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Vibe Productions are commissioning a short TV show aimed at 14-16 year old students.

The topic of the production is the effect and dangers of drugs and alcohol in the Reading and Henley
The production will be aired on Channel 4, after Hollyoaks, every night for one week.
The production must be between 2 and 3 minutes long, additionally there will be a title sequence
and end credits which we will provide for you.
The production will need to include:
Information on 4 different drugs, which you can choose.
Interviews with young people (14-18) who have used the drugs you have chosen to report
on. The faces of your interviewees will need to be blurred to protect their identities.
Analysis of the 4 chosen drugs from an expert of your choosing (however they must be
approved by Vibe Productions)
Statistics on the death rate of each drug, and how the death would occur e.g. heart/liver
Statistics on the number of users of each drug in the Reading and Henley area, the average
age of the users must also be included.
You will be given complete control over the layout and order of the production, you will also be able
to choose your interviewees.
The production must be finished by 2
November for an initial screening where youre production
will be assessed, and the final production must be finished in time for airing on 2

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