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YF Series // BC:AD Encountering God // Sundays // 89:30pm

This term we will be looking at how an encounter with God changes lives.
Each week we will focus on a different bible character, and hear testimony
from leaders followed by discussion groups. This series will allow us to really
look at the changes on our lives that encountering God can have. We will be
starting with the usual games and hilarity so make sure that you can make it,
we wouldnt want you to miss out!
Whats Happening September - December 2014
The Surgery // Level One Workshop Sessions // Mondays // 7pm
As we continue to develop ideas and programmes at Level One we want to
introduce a number of workshops and sessions to help young people to question
and learn about many of the challenges that they are facing today. So starting on the
September we will be running Romance Academy. If you would like any more
information or have any ideas for sessions you would like to see run, get in touch.

Level One Acoustic Night // Thursday 9
October // 8pm
Are you a musician? Do you want to see some of Stirlings upcoming talent? Then
make sure you get along to this Acoustic Night. With local acts and talent it will be a
great night, why not even bring some of your friends along? If you want to sign up to
take part, speak to us in the next few weeks, as we start to put the set list together.
Level One Lock In // Friday 7
November // 9pm- 9am // Wild West
Yes, its that time of year again, so make sure that you get it in your diaries! This
years theme will be The Wild West, so make sure that you get your cowboy and
Indians outfits sorted! Plans are starting to come together and it looks like it will be
an action packed 12 hours. More information and forms will be out soon, so make
sure you watch out for them.
PowerPoint // #LiveFREE // 12
Sept & 14
November // Edinburgh
PowerPoint this year looks like it is going to be great. With Tara Devlin, (of
Weekend Away 2014 fame) taking to the stage in September and Gavin Calver in
November along with the PowerPoint worship band they promise to be good
evenings. We will be having signup sheets a few weeks before hand so make sure
your get you name down if you want to come along!
Contact Us: News/Updates
SBC Youth Group & Level One Stirling Page
SBC Youth Parents

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