pathardi tahasil at a distan&e o+ == km. ,t
&omes *nder the 6*risdi&tion the +orest department o+ Ahmednagar distri&t :M.S.; ,ndia. 2he +orest is o+ miBed
de&id*o*s type in&l*ding some evergreen pat&hes. 2he area is o&&*pied 3y A=-AA C o+ miBed type o+ +orests
having an average rain+all o+ $8 &mDyear and temperat*re range o+ =#>' to $">' :Almeida, =##);.
Altho*gh m*&h has 3een do&*mented on the ethno-medi&inal and ethno-+loristi& aspe&ts o+ plants in the
distri&t, there is not even a single &on&rete report on traditional ethno3otani&al *ses o+ plants in 9aran6i Ghat
areas o+ Pathardi tal*ka. 9eeping this in view, the present work was &ond*&ted to re&ord some *nreported
traditional ethno3otani&al in+ormation hidden in this po&ket.
2he proposed st*dy site has 3een remained inha3ited &onstantly 3y the indigeno*s nomadi& tri3als vi4.
Dhangar, 5aman and (an6aris whi&h have 3een &arrying o*t traditional ethno3otani&al pra&ti&es sin&e an&ient
times. 2heir ma6or o&&*pation is agri&*lt*re along with animal h*s3andry and po*ltry as a se&ondary 6o3.2he
+orest reso*r&es in their s*rro*nding areas play a very signi+i&ant role in their ro*tine li+e as they are enri&hed
with traditional ethno3otani&al knowledge whi&h has 3een transmitted in them +rom their +ore+athers thro*gh
the words o+ mo*th in an in+ormal way.
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Sala)e et al ISSN 0976-4550
Re('ew o) *'!er#!"re:
Re&ent interests in ethno3otani&al eBplorations have 3een enhan&ed on international and national level with
the work o+ Eohn Farsh3erger !87", Eanaki Ammal !7A" and An6ara !77" A+ter then vario*s workers have
&ontri3*ted to the +ield o+ ethno3otany vi4. Datar and (artak :!7)A;, Dhole;,Dwarakan and Ansari
:!77=;,Dwivedi,3;, .kka and DiBit :=##);, .5-9amali :=##7;, Ganesan:=##8;. A per*sal o+ the
literat*re reveals that there are still gaps in ethno3otani&al knowledge in this area. 2he present paper there+ore
is an attempt to +ill *p the gap in order to know the plants o+ ethno3otani&al signi+i&an&e in the ro*tine li+e o+
lo&al pop*la&e.
An ethno-medi&o-3otani&al s*rvey was &arried o*t d*ring E*ly-=##" to De&em3er- =##) to &olle&t traditional
in+ormation +rom the inha3itants regarding ethno3otani&al signi+i&an&e o+ the endemi& +lora in 9aran6 Ghat
areas, thro*gh gro*p dis&*ssions, G*estionnaires and in+ormal interviews :S&h*lte !7"=, Eain !787, AleBiades
!77" and Martin !77A;.2he in+ormation gathered was &on+irmed +rom traditional her3al pra&titioners and
other knowledgea3le in+ormants.
Sim*ltaneo*sly the plant spe&ies o+ ethno3otani&al interests were &olle&ted in either +lowering or +r*iting
stage and identi+ied with the help o+ standard +loras vi4. 'ooke !7"), Almeida !77" and Pradhan and Singh
!777. S*&h plants were dried and mo*nted on her3ari*m sheets and preserved as vo*&her spe&imens in the
department o+ 3otany, P.(.P.&ollege, Pravaranagar +or +*t*re
2he taBa o+ ethno3otani&al signi+i&an&e have 3een en*merated alpha3eti&ally :2a3le !; in the seG*en&e o+
%otani&al name +ollowed 3y +amily name :in parenthesis;, lo&al or verna&*lar name, +loweringD+r*iting
season, plant part *sed and *nreported ethno3otani&al *ses.
T#&*e: ,-,n+ormation o+ the plant spe&ies with *nreported ethno3otani&al
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S.No Bo!#$'.#* N#/e Lo.#* N#/e
U$re1or!ed e!%$o&o!#$'.#* "e
,. Abelmoschus moschatus
Medik. :Malva&eae;
*<ne to two tolas :!#-=# gm; o+ seeds with !-
= tsp o+ s*gar and =-$ +resh sa36a leaves
:Ocimum basilicum; are 3oiled together in a
&*p o+ goat?s milk +or =-$ min*tes and the
in+*sion is given twi&e a day +or =-$ days to
treat *l&ers in mo*th.
=. Abrus precatorius 5inn.
5al-g*n6 5ea+ *+resh leaves are &r*shed in 2il :Sesamum
orientale; oil and the eBtra&t is mashed on the
throat topi&ally twi&e a day +or $- days to
relieve laryngitis.
Acacia leucophloea :RoB3.;
-illd. :Mimosa&eae;
Fiwar Sept.-De&. 5ea+ I
*Hresh plant twigs are tied at the marriage
pla&e o+ Find* &omm*nity as an indi&ation
that the 3oy or girl is getting married +or the
+irst time.
. Achyranthes aspera 5inn.
Aghada Sept.-<&t. Root * Hresh roots eBtra&ted in warm water miBed
with !-= tsp o+ honey and lemon :Citrus
limon; 6*i&e is given to o3ese people reg*larly
+or !8-=! days to red*&e 3ody weight.
Aegle marmelos :5.; 'orr.
%ael April-Sept. 5ea+ *Hine paste +rom a hand+*l o+ +resh leaves in
sheep?s milk is massaged topi&ally on the
+orehead to relieve heada&he
Sala)e et al ISSN 0976-4550
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Agave americana 5inn.
Ghaypat <&t.-
*2he plants are grown aro*nd the +ields +or
+en&ing as well as preventing soil erosion.
Argyreia nervosa
A*g.- Ean. 5ea+ *A &*p+*l po*lti&e +rom green and healthy
leaves is given orally on&e a day in early
morning with a pin&h o+ s*gar to with empty
stoma&h +or A-" days against a&idity
Bauhinia acuminata 5inn.
Ean-E*ne Seed
*2he seeds are roasted on +ire, de-h*sked and
eaten +or gaining strength.
7. Caesalpinia decapetala
'hillar He3.-May Hr*it *2he +ine paste +rom &ertain amo*nt o+ yo*ng
pods in spe&i+i& G*antity o+ goat?s milk is
applied eBternally on the swollen and pain+*l
legs and aro*nd the naval region o+ the
pregnant women +or s*re and early relie+.
!#. Caesulia axillaris RoB3.
9ala-maka Sept.-Nov. 5ea+ I
*An eBtra&t +rom &ertain G*antity o+ yo*nger
leaves and tender shoots made in &o&on*t oil
and applied eBternally on the 3ald region o+
head to stim*late healthy and +resh hair
Canvalia cathartica 5inn.
A3ai-vel <&t.-De&. Seed *Seeds +rom partly mat*red pods are eaten raw
and also &ooked as vegeta3le 3y the lo&al
!=. Caralluma adscendens var
fimbricata :-all.; Gravely
I May*math
E*ne-Sept. 5ea+ I
*.Btra&t +rom -A +resh and yo*ng =-$ in&hes
long stem pie&es with leaves in a &*p o+
&o&on*t milk is miBed with a pin&h o+ 3la&k
:Piper nigrum; pepper powder, !-= tsp o+
s*nth :ingiber officinale; powder and little
G*antity o+ ro&k salt and the miBt*re is then
given orally twi&e a day +or $- days to the
patient to treat laryngitis.
Catharanthus pussilus
:M*rr.; G.Don.
'handani E*ly-Sept. 5ea+
*An eBtra&t +rom a hand+*l o+ +resh leaves in
warm water is miBed thoro*ghly with !-= tsp
soil +rom termite mo*nd and a pin&h o+
&ommon salt and applied eBternally $- times
to &*re irritation and swelling d*e to wasp
Cereus pterogonus 5em.
2ridhar Mar&h-
5ateB *A3o*t =-$ tsp o+ lateB +rom plant is miBed
with a pin&h o+ Faldi :Curcuma domestica;
powder in a &*p o+ 2il:Sesamum indicum; oil
and massaged on&e daily at night +or 8-7 days
to &*re arthritis.
!A. Cissus repanda (ahl.
Ghet*li Mar&h-
5ea+ I
*A hand+*l o+ +resh leaves and tender shoots
are +ried slightly in vegeta3le oil and &r*shed
with A-" 3la&k :Piper nigrum; pepper and =-$
leaves o+ 9rishna 2*lasi :Ocimum sanctum;
and the paste is administered orally with g*r
:Eaggery; on&e a day at night +rom A
*p to )
month o+ pregnan&y to attain healthy
growth o+ +oet*s.
Sala)e et al ISSN 0976-4550
A&&re('#!'o$ "ed: * Jnreported or *nknown ethno3otani&al *ses +rom the state and &o*ntry
De&.-De&em3erK <&t-<&to3erK Sept.-Septem3erK A*g.-A*g*stK Ean-Ean*ary
Hls-HloweringK Hrts.-Hr*itingK I-and.
T#&*e:2-Analysis o+ plants verses plant part *sed
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!". Cissus rotundifolia (ahl.
Ghotm*li Mar&h-
5ea+ *A +ine paste +rom aatpav :aproB.!## gm;
leaves and eG*al amo*nt o+ s*nth :ingiber
officinale; powder in a &*p o+ mohri :Brassica
compestris; oil is applied topi&ally on the 3ody
region on&e daily +or !#-!= days to &*re
irritations and in+lammations o+ m*s&les.
!). Clerodendrum serratum :5.;
Moon. (ent. :(er3ena&eae;
%harangi E*ly-De& Root
*Paste +rom aatpav :a3o*t !##gm; +resh and
healthy roots with !-= tsp o+ ar6*n sadada
:!erminalia ar"una; stem 3ark powder in a
&*p o+ &o&on*t oil is applied lo&ally $- times
in a day +or 7-!= days to &*re arthritis.
Commiphora #ightii
:Arnold.; %handari
G*gg*l Mar&h-
*Dried resin is 3*rnt as Dhoop :ins&en&e sti&ks;
d*ring religio*s &eremonies +or worshipping o+
Gods and Goddesses.
Cordia gharaf :Horsk.;
.hren3. I As&h.
Gondhan April-<&t. 5ea+ *Fand+*l o+ +resh, yo*ng and healthy leaves
&r*shed with !-= tsp o+ honey,!-= tsp o+ &ow
ghee and eG*al amo*nt o+ gly&erine in a &*p o+
&ow?s milk is given thri&e a day *p to A-) days
to &*re mo*th *l&er and tong*e irritation
Sala)e et al ISSN 0976-4550
,n all total !7 spe&ies 3elonging to !8 genera and !" +amilies having *nreported traditional ethno3otani&al has
3een reported. <*t o+ these, seed in three plants, lea+ in siB plants, lea+ and stem in +o*r plants, root in two
plants, lateB in one plant, resin in one plant, entire parts in one plant and +r*it in one plants are *sed +or
&ertain ethno3otani&al p*rposes 3y the lo&al inha3itants :2a3le/=;.
Gr#1%:,- Pie graph showing Plant parts *sed against n*m3er o+ plant spe&ies.
Leaf & stem
Entire plant
More s*rveys are needed in +*t*re to &arry o*t to know the plant reso*r&es whi&h have an immense val*e in
the ro*tine li+e and wel+are o+ tri3al &omm*nity. S*&h st*dies prove help+*l in preservation and passing o+ the
traditional ethno3otani&al knowledge +rom the tri3als to other ethni& &omm*nities and also to the neBt
generations. .++orts sho*ld 3e taken in prote&tion, &onservation and maintainan&e o+ the plants whi&h are on
the verge o+ eBtin&tion d*e to de+orestation, glo3al warming, ind*striali4ation and *r3ani4ation.
Hew plants o+ this lo&ality possess potential o+ 3etter e&onomi& eBploitation.Some o+ them are Clerodendrum
serratum :5.; Moon.(ent., Achyranthes aspera 5., Cordia gharaf :Horsk.; .hren3. I As&h., Cissus
rotundifolia (ahl., Catharanthus pussilus :M*rr.; G.Don., Argyreia nervosa :%*rm.+.; %o6., Aegle marmelos
:5.; 'orr., Abrus precatorius 5., Cissus repanda (ahl., Caralluma adscendens var fimbricata :-all.; Gravely
I May*math, Caesulia axillaris RoB3., Acacia leucophloea :RoB3.; -illd., Canvalia cathartica 5inn.,
Bauhinia acuminata 5inn., Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. Sin&e all these plant spe&ies were *sed in more or
less proportion thro*gho*t the world, there is wide s&ope +or their 3ioprospe&ting. 2herea+ter o*r prime d*ty
3e&omes to prote&t and &onserve these plants via eB-sit* or in-sit* ways *rgently in a proper way.
A*thor?s thanks to the Dr. '.R. Eadhav, :%otani&al S*rvey o+ ,ndia, -estern Reginal o++i&e, P*ne; and Dr.
P.P. Sharma :Deogiri Mahavidyalaya, A*ranga3ad; +or val*a3le g*idan&e and hearty s*pport in editing o+ the
paper. 2he a*thor is also thank+*l to the noti+ied and denoti+ied r*ral, tri3al and non-tri3al gro*ps, (aidyas
and traditional healers +rom the st*dy area +or their immense help and &o-operation d*ring the entire st*dy
and +ield work.
2hanks are also d*e to the a*thorities o+ +orest department o+ Ahmednagar distri&t +or their immense &o-
operation and permission +or &olle&tion and preparation o+ vo*&her spe&imens.
!. AleBiades, M. :!77"; 'olle&ting ethno3otani&al data/An introd*&tion to 3asi& &on&epts and te&hniG*es.
,n/ AleBiades M. :ed.;.Selected $uideline for ethnobotanical research% A &ield 'anual. J.S.A. Sheldon
E-/ 2he New Lork %otani&al GardenK pp.,A$M7.
=. Almeida, M.R.:!77"; &lora of 'aharashtra. %latter Fer3ari*m. St.Navier?s 'ollege, M*m3ai.
$. Almeida, M.R. :=##); A Checklist of Plants of Ahmednagar district. .ner&on, <rient Press 5td. %om3ay.
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Sala)e et al ISSN 0976-4550
. 'ooke, 2. :!7"); &lora of Bombay Presidency :!7#$-!7#A;.(ol. ,, ,, I ,,, %.S.,., 'al&*tta.
A. 'otton, '.M.:!77"; (thnobotany% Principals and Application. Eohn -iley I Sons. 'hi&hester, .ngland.
". Farsh3erger, E. -. :!87"; !he purpose of (thnobotany, ).Botanical $a*ette, =!/!"-!A.
). Eain, S.9. :!787; 'ethods and Approaches in (thnobotany. So&iety o+ .thno3otanist, 'DR,, 5*&know.
Pp. !7=.
8. Eanaki Ammal, ..9. :!7A"; ,ntrod*&tion to the s*3sisten&e e&onomy o+ ,ndia. ,n/ 'an+s role in changing
face of the earth : .d. -illiam 52 Er;Jniversity o+ 'hi&ago Press, 'hi&ago, pp.,$=-$$A.
7. 9atewa, S S and % 5.'ha*dhary :=###;.thnopharma&opoea s*rvey o+ plants o+ Ra6samand distri&t,
Ra6asthan. ).,asundhara- A/7A-78.
!#. Martin, G.E.:!77A; (thnobotany%A methods manual. 5ondon.J9,'hapman and Fall.pp!#=-!#.
!!. Pradhan, S.G. and N.P. Singh :!777; &lora of Ahmednagar .istrict. /'.S0.%ishen Singh Mahendrapal
Singh. Dehra D*n.
!=. S&h*ltes, R... :!7"=; 2he role o+ ethno3otanists in sear&h +or new medi&inal plants. ).1loydia. 24 :;/
!$. Datar, R. and (.D. (artak :!7)A;.n*meration o+ wild edi3le plants +rom 9arnala 3ird san&t*ary,
Maharashtra State. ). Biovigyanam ,/!=$-!=7.
!. Dhole, E.A.,N.A. Dhole and S.S. %odke :=##7;.thnomedi&inal st*dies o+ some weeds in &rop +ields o+
Marathwada region,,ndia. ).(thnobot. 1eaflets ,5/!$-!A=.
!A. Dwarakan, P and A.A.Ansari :!77=; .thno3otani&al notes o+ (alikad*patti and s*rro*ndings o+
9ollimalais o+ Salem distri&t, 2amilnad*. ) (con !ax.Bot- Addl Ser.-,6/ 7A-77.
!". Dwivedi, S., S. Srivastava, D. D*3ey and S. 9apoor :=##7a; Fer3al remedies *sed in the treatment o+
s&orpion sting and snake 3ite +rom the Malwa region o+ Madhya Pradesh, ,ndia. ). (thnobot. 1eaflets
!). Dwivedi, A., R.Patel, D. Ehade, R. Sa&han and A. Argal :=##73;2raditional phytotherapy *sed in the
treatment o+ Malaria 3y r*ral people o+ %hopal distri&t o+ Madhya Pradesh, ,ndia .). (thnobot. 1eaflets
!8. .kka, R N. and (.9. DiBit :=##); .thnopharma&ognosti&al st*dies o+ medi&inal plants o+ Eashp*r distri&t,
'hattisgarh, 2ntern. ). $reen Pharmacy ,:!;/=-.
!7. .5-9amali, F.F.:=##7; .thno-pharma&ology o+ medi&inal plants *sed in north 9ordo+an :-estern
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