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Solution Set:

Seismic Refraction Exercise for a Hydrogeology Course

The following pages provide the solution set to Seismic Refraction Exercise for a
Hydrogeology Course.
! Step " Results of seismic refraction survey with #$wave arrival times circled.
%! Step %" Ta&le showing geophone num&er and #$wave arrival times.
'! Step '" #lot of arrival times versus distance.
(! Step (" #lot of lines showing the velocity in each layer.
)! Step )" #$wave velocity calculations for each layer.
*! Step *" #lot showing +c and +c% distances.
,! Step ," Calculations for the depth of z1.
-! Step -" Calculations for the depth of z2.
.! Step ." /ata interpretation.
0! Step 0" Stratigraphic column.
For questions about this exercise, feel free to contact:
/r. /evin Castendy1
2ssistant #rofessor and 3ater Resources #rogram /irector
State 4niversity of 5ew 6or17 College at 8neonta
8neonta7 5ew 6or1
#hone" *0,$('*$'0*(

Step : !ata interpretation
"ayer # !epth
:ayer 0 to *.( feet ,00 Slightly moist7 unsaturated soil
:ayer % *.( to ..0 feet (000 Saturated soil
:ayer ' ; ..0 feet 07000 Sandstone

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