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8y 8rooke lraser, CCLl#131628
verse 1:
+,- . +/ .
1hls ls my prayer ln Lhe deserL
+,- . +/ .
When all LhaL's wlLhln me feels dry
+,- . +/ .
1hls ls my prayer ln my hunger and need
+,- . +/
My Cod ls a god who provldes

verse 2:
1hls ls my prayer ln Lhe flre
ln weakness or Lrlal or paln
1here ls a falLh proved of more worLh Lhan gold
So reflne me Lord Lhrough Lhe flame

+! +.
l wlll brlng pralse, l wlll brlng pralse
+/ +!
no weapon formed agalnsL me shall remaln
+.012 +,-
l wlll re[olce, l wlll declare
+/ !0. . +,-
Cod ls my vlcLory and Pe ls here

verse 3:
1hls ls my prayer ln Lhe baLLle
When Lrlumph ls sLlll on lLs' way
l am a conqueror and co-helr wlLh ChrlsL
So flrm on Pls promlse l'll sLand

+! +! +,-
All of my llfe, ln every season, ?ou are sLlll Cod
+,- +. +/ +!
l have a reason Lo slng, l have a reason Lo worshlp
verse 4:
1hls ls my prayer ln Lhe harvesL
When favor and provldence flow
l know l'm fllled Lo be empLled agaln
1he seed l've recelved l wlll sow

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