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Video & Media 30 Content Questions - Pre/Post Test

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. A _________ combines the functions of a video camera and a sound recorder
a. camcorder c. camera
b. microphone d. computer
____ 2. The __________ control matches the camcorder to the overall light quality of the scene.
a. cinema c. autoexposure
b. focus d. white balance
____ 3. The rule of _______! is a guide to good composition.
a. quaters c. halves
b. thirds d. none of the above
____ ". #hot types refer to
a. the distance between the camera and the
upscale impressions.
c. the positioning and distance between the
camera and its sub$ect.
b. the distance between the camera and
d. the positioning and distance between the
camera and the producer.
____ %. This shot type captures the entire scene and could be used as an establishing shot.
a. &ong shot c. 'edium shot
b. (ull shot d. )lose*up shot
____ +. This shot type captures from the chest to the top of the head of the sub$ect.
a. &ong shot c. 'edium shot
b. (ull shot d. )loseup shot
____ ,. This shot type captures everything from head to toe on a sub$ect.
a. &ong shot c. 'edium shot
b. (ull shot d. )loseup shot
____ -. This shot type captures from the nec. to the top of the head and focuses on facial expressions and detail.
a. &ong shot c. 'edium shot
b. (ull shot d. )loseup shot
____ /. 0hich type of camera movement moves following the action1 may use trac.s2
a. 3anning c.
b. Tilting d. 4ooming
____ 15. 0hich type of camera movement moves across from side to side from a fixed horizontal axis2
a. 3anning c.
b. Tilting d. 4ooming
____ 11. 0hich type of camera movement remains still as the sub$ect si6e is either enlarged or decreases2
a. 3anning c.
b. Tilting d. 4ooming
____ 12. 0hich type of camera movement moves up and down from a fixed vertical axis2
a. 3anning c.
b. Tilting d. 4ooming
____ 13. (or steady video images1 use a ________ instead of hand*holding the camcorder.
a. muscle relaxant c. bra.e
b. t*brace d. tripod
____ 1". (or lead room1 how much of the frame should you .eep in front of the sub$ect in motion to move into2
a. 17" c. 273
b. 172 d. 8one of the above. 9t doesn:t ma.e a
difference for lead room.
____ 1%. 0hat should be done (9;#T prior to filming in a video production2
a. <evelop s.etches or rough drawings c. Assemble a list of ideas for filming
b. <efine the goal or message of the video d. )reate an audio script
____ 1+. The detail of what should be captured on tape is called the.................
a. #.etch c. Transition 9n7=ut
b. #equence 8umber d. #hot <escription
____ 1,. The three different phases of the >ideo 3roduction 3rocess 98 =;<?; are ............
a. production1 preproduction1 postproduction c. production1 postproduction1 preproduction
b. preproduction1 postproduction1 production d. preproduction1 production1 postproduction
____ 1-. (ilming is best associated with which video production phase2
a. preproduction c. postproduction
b. production d. effect to cause production
____ 1/. ?diting is best associated with which video production phase2
a. preproduction c. postproduction
b. production d. effect to cause production
____ 25. 3lanning is best associated with which video production phase2
a. preproduction c. postproduction
b. production d. effect to cause production
____ 21. 0hat are the two video production phases where the ma$ority of time is spent2
a. preproduction1 production c. production1 preproduction
b. production1 postproduction d. preproduction1 postproduction
____ 22. <uring which of the three phases should only minimal changes or adustments be made2
a. preproduction c. postproduction
b. production d. effect to cause production
____ 23. @etter organi6ation1 saving time and money1 and a higher quality video are all benefits to which video
production phase2
a. preproduction c. postproduction
b. production d. none of the above
____ 2". The act of excluding something from the image is referred as ______________.
a. out c. framing off
b. cheating d. none of the above
____ 2%. To produce a dreamli.e effect1 a shot can be recorded in moderate __________.
a. fast*motion c. speed
b. slow*motion d. none of the above
____ 2+. A technique called ________ is used to convey parallel time flow.
a. spatial cutting c. time cutting
b. split cutting d. cross cutting
____ 2,. )hroma .ey is
a. the involvement of computers in special
effects started with motion control
cameras1 pioneered by Aohn <y.stra for the
first #tar 0ars film.
c. is an animation technique to ma.e a
physically manipulated ob$ect appear to
move on its own.
b. is the use of electronics and robotics in
mechanised puppets to ma.e them appear
to be alive.
d. is a technique for mixing two images or
frames together1 in which a color Bor small
rangeC from one image is removed1
revealing another image behind it.
____ 2-. Animatronics is
a. the involvement of computers in special
effects started with motion control
cameras1 pioneered by Aohn <y.stra for the
first #tar 0ars film.
c. is an animation technique to ma.e a
physically manipulated ob$ect appear to
move on its own.
b. is the use of electronics and robotics in
mechanised puppets to ma.e them appear
to be alive.
d. is a technique for mixing two images or
frames together1 in which a color Bor small
rangeC from one image is removed1
revealing another image behind it.
____ 2/. )omputer graphics and animation
a. are the involvement of computers in special
effects started with motion control
cameras1 pioneered by Aohn <y.stra for the
first #tar 0ars film.
c. are an animation techniques to ma.e a
physically manipulated ob$ect appear to
move on its own.
b. are the use of electronics and robotics in
mechanised puppets to ma.e them appear
to be alive.
d. is a technique for mixing two images or
frames together1 in which a color Bor small
rangeC from one image is removed1
revealing another image behind it.
____ 35. #top*motion Bor frame*by*frameC.........
a. the involvement of computers in special
effects started with motion control
cameras1 pioneered by Aohn <y.stra for the
first #tar 0ars film.
c. is an animation technique to ma.e a
physically manipulated ob$ect appear to
move on its own.
b. is the use of electronics and robotics in
mechanised puppets to ma.e them appear
to be alive.
d. is a technique for mixing two images or
frames together1 in which a color Bor small
rangeC from one image is removed1
revealing another image behind it.

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