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Virginia Union University

John W. Barco Alumni Chapter

Doris Burroughs Mallory Bey, EdD, President
Nina Page Anderson, 1
Vice President
Dorothy M. Drake, EdD, 2
Vice President
Shelia Stephens-Robinson, Recording Secretary
Linda R. obb, Corresponding Secretary
Blan!he ". Moore, Treasurer
Patri!ia P. Spen!e, Financial Secretary
Mi!helle M!#ueen-$illia%s, EdD, Chaplain
heryl &. $atkins, EdD, Parliamentarian
'ra!ey oles, Historian
'i%othy Bro(n, Immediate Past President
August 6, 2014
Dear Alumnae:
We are excited to WELCOME ou to anot!er alumni ear" We t!an# ou $or our gi$t o$
mem%ers!i& and su&&ort' (n an e$$ort to ex&and and en!ance su&&ort o$ t!e )** +o!n W' ,arco
Alumnae C!a&ter, -e encourage ou to %ecome a mem%er t!is 2014.201/ academic ear' We
in0ite ou to attend our sc!eduled meetings on t!e second 1uesda o$ eac! mont! at 6:00 &m at
t!e L' Douglas Wilder Li%rar Lecture 2all located on cam&us'
)**3s +o!n W' ,arco Alumni C!a&ter -as esta%lis!ed under t!e administration o$ Dr' +o!n M'
Ellison' 1!e ,arco C!a&ter gi0es %oo# a-ards and sc!olars!i&s to deser0ing )** students'
+o!n W' ,arco is -ell.#no-n $or t!e Decem%er 2olida Cele%ration and a !ost o$ $undraising
acti0ities t!at gi0e %ac# to t!e students and communit' +o!n W' ,arco in0ites ou to 4oin us as
)** %egins its 1/0
Anni0ersar $eaturing 5andall 5o%inson' (t -ill ta#e &lace in Co%urn 2all,
Monda, 6e&tem%er 7, 2014 at 10:00am'
Save the Dates
+' W' ,arco 5egular Meeting: 6e&tem%er 8, 2014
Octo%er 14, 2014
9o0em%er 11, 2014
+' W' ,arco Decem%er 2olida ,runc! Cele%ration: Decem%er 1:, 2014;6aturda<
Attac!ed is t!e 2014.1/ mem%ers!i& a&&lication' =lease com&lete and mail to t!e =ost O$$ice
,ox or %ring -it! ou to t!e 6e&tem%er meeting' 6!ould ou !a0e >uestions or concerns, &lease
contact 9ina Anderson at ;704< /4:.24?? or Doris ,e at ;704< 8//.0:87'
Nina P. Anderson
9ina =' Anderson
Memership Chair
Doris B. Mallory Bey
Doris ,' Mallor ,e, EdD
P. O. Box 255! " #ichmon$% VA 2&2'
Virginia Union University
John W. Barco Alumni Chapter
Doris Burroughs Mallory Bey, EdD, President
Nina Page Anderson, 1
Vice President
Dorothy M. Drake, EdD, 2
Vice President
Shelia Stephens-Robinson, Recording Secretary
Linda R. obb, Corresponding Secretary
Blan!he ". Moore, Treasurer
Patri!ia P. Spen!e, Financial Secretary
Mi!helle M!#ueen-$illia%s, EdD, Chaplain
heryl &. $atkins, EdD, Parliamentarian
'ra!ey oles, Historian
'i%othy Bro(n, Immediate Past President
P. O. Box 255! " #ichmon$% VA 2&2'

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