Instructional Software 1

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Choose one Instructional Software title. Complete all fields in the following template to describe the software and how you would use this
product in your future classroom to help elementary students achieve required learning standards.
Note: This template uses the forms feature in MS Word. Select the highlighted text boxes and type over the sample text. Simply click on the
boxes to check them.
1*20: Chloe Watts
-).$/*%0 3($+0: BiainPop
4567 http:www.biainpopji.comsocialstuuiesbiogiaphieslewisanuclaikexpeuitionpieview.weml
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Biill anu Piactice Tutoiial Simulation Instiuctional uame Pioblem Solving
80*$&%0# ). $;0 -).$/*%0 9';0'< *++ $;*$ *==+>:7
Assessment NonitoiingRepoiting (Keeps tiack of stuuent uata anuoi geneiates iepoits foi the teachei) Allows teachei to cieate
customizeu lessons foi stuuents Nulti-usei oi collaboiative functions with otheis in class Nulti-usei oi collaboiative functions with
otheis beyonu local class Accessible to stuuents beyonu the school uay Accessible via mobile uevices Nultiple languages Safety,
secuiity, anuoi piivacy featuies
-$%0"?$;# ). $;0 -).$/*%07 veiy engaging, easy to use, K-8, othei languages aie available, euucatoi foium
-&??0#$()"# .)% !2=%)@020"$7 Segmenteu viueos foi "hook", customize lessons, keep auuing moie viueos
Stanuaius Auuiesseu. See https:www.geoigiastanuaius.oigstanuaiusPagesBiowseStanuaiusuPS_by_uiaue_Level_K-8.aspx
SS1B1 The stuuent will ieau about anu uesciibe the life of histoiical figuies in
Ameiican histoiy.
A. Iuentify the contiibutions maue by these figuies: Benjamin Fianklin (inventoiauthoi statesman),Thomas }effeison (Beclaiation of
Inuepenuence), Neiiwethei Lewis anu William Claik with Sacagawea (exploiation), Baiiiet Tubman (0nueigiounu Railioau), Theouoie
Roosevelt (National Paiks anu the enviionment), ueoige Washington Caivei (science).

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giaueSocial Stuuies
F+))2G# 60@0+ ). D%($('*+ 3;("<("? 50H&(%0B 9';0'< *++ $;*$ *==+>:I -00 ;$$=7CC0=+$$I')0I&?*I0B&C("B0JI=;=K$($+0LF+))2MNO#P3*J)")2>
Remembeiing 0nueistanuing Applying Analyzing Evaluating Cieating
Q0#'%(=$()" ). ;)/ $) (2=+020"$ (" $;0 '+*##7 The teachei will intiouuce the stuuy of Lewis anu Claik using the viueo fiom BiainPop as a
"hook". Piioi to showing the viueo, the teachei will ask stuuents to iemembei one inteiesting thing about Lewis anu Claik. Aftei viewing the
viueo, stuuents will be askeu to shaie theii inteiesting facts. The teachei will iecoiu all facts. The stuuents will be gioupeu to ieview the
viueo one moie time. Each gioup will be askeu to finu one moie inteiesting fact. All facts will be auueu to the list

The teachei will make suie theie is one fact pei stuuent. Each stuuent will then iecoiu that fact using Auuacity oi anothei iecoiuing
softwaie. The final poucast will be auueu to the classioom blog foi otheis to ieview.

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0ptional iuea: Each stuuent will complete anothei poucast on one of the othei famous people. Stuuents will follow the steps pioviueu uuiing
the Lewis anu Claik stuuy.
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%-0/9/0/)*: ;*) %* &%.< +, 05)*) 3)*-1/'0+1* +1 +05)1 3)*-1/'0+1* %* %''(<.

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