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Ways to Annotate a Text

1. Underline points you disagree with and jot down why or

underline points you have questions about
2. Underline arguments/points that are illogical or flawed
3. Jot down your reactions to the plot/argument
4. Write down small reminders that trigger thoughts or
connections to knowledge of other subjects
5. Mark for literary devices (figurative language) and explain the
effect on the meaning of the story
6. Mark points or underline sections you agree with and explain
your philosophical stance on the issue
7. Take notes on the type of conflict in the text (man vs. nature,
man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society)
8. Take notes on your interpretations
9. Paraphrase- in your own words write a brief summary of what
you just read
10. Jot down notes about theme and underline the clues in the
story that lead you to that theme (there can be more than one
11. Read literary criticism and the underline parts of the text
related to that
12. Draw connections yourself and the text, text to text, text to
world (Apply your background knowledge of various subjects)
13. Mark for Imagery- what picture is the author trying to create
with language?

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