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Table of Contents

Engage in professional learning
6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs.
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice.
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice.
6.4 Apply professional learning and\ improve student learning

Standard 6
Engage in professional learning
6.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers in identifying professional
learning needs.
6.2 Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional
learning for teachers.
6.3 Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and
teachers to improve teaching practices.
6.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued
professional learning and the implications for improved student
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6.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers in identifying professional learning needs.
6.2 Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning
for teachers.
Reflective Journal Entry: (Role of
Standards) 25
August 2014
Mentor and I discussed how the Australian
Professional Standards covers all the
standards required for a teacher to operate
effectively as a teacher and helps identify
where a teacher may need to improve in
order to be an effective teacher. For
example if a teacher identifies in the
standards a lack of understanding about
code of conduct the teacher with support
where required is able to read material or
receive professional development about
that topic. Updates or / and improvements
about certain areas within the standards
can be obtained by attending professional
development presentations therefore every
teacher should attend all professional
development offered.
For example I learned form Tanya Major
how important it is to connect with local
parents and local 3rd party organisations
for example the Hope Vale parenting group
or Health and Wellbeing group as they may
have a solution for any behaviour problems
with the student concerned
Reflective Journal Entry: (Role of Standards) 25

August 2014
Sources of Professional Development include
Professional presentations for Direct Instruction and
Positive Behaviour Intervention & Support (PBIS) to
name a few,
Image of Professional Development
6.3 Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to
improve teaching practices.
Reflective Journal Entry:
(Feedback) 14
July 2014
As above mentors feedback
allows me to reflect on my
practices and make necessary
adjustments if the students are to
engage and have meaningful
learning. Mentor compliments on
the things I did well, asks what my
thoughts are on a lesson and
would I did well and need
improving on. Mentor then
suggests ways on what
improvements would benefit the
learner and class.
Image of feedback 18/06/14
Image of feedback 18/06/14
Image of feedback 18/06/14
6.3 Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to
improve teaching practices. CONTD
Reflective Journal Entry: (Feedback) 5

Mentor gave me feedback about a
handwriting Unit I completed today. She has
notice substantial improvements in my
teaching since the beginning of the 10 week
Prac. Mentor mention how I have taken on
board and applied her feedback. There are
still improvements required which is part of
the natural growth and position of this
Reflective Journal Entry: (Feedback) 5

Reflecting has been important as it
reduces the opportunity to assuming
how you are doing (c.f. Woolfolk and
Margetts 2007, p.208). Effective
feedback can be achieved when the
school profession is open to, and
creates the opportunity for, positive
feedback of the students and the wider
community. Both Friend and Cook
(2010). Cohort and student
collaboration within an education
setting can also enhance reflective
practices and / or opportunities
(McInerney, 2003). Teachers not
collaborating need to resolve the
isolation with the assistance and
support by the school rather than third
party policy makers or education
McInerney, P. (2003). Renegotiating
schooling for social justice in an age of
marketization. The Australian Journal of
Education, 47 (3), 251-264.
Friend, M. P., & Cook, L. (2010).
Interactions: collaboration skills for school
professions. Boston: Pearson.
Woolfolk, A. and Margetts, K. (2007).
Educational Psychology. Frenchs Forest:
Pearson Education Australia
Image of feedback 05/08/14
Image of feedback 05/08/14
6.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued professional
learning and the implications for improved student learning
Reflective Journal Entry: (Role of Standards) 25
August 2014
Mentor and I discussed about continuing professional development
and how it is very important on a number of levels. Mentor
emphasised the more you learn, the better you teach. One reason is
to keep up with teaching theories that may improve lesson outcomes
in the class. Another is to improve any Health and Safety knowledge
in general and within school, improve my professionalism with
colleagues and other third parties.
Every Tuesday we have staff meetings and on occasions snippets of
developmental opportunities arises. In particular
13th August 2014 our school coach and Head of Department (Kiri)
trained us how to correct errors during literacy reading lessons and
rules around vows like e. We then paired with a teacher and role
played teacher / student to apply the new learning.
23rd July 14 Our Head of Curriculum (HOC) coached us in literacy
paired reading exercise to improve our pauses. The same day we
had Tania Major, a local and public speaker, give us a presentation on
community and parental engagement from the why to how to. It
was refreshing and well presented.
14th July 2014 our HOC presented a topic on classroom management
giving examples on how to set up the room with posters and charts
and to ensure what the expectation was for the school.
Image of Professional
Development presentation

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