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Lab Exercise and Assignment

March 19, 2012
Due Date for Assignment (Part B only): April 8, 2012
Part A: Lab Exercise: Sorting This part should be done during the lab.
Q1. Write python functions for Insertion, Selection, Merge and Quick Sort.
Q2. Write python program to compute and draw von Koch curve as discussed
in the class.
Part B: Assignment: Following programs should be completed as assignment
and submitted through Moodle.
Q1. Sorting Write graphical visualization of the dierent sorting functions
as done in Part A showing results at dierent steps. Consider a dataset of pos-
itive integers and show each entry in a small square. A mouse click will show
the result of the next iteration. When the data is sorted the result may indicate
that the data is sorted.
Q2. Creation of Trees: A skeleton of tree can be created in 2D in a similar
way as done for the von Koch curve. At every step the branch can be further
divided. Consider parameters like
No of branches coming out from a stem each time.
Branch to stem (length) ratio
Branch to stem angle

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