From Palpation To Inhibition

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From Palpation to Inhibition

Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
Bennis Baitiam Fiom Palpation to Inhibition Septembei 2uu8
0puateu 9
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1he palpaLory sklll we need Lo develop aL our flngerLlps has Lo be able Lo cross
Lhe lnLerface of Llssue and sense omnldlrecLlonal pulls beneaLh Lhe surface.

ln palpaLlon we are llsLenlng and feellng for change processes lmposed on Lhe
Llssue by a sLress facLor. 1he sLress facLor can be physlcal force, a vlrus
lnfecLlon or even emoLlonal.

SLress as a force dlsLorLs Llssues lnLo deformlLy changes. A classlcal deflnlLlon
sLaLes LhaL force ls any agency or lnfluence whlch changes a body's sLaLe of
movemenL or resL.

So every exLernal force lnfluenclng lLself on Lhe body can resulL ln a sLress of
lnLernal adapLlon as our bodlly Llssues respond Lo Lhe sLress. 1hls ls Lhe baslc
fundamenLal of lnLegraLlve anaLomy and physlology. 1he elasLlc properLy of
Llssue can deform as a resulL of Lhe sLress and allow lL Lo reshape afLer Lhe
force has ceased. 1hls allows Lhe body Lo funcLlon as a moLlon mechanlsm
movlng from a sLaLlc posLure agalnsL gravlLy Lo a dynamlc posLure of co-
ordlnaLed muscle acLlon.

1hls elasLlc response ls our besL defence agalnsL Lhe sLressor. 1he problem ls
LhaL some of Lhe sLress force can be reLalned ln Lhe Llssues. 1hls reLalned
energy ls conserved ln Lhe Llssues for monLhs and even years unLll lL ls
released. When Lhe sLress force ls greaLer Lhan Lhe elasLlc deformlLy of Lhe
Llssue, Lhe response ls called plasLlc and Lhe deformaLlon of Llssue ls
conLlnuous and permanenL.

So ln Lherapy, our proLocol and alm ls Lo deLecL elasLlc changes ln Llssue Lo
release conserved energy and Lo balance Lhe pulls ln Lhe 1ensegrlLy maLrlx LhaL
holds Lhose abnormal adapLed paLLerns. 1hese pulls exerL an lmbalanced
Lorque ln Lhe geomeLry of Lhe body sLrucLures. 1hls affecLs our core deslgn
feaLures and our own personallsed geomeLry.

1he body Llssues have Lwo quallLles LhaL we need Lo conslder. 1he flrsL ls
called AnlsoLroplc and descrlbes how Lhe response Lo a sLress dlffers along
dlfferenL axls. So as Lhe sLress runs Lhrough Lhe body ls many angled axes of
moLlon Lhe vecLors of force wlll dlsperse Lhe energy ln many dlrecLlons and
wlLh varylng degrees of Llssue denslLy response.

From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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1he body's Llssues are descrlbed as homogenous whlch descrlbes Lhe dlfferenL
composlLlon of Llssues, for example, long bones, dense organs, hollow organs,
muscle, fascla and llqulds.

So now conslder a sLress facLor lmposed on Lhe body runnlng omnldlrecLlonally
Lhrough dlfferenL Llssue denslLles and along many axes. 1he end producL of
Lhls sLress ls deflned as Lrauma, whlch refers Lo a generallsaLlon of bodlly
leslons resulLlng from any form of an exLernal assaulL.

1hese assaulLs on Lhe body can also lnclude sedenLary llfesLyle and blased
posLural hablLs. All hablLual physlology movemenL paLLerns vlolaLe our lnner
core balance resulLlng ln dlmlnlshed physlcal capaclLy.

So as a pracLlLloner your sklll ls ln deLecLlng Lhe response of adapLlve change Lo
Lhe axls of moLlon of a [olnL and Lhe dlrecLlon Lhe sLress followed Lo esLabllsh
Lhe leslon paLLern. A very lnLegral parL of Lhe sklll of palpaLlon ls relaxaLlon of
our body parLs as we poslLlon ourselves around Lhe cllenL.

1he sklll of relaxaLlon lnslde of any sklll ls masLery. When a person flrsL learns
a sklll Lhey can'L relax beyond Lhe level of ablllLy. 1he more you relax beyond
Lhe level, Lhe more Lhe movemenLs of Lhe arL become dlsassembled and fall.

?our ablllLy aL any sklll level ls collecLlvely a synaesLhesla of moLor skllls, co-
ordlnaLlon and Lhe menLal plcLure of Lhe acL. 1hls awareness of body
lnLelllgence ls our global sense of roprlocepLlon. 1he llmblc braln ls a
consLanL llsLener. Cur lnsLlncLs and learned behavlours are lnsLlncLlvely
organlslng and reorganlslng our sysLems ln response Lo sLlmull. As you relax
you dlsslpaLe Lhe co-ordlnaLlon and Lhe separaLe acLlons dlsassemble and fall.
?our cognlLlve awareness of Lhe sklll ls sLlll aL a muscular conLrol level. 1o relax
lnslde Lhe acL ls Lo rely on Lhe unconsclous compeLence of a global lnLelllgence
of Lhe whole sklll.

When you waLch a masLer aL work Lhey appear Lo floaL Lhrough Lhelr acLlons
and explaln LhaL Lhey are noL uslng sLrengLh buL power. SLrengLh ls deflned as
Lhe effecL of force whlch ls equal Lo mass acceleraLed. 1hls encompasses
newLonlan prlnclples of leverage whlch would requlre a muscle Lo conLracL,
pulllng a sLralghL lever or bone over a flxed fulcrum aL Lhe [olnL. So you can see
LhaL sLrengLh and Lhe masLery of muscle relaxaLlon are LoLally opposlng
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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responses. 1hls masLery of relaxed lnLegraLlon has Lo be explalned ln a
dlfferenL language Lhan newLonlan mechanlcs.

ower on Lhe oLher hand requlres a relaxed muscular lnLegraLlon. Cnce
muscles are engaged ln a Lenslon coupllng lnLegraLlon. 1hey lnlLlaLe Lhe lnerLla
of movemenL. 1he body movlng behlnd Lhls lnerLla can alLer lLs geomeLry Lo
produce nodal polnLs of power propulslon.

noel PunLley a physlclsL descrlbes Lhls relaxed masLery as quanLum acLlon
whlch ls deflned as energy mulLlplled by Llme. lL's based on Maxwell's
elecLromagneLlc equaLlons whlch conLalned scalar wave Lerms known as
quaLernlons. 1hese waves explaln Lhe poLenLlal for a unlfled fleld Lheory and
Lhelr appllcaLlons. 1hls free energy Lheory was consldered Loo unsLable Lo
measure Lhe paradlgm of ob[ecLlve sclence.

8y removlng Lhem from a global paradlgm of energy acLlon, you creaLe a
reducLlonlsL equaLlon of Lhe facLors. CurrenL sclence only recognlses llnklng
LogeLher and co-ordlnaLlng movemenLs as a sklll level. 1hls aLLlLude proposed
LhaL a hlgh level of sklll ls more auLomaLlc. 1he co-ordlnaLed movemenLs
lnslde Lhe acL became llnked lnLo an auLomaLlc reflex paLLern LhaL can respond
fasLer llLerally because lL's a llnear chaln reflex response. 1hls reflex response
ls fasLer buL lL's sLlll sequenLlally acLed ouL aL a moLor sklll level.

1he CuanLum acLlon Lheory ls based on Lhelr belng Lwo levels of ablllLy ln
selecLed learned sklll. Cne level of Lhe sklll belng more global and hlgher Lhan
Lhe oLher one. So when a flnger performs an acL lL ls governed by a hlgher
order lnLelllgence, senslng a larger chunk of now Llme. So a hlgher lnLelllgence
senslng a need for change aL Lhe flnger level can conLrol Lhe change.
sychologlsLs dlscovered LhlrLy years ago, LhaL learnlng a sklll aL shoulder level
would pass down Lhe ranklng sysLem Lo low levels or fracLals of elbow, wrlsL Lo
flngers. 1he learnlng paLLern however would noL pass up Lhe rank. ln fracLal
Lerms Lhen Lhe flnger does noL know LhaL lL has a nervous sysLem, buL Lhe
nervous sysLem knows lL has a flnger. 1he global lnLelllgence we are Lalklng
abouL here ls hlgher Lhan Lhe nervous sysLem.

Muscular acLlon ls measured aL 1/3 of a second ln LransmlLlon. 1he changes ln
flnger poslLlon of a concerL planlsL are measured aL 1/1,000
of a second.
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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1hese acLlons are Lhe resulL of an energy maLrlx where an lnsLanLaneous
response can be ellclLed.

When PaLsuml Sensel flrsL Lalked Lo us on Lhe prlnclples of Lherapy, he Lold us
we had Lo undersLand Calron, Lhls 8lg plcLure.

WhaL has been dlscovered ls Lhe sclenLlflc basls of Lhe
lnLerconnecLedness and conLlnulLy of Lhe parLs of Lhe llvlng organlsm.
1hls lnLerconnecLedness ls based upon Lhe careful sLudy of Lhe sLrucLure
and funcLlon of cells and Llssues. lL provldes a basls for Lhe sLreamlng of
energy and lnformaLlon LhroughouL Lhe llvlng body.
nerqy Medicine, lomes Oschmon poqe 41/2

A learnlng paLLern has a holographlc ampllflcaLlon (Lhe slngle facLor
whlch deLermlnes Lhe essence of Lhe sklll) whlch spans boLh space and
Llme. 1hls ampllflcaLlon manlfesLs as an lnformaLlon denslLy wlLh an
lnsLanLaneous response.
Noe/ nunt/ey

1hls global or roprlocepLlve sense on a hlgh sklll ellclLs lnsLanL cancellaLlon of
moLlons and sudden changes of dlrecLlon wlLh greaL accuracy. 1hese
movemenLs lnslde Lhe flow of an acL are several feaLures worklng ln a perfecLly
synchronlsed manner. 1hey lnclude Lhe flow of Lhe movemenL, sLaccaLo, rapld
sLops and dlrecLlon change, chaos, and lyrlcal movemenLs such as sklpplng and
occur lnsLanLly lnslde Lhe flow of a moLlon or acL. 1he muscles provlde a baslc
force for movemenLs buL Lhe energy fleld sLores Lhe programme. 1hls enables
hlgh co-ordlnaLlon and greaL accuracy ln preclse changes of poslLlon co-

ln Lhls klnd of movemenL scenarlo Lhere are no sLeps [usL a conLlnuum of
movemenL. lnslde Lhls flow Lhe llmbs of Lhe body can be exploraLlve, declslve
and evaslve ln a synaesLhesla of moLlon.

So now lf you conslder your palpaLlon and deLecLlon of aberranL pulls ln Lhe
Llssue ls a global lnLelllgence noL [usL a fracLal flnger sklll. 1he naLural
movemenL skllls lnslde 1al !uLsu has all Lhe aforemenLloned quanLum acLlon
properLles applled Lhrough a unlfled fleld quallLy, Lhls ls Lhe bodles
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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lnLerocepLlve feel. 1hls ls your lnLernal sense or reference as Lo Lhe locaLlon of
your body parLs ln lnLegraLed ln relaLlon Lo Lhree dlmenslonal space.

PaLsuml sald All LhaL ls lmporLanL here ls Lhe feellng"
{notsumi conversotions. Oro/ tronsmission1995)

CollecLlvely l wlll now refer Lo Lhese skllls as proprlocepLlon Lo equaLe wlLh Lhe
WesLern concepLs of body, mlnd co-ordlnaLlon.

roprlocepLlon ls Lhe hlgher consclous appreclaLlon of Lhe body's ad[usLmenL
Lo orlenLaLlon of space and movemenL. Changes Lo Lhe Lensegrous geomeLry
alLer Lhe pull ln Lhe Llssues and adapL Lo malnLaln Lhe verLlcal ablllLy of Lhe
body. lnvesLed ln Lhe sofL Llssues are sLreLch recepLors Lracklng movemenLs of
Lhe body. Whlch allows Lhe body Lo sense lLself klnaesLheLlcally ln Lhree
dlmenslonal space and Lhrough movemenL.

As Lhe body moves Lhrough Llme and space lL weaves Lhe moLlon and form lnLo
a synaesLhesla of senslLlsed co-ordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo respond Lo change
lnsLanLaneously. 1hls klnaesLhesla ls Lhe expresslon of our lnLerocepLlve sense
whlch manlfesLs as a global and organlc feellng.

varlous klnds of bodywork and movemenL Lherapy can change paLLerns
of movemenL and Lhereby change paLLerns of elecLrlcal flelds LhaL arlse
from LhaL movemenL and Lhls ulLlmaLely leads Lo change ln body
P.159 Oschmon l. nerqy Medicine

1he appllcaLlon of our palpaLlon skllls ln Anma allows us Lo release reLalned
energy paLLerns ln Lhe muscular sysLem, by repaLLernlng Lhe sLreLch recepLor
dlssonance Lravelllng Lhrough Lhe muscle sysLem. 1hls glves muscular and
posLural allgnmenL back Lo Lhe body. lL relaxes Lenslon ln Lhe muscles and
lmproves clrculaLlon and ellmlnaLlon of Loxlns from Lhe sysLem. We work wlLh
Lhe lnnaLe lnLelllgence whlch has all Lhe lnherenL knowledge for posLural

1he SelLal model encapsulaLes Lhe llgamenLous sysLem lnLo a global movemenL
lnLelllgence. 8ones ln a Lensegrous model floaL ln Lhe suspenslon of a
llgamenLous and lasclal sysLem. 1he lnhlblLory lmpulse you exerL changes Lhe
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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pulls ln Lhe llgamenL and lnlLlaLes momenLum Lo move Lhe body. 1hls
movemenL used LherapeuLlcally alLers Lhe modlfled fulcrum ln Lhe leslon. 1he
body has an lnner core blas for sLaLlc and dynamlc posLural lnLegraLlon.

ln Lhe Shlnden model we encompass Lhe organs and Lhelr suspensory fasclas,
and Lhelr aLLachmenLs Lo each oLher and skeleLally. ComblnaLlon of Anma and
SelLal skllls works wlLh allgnlng Lhe skeleLal pelvls and Lhorax lnLo balanced
Lenslon. lnhlblLlon Lo Lhe pulls on Lhe fasclas can llberaLe Lhe organ and lLs
suspensory apparaLus Lo free moblllLy agaln, lasclal pulls and organ pLosls
cause many sLrucLural problems.

Any dlsLurbance of Lhe equlllbrlum of an organ whlch lncludes LhaL
organs ablllLy Lo freely move or any deparLure from normal sLrucLure
and funcLlon of LhaL organ ls a sLaLe of dlsease"
ur. M kees 1980 /ecture
1he organ whlch ls ln equlllbrlum wlLh lLs envlronmenL and has all lLs
parLs ln equlllbrlum wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo freely move ls ln a sLaLe of healLh"
ur. M kees 1980 /ecture

lnnaLe can correcL a vlLal funcLlon by resusclLaLlon of an organs vlLallLy"
ur M kees 1980 /ectures

We should also see resusclLaLlon meLhods as a form of medlclne.
lormerly Lhe meLhod of medlcal LreaLmenL called Plchl 8uku Coshln
!uLsu was learned as parL of Lhe process of acqulrlng 8udo 1al[uLsu"
Mosooki notsumi unormed liqhtinq 1echniques of the 5omuroi p1l. kodonsho
lnternotiono/ 2008. {conversotions, oro/ tronsmission by notsumi in 1995)

1he kenku model glves you access Lo Lhe dural sysLem and cranlal bone
movemenL. Leslon paLLerns run along Lhe splne alLerlng Lhe pull on Lhe dural
sleeve and resulL ln cranlal Lorque affecLlng Lhe osseous mechanlsm and Lhe
lalx LenLorlum. 1hls alLers Lhe cranlal rhyLhm resulLlng ln many healLh

So you can see your palpaLory sklll ls essenLlal Lo appreclaLe Lhe globallLy of Lhe
leslon paLLern, Lhe hlerarchal sysLems of conLrol LhaL governs Lhe paLLern of
behavlour. ?our ablllLy Lo ellclL a momenLum response ln Llssue ls known as
lnhlblLlon. 1hls sklll allows you Lo deLecL and modlfy Lhe Lorque ln Lhe
geomeLry of a sLrucLure. ?our lnhlblLlon alLers Lhe modlfled axls of moLlon aL a
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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[olnL sLrucLure, Lo allow defaclllLaLlon aL Lhe leslon slLe. 1hls form of lnhlblLlon
reconnecLs Lhe global proprlocepLlon lnLo Lhe release of Lhe leslon Lo resLore
form, funcLlon and movemenL Lo Lhe body. 1hls LherapeuLlc undersLandlng
allows us Lo brlng Lhe body Lowards verLlcal ablllLy of uprlghL posLure wlLh a
balanced co-ordlnaLlon. 1he work of !oel L ColdLhwalL and hls colleagues aL
Parvard Medlcal School developed a successful LherapeuLlc approach Lo
chronlc dlsorders. lL ls rarely clLed yeL lays Lhe foundaLlon for modern
bodywork and movemenL Lheraples. 1he approach was Lo geL hls paLlenLs Lo
sLand, slL and move Lhelr bodles ln a more approprlaLe relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe
verLlcal. Pe demonsLraLed LhaL Lhe malposlLlon of an organ wlll dlsLurb lLs
funcLlon. lf malposlLlon conLlnues long enough, permanenL damage wlll resulL,
buL lf Lhe faulLy mechanlcs ls correcLed, damage wlll be prevenLed.

lnhlblLlon sLlmull Lo Llssue ls a very powerful lever for physlologlcal change.
1he Lrlaxlal squeeze allows Lhe pracLlLloner Lo perform wlLh greaL preclslon and
conLrol Lo lnlLlaLe momenLum of Lhe Llssue aL Lhe leslon slLe. lnhlblLlon Lo key
facLors ln Lhe leslon paLLern wlll ellclL anchored moLor response Lo Lhe whole
leslon rouLe.

WlLh your palpaLory conLacL esLabllshed you need Lo relax and llsLen Lo Lhe
subLle pulls ln Lhe maLrlx of Lhe Llssue. 8ecause of Lhe aforemenLloned
anlsoLroplc quallLles ln Lhe body, Lhese pulls wlll be omnldlrecLlonal. 1he
Lenslon coupllng LhaL normally organlses co-ordlnaLlon of body parLs ls slmply
ln adapLlon of lLs neuLral reclprocal geomeLry.
LxLernal conLacL of
palpaLlon 30
lnLernal feel 30
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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1he meLhodology of followlng and deLecLlng leslon paLLerns follows one slmple
crlLerla, Lhe elasLlc sLralns ln Lhe Llssue ln Lhe leslon paLLern wlll always move
Lowards lLs ease of moLlon.

?our palpaLlon and moLlon funcLlon LesL of Lhe [olnL allows you Lo engage Lhe
[olnL lnLo exaggeraLlon of movemenL. 1hls exaggeraLed poslLlon has all Lhe
lnformaLlon of Lhe Lrauma, adapLlve changes, conserved energy and Llssue
memory of Lhe lmpacL or abuse.

1o release Lhe conserved energy locked ln Lhe leslon your lnhlblLory pressure
lnlLlaLes movemenL lnLo Lhe prevlously resLrlcLed dlrecLlon ls lnlLlaLed.

Muscles conLracL around flxed axls aL Lhe [olnLs Lo lnlLlaLe momenLum of Lhe
body Lo move ln a glven dlrecLlon. 1hls momenLum ls sLablllsed and conLrolled
by Lhe global lnLeracLlon of Lhe llgamenLs acLlng around Lhe [olnLs of Lhe body.
1he Lorque mechanlsm of llgamenLs co-ordlnaLes body parLs Lo behave ln an
lnLegraLed flow uLlllslng Lhe lnerLla creaLed by Lhe muscles. 1he llgamenLs
funcLlon ln harmony as a Lenslon coupllng mechanlsm Lo organlse a phased
acLlon LhroughouL Lhe body. 8ehlnd Lhls ls Lhe global sense of proprlocepLlon
1enslon coupllng of
llgamenLs across a
[olnL sLrucLure
spralned llgamenL
SLreLched llgamenL
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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LhaL ls descrlbed as CuanLum acLlon. CuanLum acLlon ls descrlbed by
physlclsLs Lo be energy mulLlplled by Llme. 1hls physlologlcal movemenL of
form Lhrough space requlres mlnlmal muscle acLlvlLy, ls globally lnLelllgenL and
provldes hlgh lmpacL lnerLla quallLles aL Lhe [olnLs. Cbserve Lhe proLecLlve
cushlonlng around bables [olnLs as Lhey move and fall. 1he body aL resL
exhlblLs Lhls quallLy of relaxed verLlcal orlenLaLlon wlLh mlnlmal muscle acLlvlLy.

1hls lnLeracLlon beLween movemenL and non movemenL ls a dynamlc neuLral
of suspended moLlon. So when you ellclL a response ln a LraumaLlsed [olnL,
you alerL Lhe bodles' neuLral zone of balance, whlch affecLs Lhe body's cenLre
of gravlLy locaLed ln fronL of Lhe sacrum aL S2 level.

All leslon paLLerns affecL Lhe cenLre of
gravlLy of Lhe body aL Lhe sacral booL
mechanlsm aL Lhe Sacro-lllac [uncLlon
aL S2. lf Lhls sLress produces an
orLhopaedlc sLraln separaLlon of Lhe
Sacro-lllac [uncLlon, Lhls ls monlLored
along ouparLs llgamenL. *ur
ua[arneLLes fossae LesL along
ouparLs llgamenL deLecLs preclsely
Lhe leslon poslLlon of Lhe sacrum ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe lllum and lschlum of
Lhe pelvlc bowl. 1hls resulLs ln LoLal
body adapLlon as Lhe body loses lLs
verLlcal orlenLaLlon. 1he acLlons of
lLch, 8oll, ?aw and Lhe CalL
mechanlsms all adapL Lo Lhls sLress.

So Lhe Lenslon aL ouparLs llgamenL (fossae LesL) ls a powerful monlLor of loss
of verLlcal ablllLy and sLrucLural sLablllLy. Any LherapeuLlc measure LhaL
changes Lhe response aL Lhe fossae ls a move Lowards co-ordlnaLlon and
verLlcal ablllLy.

?our palpaLlon guldes you Lo Lrlgger slLes along Lhe leslon rouLe. lnhlblLlon aL
Lhese crlLlcal polnLs lnlLlaLes movemenL aL Lhe compromlsed [olnL sLrucLures,
Lo release Lhe energy from Lhe sLraln. lnhlblLory movemenL lnlLlaLlon of a llmb
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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organlses and recrulLs Lhe muscles, llgamenLs and Lhe anaLomlcal geomeLry
lnLo a smooLh synaesLhesla.

Any adapLlons or alLeraLlons Lo Lhe llmb as lL arcs Lhrough lLs permlLLed range
can slmply be acLlvaLed by alLered pressure aL Lhe lnhlblLory fulcrum conLacL.
1hls allows Lhe LheraplsL Lo reconnecL Lhe lnnaLe roprlocepLlve lnLelllgence
lnLo Lhe correcLlve phase of Lhe Lechnlque. 1hls ls harnesslng naLure Lo do
whaL naLure does besL.
From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
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From Palpation to Inhibition
Palpation the tactile sense of Detection. Inhibition the tactile sense for correction.
Bennis Baitiam Fiom Palpation to Inhibition Septembei 2uu8
0puateu 9
}anuaiy 2uu9 Page 1S


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