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graphics w ww .t h i s t l eg irl de s i g n s .

c o m design
w w w .2 ca re2 t e ach 4 ki d s .c o m
9/9/14: PTA 6:00 Pia and child care pro!ided
9/"/14: #pelling #tarts 10/2/14: Picture Day
9/24/14: $alk%A%Thon
$e will &e starting '.A.(. 'eading on 9/1)/14. *o+r child will &ring home a &ook each
night to read. Please read it with ,o+r child- and then ha!e ,o+r child read it to ,o+.
. will place a &ook at the le!el that ,o+r child/s 0indergarten teacher last recorded.
Please send ,o+r child/s &ook &ack and sign the sheet located in ,o+r child/s '.A.(.
&ag. $e are still in need o1 '.A.(. reading helpers on T+esda,s and Th+rsda,s 1rom
":20%9:20. .1 ,o+ or a 1amil, mem&er are a&le to !ol+nteer please let me know2
Spelling Words:
9/": will- +p- other-
a&o+t- o+t
9/1): man,- then-
them- these- so
9/22: some- her-
wo+ld- make- like
9/29: him- into-
time- has- look
#cience: #cience- 3ngineering- and
#ocial #t+dies: People 3!er,where
4ath: Appl, Addition and
#+&traction 5oncepts
'eading: .ntrod+cing 6ail, 7i!e
Phonics: th- wh- wh- ch- letter
so+nds- short and long !owels
8ang+age: 9eginning and ending
so+nds- rh,ming- s,lla&les- and
word 1amilies
Parent/Teacher 5on1erences 1or the 1all are held on T+esda,- :cto&er 21st
and Th+rsda,- :cto&er 2;rd- 1rom ;:4)%<:;0. .1 ,o+ still need to sign +p 1or
a time please contact me and we can =nd a time that works 1or ,o+. .1 ,o+
are +na&le to come these da,s please let me know and we can =nd another
da, that works. Thank ,o+2
Please !isit o+r class we& page to see what is happening in
=rst grade. . am going to tr, m, &est to +pdate the we&site
weekl,2 http://mrspellas=rstgrade.wee&l,.com/

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