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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

By Latifah Mohammed and Sari Urf

Have you ever tried the Ice Bucket
Challenge? Well the ice bucket challenge i a very
!o!ular challenge going around "ou#ube and other
ocial media $ebite% Here are thing you hould
kno$ about the Ice Bucket Challenge& o get ready
to be informed%
Here are ome thing you $ill need and rule
you hould follo$% "ou $ill need a bucket& cold icy
$ater& a camera& and friend% Some rule are it
mut be cold $ater not $arm' you have to be
nominated& you have to nominate three or t$o
!eo!le% Some more rule are $earing the !ro!er
clothing' you can dum! it on yourelf or a friend
can dum! it for you% #he lat rule i you mut
com!lete the challenge in () hour or you have to
donate money%
So thee are rule and thing you $ill need to
com!lete the Ice Bucket Challenge% *+# ,+-." #/
B+ S/-0+.1
By Latifah Mohammed and Sari Urf

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