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Twelve Basic Asanas

- According to the Sivananda Tradition of Classical Hatha Yoga-

A balanced yoga class moves the spine in every direction to give the body an equal stretch to each part.
The 12 Yoga postures of a Sivananda Yoga class stretch the upper spine forward and backward , the
middle spine forward and backword , and the lower spine forward and backward . The final postures give
a twist to the spine and stretch the spine from side to side. There are always balancing postures in every
class as well.
At the end of a class or personal practice, if we have practiced equally in this way, we can feel as if we
haven't done anything at all; a very soothing state of balance. There is a sense of completeness. As this is
what most of us are striving for, this systematic method, brought to the west from India by Swami
Vishnudevananda, is a complete practice, oriented towards balance, strength and inner peace.
Combined with Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Savasana (relaxation) we have a powerful set of
tools with which to build and structure our bodies and minds and truly transform our lives. A beginners
Intensive or Class will allow you to explore the technique of each Yoga asana (posture) shown below and
many more variations of these twelve basic asanas.
Below are the twelve basic asanas along with their sanskrit names and english
1. Sirsasana, Headstand
2. Sarvangasana, Shoulderstand

12 Basic Asanas in a Yoga Class with Sabu in Scotts Valley Basic Asanas.html
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3. Halasana, Plough Pose

4. Matsyasana, Fish Pose

5. Pachimotanasa, Sitting Forward Bend

6. Bhujangasana, Cobra Pose

7. Salabhasana, Locust Pose

8. Dhanurasana, Bow Pose

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9. Arthamatsyendrasana, Half Spinal Twist

10. Kakasana, Crow Pose

11. Padahastasana, Standing Forward Bend

12. Trikonasana, Triangle Pose

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