Air Force Portable Device For Retinal Imaging

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Air Force

Portable Device for Retinal Imaging

Military aircrew members, or anyone involved in a dangerous activity requiring very
high visual performance, would benefit from a field-deployable screening device to
detect lesions of the retina before they could cause permanent loss of visual sharpness
or blindness. At present, there is no accepted diagnostic or screening protocol for ocular
lesions and retinal cell loss associated with retinal laser injuries. Photographic fundus
imaging is a standard procedure to evaluate ocular lesions; however, it can only provide
a two-dimensional retinal surface image. The newly developed OCT technology can
provide three-dimensional retinal images that will greatly facilitate the in-field
diagnosis and treatment of ocular lesions caused by laser weapons or laser guided
aiming devices. This technology uses a swept laser source for Fourier domain optical
coherence tomography (FDOCT), with 1 µ m in tissue band probe light, high-contrast
and three-dimensional for retinal imaging. This SS-OCT has a measurement speed of
20,000 A-lines/s, a depth axial resolution of 12 µ m in tissue and sensitivity of 99.3 db,
and coherence length of 9.8 mm at 2 kHz sweep rate. A software-based algorithm of
scattering optical coherence angiography (S-OCT) was used to visualize the 3-D retina
of the human eye. Based on the swept source, an FDOCT system was developed that
can achieve 12 µ m axial resolution in tissue. Imaging of a human retina was
demonstrated with the FDOCT system, and the FDOCT resolution was improved by
reducing the effects of the tails or side lobes using the wiener filter logarithm that was
implemented in the S-OCT.
We have developed a FDOCT device with a 1 µ m swept light source, which has the

following specifications: Dimensions of 8” x 8” x 4”; sensitivity of 99.3 db; High speed

(20,000 A-lines/s); High resolution (12 mm); coherence length of 9.8 mm at 2 kHz sweep


We have also shown that FDOCT resolution can be improved by reducing the effects of the

tails or side lobes by implementing the Wiener Filter algorithm to get a gaussian shape of

the spectral light source. The algorithms we have used take advantage of the convolution

property of Fourier transformation. Therefore, extensive computation that can slow the

speed of the OCT is not necessary

The Computational and Theoretical
Investigation of Dynamic Control of Separated
Boundary Layer Flow

Jnane Abdelhamid
Luis Stokes Alliance For Minority Participation
Borough of Manhattan Community College
New York, New York

June 22,2006

The work was carried out in the laboratory of

aerodynamics of the department of Mechanical
engineering at CCNY and the science Department of
BMCC. This research is the collaboration between
Dr. Y. Andreopoulos, a senior professor of Mechanical
engineering at CCNY and Dr. M. Ardebili, an Associate
Professor of science at BMCC.

Student Signature: JA……………

Faculty Mentor Signature: MKA………

Table of Contents

Abstract 1 (3)

Introduction 2 (4)

Previous research 3 (5)

Theory 4 (7)

Method and discussion 5 (9)

Results 6 (13)

Conclusion 7 (20)

Acknowledgement 8 (20)

References 9 (21)


The proposed research is a theoretical and computational effort with the objective of

better understanding the physics of turbulent separated flows.

It seeks to develop a computational fluid dynamics model capable of predicting the

features of MEMS-based unsteady control of flow separation in the presence of free

stream turbulence. The flow control consists of array of rapidly deployed micro-actuated

delta wing placed upstream of the separation. The flow configuration is in a flat plate

boundary layer flow perturbed by a favorable pressure gradient immediately followed by

an adverse pressure gradient. The effort is aimed at establishing effectiveness of the new

mode of actuation in controlling unsteady boundary layer separation. Computations will

utilize structured and unstructured grids in two different CFD Packages (1) Fluent and (2)



The study of the flow boundary layer separation, are among the most

fundamental and difficult problems of fluid dynamics. It is well known that most liquid

and gas flows observed in nature and found in engineering applications involve

separation. This is because many of the "common" gases and liquids, such as air and

water, have extremely small viscosity and, therefore, most practical flows are

characterized by very large values of the Reynolds number; both theory and experiment

show that increasing Reynolds number results in flow separation. To achieve an un-

separated form of the flow past a rigid body, many restrictions must be imposed on the

shape of the body.

The problem of flow separation has attracted considerable interest among

researchers. The traditional approach of studying the flow separation is based on seeking

possible simplifications of the Navier-Stokes equations when the Reynolds number is

large. The first attempts at describing separated flow past blunt bodies are due to

Helmholtz (1868) and Kirchhoff (1869) in the framework of the classical theory of

inviscid fluid flows, but there was no reasonable explanation to why flow separation

occurs. Prandtl [1] was the first to recognize the physical cause of separation at high

Reynolds numbers as being associated with the separation of boundary layers that must

form on all solid surfaces.

Several approaches have been made to control the flow

boundary separation. In these attempts, control of flow separation is

obtained using vortex generating jets or acoustic actuators, which are

operated at steady wind tunnel testing. These attempts are not

effective because in real word application the flow is unsteady so these

actuators do not respond dynamically. In this paper we investigate the

effects of an array of micro actuated delta wing, subjected to dynamic

control flow condition. Our investigation shows that flow separation

occurs by the rapidly deployed delta wing. A dynamic meshing of the

flow field for each position of the moving surface is required to provide

hints on where the actuators can be positioned for maximum control of

the flow dynamic.

Previous Research

The problem of controlling the separation of the boundary layer

is being looked at

by many agencies around the world. Each of these has its own unique

approach to solve

this problem. Solid vortex generators are static devices such as vanes

and winglets used to control flow separation. These vortices transport

free stream momentum across the boundary layer. This causes

momentum to be transported into the near wall flow, preventing


The Vortex Generator Jet (VGJ) is another application into which

researchers are

Looking to solve the problem of boundary layer separation. Steady

state and pulsed VGJ's was studied by the particle image velocimetry method.

VGJ's produce counter rotating vortex pairs that provide the

momentum transfer across the boundary layer. By pitching the jets at

angles other than normal to the surface (90 degrees) a dominant

vortex and a weaker counter-rotating vortex is produced. The

momentum transfer from this stronger dominant vs. weak vortex pair

may provide more efficient forcing in the boundary layer. [2]

In 1994, the technique using MEMS devices to create leading-

edge vortex control was started. By using vortex flap theory, a

differential effect can be used to cause

Asymmetric loading on the wing of an aircraft. This loading asymmetry

can be used to

cause moments on all three axes of an aircraft. The benefits of using


Devices on the scale of microns in size are numerous. One potential

application of MEMS is the active control of the thin boundary layer flow that exists on

the aerodynamic surfaces of aircraft and their propulsion systems. The development of

these boundary layer flows directly affects the performance of the aircraft since they give

rise to skin friction drag and flow separation, which leads to buffet and limits maximum

achievable lift. Maneuvering capabilities that are better and faster and

require less power. Tests using an aluminum delta wing model with

small stainless steel strips attached to the leading edge have been

successful in causing roll maneuvers in the model [3].

Active flow control (AFC) for low-pressure turbine (LPT)

application is investigated using two separate computational

approaches by Postl [4]. In the first approach, a boundary layer on a

flat plate is subjected to the same stream-wise pressure gradient as

measured on the suction side of a Pack-B LPT blade at a Reynolds

number of 25000. The relevant mechanisms for AFC using steady and

pulsed vortex generator jets (VGJs) were investigated by direct

numerical simulation. They found two main mechanisms associated

with VGJ control: free stream momentum entrainment due to stream-

wise structures for steady, angled VGJs and early boundary layer

transition for pulsed VGJs. Two-dimentional simulation show that the

natural instability of separated shear layer can effectively be exploited

for the purpose of flow control. In the second approach, the entire flow

through a linear LPT cascade was investigated. Results indicate that

with AFC, an increase of 30% in the time –averaged ratio of lift over

drag can be achieved.


Prandtl's theory, states that a high Reynolds number flow past a rigid body has to

be divided into two characteristic regions. For all Reynolds numbers, no matter how

large, there is always a thin region near the wall where the flow is predominantly viscous.

Prandtl named this region the boundary layer, and suggested that it is because of the

specific behavior of this layer that flow separation takes place. Flow development in the

boundary layer depends on the pressure distribution along the wall. If the pressure

gradient is favorable, the pressure decreases downstream, then the boundary layer

remains well attached to the wall. When the pressure starts to rise in the direction of the

flow, the boundary layer tends to separate from the body surface. Prandtl explained the

reason for separation in the following way. Because the velocity in the boundary layer

drops towards the wall, the kinetic energy of fluid particles inside the boundary layer

appears to be less than that at the outer edge of the boundary layer, in fact the closer a

fluid particle is to the wall the smaller appears to be its kinetic energy. This means that

while the pressure rise in the outer flow, the fluid particles inside the boundary layer may

not be able to get over it. Even a small increase of pressure may cause the fluid particles

near the wall to stop and then turn back to form a recirculating flow region characteristic

of separated flows [5].

The classical boundary-layer theory, by Prandtl to predict flow separation, was

based on the so-called hierarchical approach. By the late forties it became obvious that

such a strategy leads to a mathematical contradiction associated with so called Goldstein's

singularity at the point of separation. The form of this singularity was first described by

Landau & Lifshitz who demonstrated that the shear stress in the body surface upstream

of separation drops as the square root of the distance from the separation, and the velocity

component normal to the surface tends to infinity being inversely proportional to the

shear stress. This result was later confirmed based on more rigorous mathematical terms

by Goldstein . Goldstein also proved that the singularity at separation precludes the

solution to be continued beyond the separation point into the region of reverse flow.[6]

Significant progress in theoretical study of separated flows has been achieved in

the last thirty years, and a comprehensive description of the underlying ideas and the

main results of the theory may be found in a monograph by Sychev et al (1998). A key

element of the separation process, which was not fully appreciated in the classical

Prandtl's (1904) description, is a mutual interaction between the boundary layer and the

external inviscid flow. Because of this interaction, a sharp pressure rise may develop

"spontaneously" at a location on the body surface where in accordance with the Prandtl's

theory the boundary layer would be well attached. This pressure rise leads to a rapid

deceleration of fluid particles near the wall and formation of the reverse flow downstream

of the separation. The interaction precludes development of the Goldstein singularity.

Method and discussions:

A wind tunnel was first designed using CFD. A two-dimensional boundary layer

was subjected to a Favorable Pressure Gradient (FPG) that accelerate the flow

substantially, then to Adverse Pressure Gradient (APG) that decelerate the flow. These

two distortions cause the flow separation (figure 1). The two dimensional shape was

designed by solving the Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-Stokes equation (RANS) and by

carrying out Large Eddy Simulations (LES).

The final wind tunnel was designed as the following. 1.2m*1.2m*8.4m working

section, a model of L=4.87,where the flow velocity of 11.5m/s can be achieved. The

height of the minimum cross-sectional area is H=0.3. The boundary layer were affected

by two distortions, Favorable Pressure Gradient(FPG) that accelerate the flow and

Adverse Pressure Gradient(APG) that decelerate the flow(figure1). The two distortions

which were deployed into the boundary layer with free stream cause the flow separation.

The shape model that we used to create the mesh was designed by solving the

Reynolds_averaged-Navier-Stoker equation (RANS) and performing large Eddy

Simulations (LES). After adopting the shape of the model that is used in the wind tunnel

(figure 2) the mesh was computed to carry the flow visualization using Fluent




Figure 1:Flow Schematic

Figure 2:Computed Mesh

Figure3: Flow visualization picture: smoke introduce at the free stream

The project involves computational assessment of the likelihood of providing

dynamic control of flow separation with the use of an array of delta wing actuators

positioned at the upstream boundary layer. Computational tasks require utilization of two

CFD packages: FLUENT and Gamblit to investigate the possibility of providing dynamic

control of flow separation, I first studied Pro/Engineer, which is a computer graphics

system for modeling various mechanical designs and performing related design and

manufacturing operations. This system uses a 3 D solid modeling as its core, and applies

feature-based, parametric modeling method with many extended design and

manufacturing applications. Pro/engineer was first used to design the model that was

used to create the mesh to investigate the effectiveness of the separation flow control.

Secondly, Gambit was used to generate the computational mesh needed. Gambit

is preprocessor of fluent and a library of codes capable of generating a wide range of

computational fluid dynamics mesh in two or three dimensions.

Thirdly, FLUENT was introduce and used for the computational of flow dynamic.

Fluent is a computational fluid dynamics to model more-complex geometries using multi-

block structured meshes, and let us adapt the mesh to resolve the flow-field features. It

can also use body-fitted, block-structured meshes by employing triangular and

quadrilateral elements in 2D, and tetrahedral, hexahedral, pyramid, and wedge elements

in 3D. This flexibility allows us to pick mesh topologies that are best suited for our

particular application.

This package was used to document separation subjected to free stream

turbulence. The process involves simulating presences of actuators in the flow field as

unsteady boundary condition. The goal of these simulations is to study the effect of

actuators on flow field parameters and establish the range of optimal location and

actuation rate in controlling separation.


We expect the viscous boundary layer to grow along the wind tunnel starting at

the inlet. It will eventually grow to fill the tunnel completely. When this happens, the

flow becomes fully developed and there is no variation of the velocity profile in the axial.

The geometry and mesh was created in Pro-Engineer and GAMBIT, which is the

preprocessor for FLUENT, and then mesh was used into FLUENT and solved for the

flow separation. Because Turbulent flows are significantly affected by the presence of

walls. The computational of flow will be done in different tunnel planes.

Static Pressure Contour Plot at the bottom wall:

The above plot shows that the pressure of the fluid is the smallest at the inlet and get
larger at the minimum cross section area of the model and then get smaller again at the
outlet as it flows to the right.

Static Pressur Contour Plot at the Mid Wall:

The plot above shows that the pressure is the smallest at the inlet. As the flow flows to
the right the pressure achieve the highest value at the minimum cross-sectional area of the
model then it get smaller at the outlet.

Velocity Vector Plot at Mid and Bottom wall:

The velocity vectors plot provide a picture of how the flow develops downstream of the
inlet. As the boundary layer grows, the flow near the wall is retarded by viscous friction.
Note the sloping arrows in the near wall region close to the inlet. This indicates that the
slowing of the flow in the near-wall region results in an injection of fluid into the region.

Velocity Vectors at the Mid wall plot:

The plot of the velocity vector at the mid wall indicate that as the flow develops
downstream the inlet, the flow near the mid wall is retarded by friction. This indicates
that the slowing of the flow in the near-wall region results in an injection of fluid into the

X Velocity Contour Plot at battom wall:

The contour relative X velocity pictures that The axial velocity is maximum at minimum
cross sectional area of the model and smaller at the inlet and outlet.

X Velocity Contour Plot at the mid wall:

The above plot of the contour of X velocity shows that The axial velocity is maximum at
minimum cross sectional area of the model and smaller at the inlet and outlet.

X-Wall Stress at the bottom Wall Plot:

The plot of the axial wall stress shows that the friction reach its maximum value at the
minimum cross sectional area and get smaller at the inlet and outlet of the model.


Our study of flow separation from the surface of a solid body, show some

unseparated form of the flow past a rigid body. The computational of flow was done in

different tunnel planes to show the flow separation. Severe restrictions was imposed on

the shape of the model to get better results. Our results shows that flow separation still

occurs despite the restriction we had took to calculate the shape of the model that was

used to reduce the flow separation.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank LSAMP and CUNY for making my

studies challenging and rewarding. Special thanks go to my mentor Dr. ardebili for his

knowledge, and help. I am hopeful that with more challenge, I can continue my

professional studies, achieve my academic goals, and use my education to help others.


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