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Aromatherapy alternatives for

gynaecological pathologies: Recurrent

vaginal Candida and infection caused
by the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Scientific aromatherapy and integrated medicine are taking an increasingly greater role in the treatment of a
number of infectious diseases for which conventional medicine has few effective solutions. Powerless and faced
with treatment failure, some therapists are actively seeking alternative effective active substances to resolve this
inadequacy. When prescribed by competent scientists, essential oils that are chemically and chemotypically
defined provide real opportunities with encouraging measurable results that can be observed in clinical practice.
In this area of research, the authors are particularly interested in vaginal pathologies of fungal (Candida albicans)
and viral (human papilloma virus) origin, for which the consequences of ineffective therapeutic intervention can
be extremely serious. This article is divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with aromatic treatment
approaches for recurrent vaginal candidiasis; the second section is dedicated to the treatment of infection caused
by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It presents different active biochemical families and their essential oils
along with treatment protocols forthese infections arising from professional clinical experience.
A screening oI essential oils characterised by their
chemical and chemotypical composition (HECT)
Vaginal candidiasis is amongst the most recurrent and
demonstrate that the most active antibacterial essential
longest to treat oI inIectious gynaecological pathologies.
oils are not necessarily the most eIIective against the
A lasting cure is only achieved through the
Candida yeast (Galal et al., 1973; Valnet et al., 1978;
implementation oI a strict healthy diet and by drastic
Onawunmi, 1989; Stiles et al.,1995; Williams and Home,
reduction oI all invasive allopathic treatment with
1995; Charai et al., 1996; Pattnaik et al., 1997; Hammer et
antibiotics, sulphonamides and topical antiseptics.
al.,1998; Cowan, 1999; Mastura et al., 1999; Manohar et
al., 2001; Singatwadia and Katewa, 2001; Baudoux,
Aromatic treatment will be required over a long duration
2003; Bouchra et al., 2003; Kalemba and Kunicka, 2003;
(three to six months) and demands the use oI several
Baudoux, 2004; Allan and Bilkei, 2005).
simultaneous and complementary administration
methods. The length oI treatment, the obligation oI
Table 1 lists key essential oils that have demonstrated
simultaneous and repetitive administration and the cost oI
antiIungal eIIect, especially with regards Candida
treatment (even though competitive in comparison to
allopathic treatment) as well as a healthy diet are at the
same time the keys to successIul positive results and the
AkOMATlC TkEATMENT APPkOACHES reasons Ior Iailure due to a lack oI rigor in implementing
the treatment. Treatment via the vaginal route unIortunately cannot
include high doses oI the most eIIective essential oils
() because they are all caustic or irritant to the mucus
membranes. Low doses oI these essential oils associated
Amongst the numerous essential oil possibilities, we
with other essential oils and the macerated herbal oil oI
remind the reader that those characterised by the
Calendula officinalis may have certain uses either in the
biochemical Iamilies oI aromatic phenols, aromatic and
Iorm oI vaginalettes'(small vaginal ovules) or vaginal
terpenic aldehydes, terpenic alcohols, oxides and ethers
are the most active against this yeast (Pattnaik et al., 1997;
Bouchra et al., 2003).
Dominique Baudoux
Author and international lecturer
Doctor of pharmacy, General Director of Pranarm International, Belgium
Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, Tetouan, Morocco
Abdesselam Zhiri
Doctor of plant biotechnology, director of research, Pranarm International, Belgium
Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 1. EssentiaI oiIs active against Candida aIbicans
Latin name
Litsea citrata May Chang citral medium Onawunmi, 1989
Cymbopogon flexuosus
citral good Onawunmi, 1989
Cymbopogon citratus Lemongrass citral good
Singatwadia, 2001;
Williams, 1995
Laurus nobilis Bay laurel various good Cowan, 1999
Lavandula latifolia Spike lavender 1,8-cineole, linalol excellent
Myroxylon balsamum
var. pereirae
Peru balsam benzyl benzoate excellent
Trachyspermum ammi Ajowan thymol irritant
Thymus vulgaris
CT thymol
Thyme CT
thymol irritant Cowan,1999
Eugenia caryophyllata Clove bud eugenol irritant
Cinnamomum cassia
cinnamaldehyde dermocaustic Mastura, 1999
Cinnamomum verum
Cinnamon bark cinnamaldehyde dermocaustic Cowan, 1999
Saturefa montana
carvacrol irritant Pellecuer, 1975
Origanum compactum Oregano carvacrol irritant Allan, 2005
Greek oregano carvacrol irritant
Manohar, 2001; Stiles,
1995; Charai,1996
Melaleuca alternifolia Tea tree terpinen-4-ol good
Hammer, 1998; Stiles,
Cymbopogon martinii Palmarosa geraniol good Singatwadia, 2001
Eucalyptus globulus
1,8-cineole good
Thymus vulgaris
CT thujanol
Thyme CT
thujanol excellent
Origanum maforana
thujanol excellent
Pelargonium x asperum Rose geranium citronnellol excellent Galal, 1973

Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 1. EssentiaI oiIs active against Candida aIbicans
sugars, milk products, reIined Ilour and cereals are The Iormulation synergies proposed in Figures 1 and 2
banished. Aromatherapy assists with cleansing oI the combine several essential oil components that have activity
Candida albicans terrain but Iundamental to this there is also the important against in order to ensure the best results
work oI regeneration. It is at this price that vaginal (and Ior this multiIactorial pathology that is particularly diIIicult
oIten intestinal) candidiasis may be eliminated. to treat. These two complementary Iormulations are
designed to be given over the same time Irame.
We acknowledge the therapeutic interest oI using
essential oils Ior an important number oI diverse viral
pathologies such as inIluenza, herpes, shingles, varicella
and inIectious mononucleosis (Vichkanova et al., 1973;
Cowan, 1999; Minami et al., 2003; Sokmen et al., 2004).
The results achieved with essential oils are more than
convincing especially in view oI the poor eIIicacy oI
allopathic treatments using classic synthetic medications.
The second part oI this article examines the treatment
possibilities that essential oils oIIer Ior viral inIections
caused by the human papilloma virus; the seriousness oI
which is linked to its oncogenic potential. This cancer-
related risk is at the origin oI the proposition oI
unavoidable surgical excision by the gynaecologist as
soon as the pathology has reachedan advanced state.
Surgical intervention brings serious consequences to the
patient (even more so iI she is young) as the woman's
emotional, sexual and social stability is deeply aIIected.
ProIessional experience gained with gynaecologist Dr
Kokos oI the university hospital oI Geneva shows us that
treatment with essential oils can result in Iull healing. It
may also help to avoid 60 oI surgical interventions iI
there is a delay oI three to Iour months Iollowing
treatment beIore measuring the eIIects oI aromatherapy
on these papillomatous cervical lesions and genital warts.
Faced with the seriousness oI the disease, several methods
oI administration, strict doses and long treatment duration
are necessary to obtain a serious chance oI healing in the
long term. A gynaecological Iollow up is essential to
monitor the evolution or regression oI the lesions.
The criteria Ior selecting essential oils Ior therapeutic use
are based on the presence oI certain chemical components
such as terpenic alcohols (linalol, geraniol, thujanol,
terpinen-4-ol), aromatic phenols (thymol, carvacrol,
eugenol) terpenic aldehydes (neral, geranial), terpenic
ketones (thujone, cryptone, verbenone) and lastly an
alcohol-oxide partnership oI 1,8-cineole, -terpineol
(Carson et al., 2001; Schnitzler et al., 2001; Allahverdiyev
et al., 2004). Essential oils meeting the above criteria are
listed in Table 2.
It is not until the end oI the aromatic treatment that it will be
Whilst there is scant research concerning the eIIicacy oI
useIul, indeed indispensable to take lactic Ierments
essential oils speciIically against HPV, our therapeutic
(probiotics) in elevated doses in order to assist with the
experience coupled with existing anti-viral research
recolonisation oI the commensal Ilora (the vital saprophytic
concerning other viruses is supportive oI the above-
Ilora essential Ior healthy balance oI the organism).
mentioned chemistry criteria (Vichkanova et al., 1973;
Bourne et al., 1999; Benencia and Courreges, 2000;
The combined aromatic treatment approach must
Carson et al., 2001; Baudoux, 2003; Minami et al., 2003;
imperatively be accompanied by a strict liIe style where
Baudoux, 2004; Sokmen et al., 2004).
ligure 1. VaginaI formuIation suggestion for
Candida aIbicans
Essential oils (HECT)
Eugenia caryophyllata 30 mg
Cymbopogon flexuosus 50 mg
Laurus nobilis 30 mg
Lavandula latifolia 30 mg
Cinnamomum verum (cort.) 15 mg
Melaleuca alternifolia 30 mg
Macerated herbal oil
Calendula officinalis 50 mg
Suppository base
Witepsol (or other conventional suppository base) in a
quantity suIIicient to make one vaginal suppository.
Quantity required: 20 suppositories.
One vaginal suppository morning and night Ior three
weeks. Break treatment Ior one week (therapeutic
window) then recommence treatment over a period oI
three months.
ligure 2. OraI formuIation suggestion for
Candida aIbicans
Essential oils (HECT)
Origanumcompactum 25 mg
Cinnamomumcassia 15 mg
Litsea citrata 15 mg
Laurus nobilis 20 mg
Melaleuca quinquenervia CT 1,8-cineole 10 mg
Powdered excipient
330mg to make one O' sized capsule. Quantity
required: 120 capsules.
One capsule three times a day taken with a glass oI Iresh
water beIore meals Ior three weeks. Break treatment Ior
one week (therapeutic window) then recommence
treatment over a period oI three months.
Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 1. EssentiaI oiIs active against Candida aIbicans
Latin name
Litsea citrata May Chang citral medium Onawunmi, 1989
Cymbopogon flexuosus
citral good Onawunmi, 1989
Cymbopogon citratus Lemongrass citral good
Singatwadia, 2001;
Williams, 1995
Laurus nobilis Bay laurel various good Cowan, 1999
Lavandula latifolia Spike lavender 1,8-cineole, linalol excellent
Myroxylon balsamum
var. pereirae
Peru balsam benzyl benzoate excellent
Trachyspermum ammi Ajowan thymol irritant
Thymus vulgaris
CT thymol
Thyme CT
thymol irritant Cowan,1999
Eugenia caryophyllata Clove bud eugenol irritant
Cinnamomum cassia
cinnamaldehyde dermocaustic Mastura, 1999
Cinnamomum verum
Cinnamon bark cinnamaldehyde dermocaustic Cowan, 1999
Saturefa montana
carvacrol irritant Pellecuer, 1975
Origanum compactum Oregano carvacrol irritant Allan, 2005
Greek oregano carvacrol irritant
Manohar, 2001; Stiles,
1995; Charai,1996
Melaleuca alternifolia Tea tree terpinen-4-ol good
Hammer, 1998; Stiles,
Cymbopogon martinii Palmarosa geraniol good Singatwadia, 2001
Eucalyptus globulus
1,8-cineole good
Thymus vulgaris
CT thujanol
Thyme CT
thujanol excellent
Origanum maforana
thujanol excellent
Pelargonium x asperum Rose geranium citronnellol excellent Galal, 1973

Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 1. EssentiaI oiIs active against Candida aIbicans
sugars, milk products, reIined Ilour and cereals are The Iormulation synergies proposed in Figures 1 and 2
banished. Aromatherapy assists with cleansing oI the combine several essential oil components that have activity
Candida albicans terrain but Iundamental to this there is also the important against in order to ensure the best results
work oI regeneration. It is at this price that vaginal (and Ior this multiIactorial pathology that is particularly diIIicult
oIten intestinal) candidiasis may be eliminated. to treat. These two complementary Iormulations are
designed to be given over the same time Irame.
We acknowledge the therapeutic interest oI using
essential oils Ior an important number oI diverse viral
pathologies such as inIluenza, herpes, shingles, varicella
and inIectious mononucleosis (Vichkanova et al., 1973;
Cowan, 1999; Minami et al., 2003; Sokmen et al., 2004).
The results achieved with essential oils are more than
convincing especially in view oI the poor eIIicacy oI
allopathic treatments using classic synthetic medications.
The second part oI this article examines the treatment
possibilities that essential oils oIIer Ior viral inIections
caused by the human papilloma virus; the seriousness oI
which is linked to its oncogenic potential. This cancer-
related risk is at the origin oI the proposition oI
unavoidable surgical excision by the gynaecologist as
soon as the pathology has reached an advanced state.
Surgical intervention brings serious consequences to the
patient (even more so iI she is young) as the woman's
emotional, sexual and social stability is deeply aIIected.
ProIessional experience gained with gynaecologist Dr
Kokos oI the university hospital oI Geneva shows us that
treatment with essential oils can result in Iull healing. It
may also help to avoid 60 oI surgical interventions iI
there is a delay oI three to Iour months Iollowing
treatment beIore measuring the eIIects oI aromatherapy
on these papillomatous cervical lesions and genital warts.
Faced with the seriousness oI the disease, several methods
oI administration, strict doses and long treatment duration
are necessary to obtain a serious chance oI healing in the
long term. A gynaecological Iollow up is essential to
monitor the evolution or regression oI the lesions.
The criteria Ior selecting essential oils Ior therapeutic use
are based on the presence oI certain chemical components
such as terpenic alcohols (linalol, geraniol, thujanol,
terpinen-4-ol), aromatic phenols (thymol, carvacrol,
eugenol) terpenic aldehydes (neral, geranial), terpenic
ketones (thujone, cryptone, verbenone) and lastly an
alcohol-oxide partnership oI 1,8-cineole, -terpineol
(Carson et al., 2001; Schnitzler et al., 2001; Allahverdiyev
et al., 2004). Essential oils meeting the above criteria are
listed in Table 2.
It is not until the end oI the aromatic treatment that it will be
Whilst there is scant research concerning the eIIicacy oI
useIul, indeed indispensable to take lactic Ierments
essential oils speciIically against HPV, our therapeutic
(probiotics) in elevated doses in order to assist with the
experience coupled with existing anti-viral research
recolonisation oI the commensal Ilora (the vital saprophytic
concerning other viruses is supportive oI the above-
Ilora essential Ior healthy balance oI the organism).
mentioned chemistry criteria (Vichkanova et al., 1973;
Bourne et al., 1999; Benencia and Courreges, 2000;
The combined aromatic treatment approach must
Carson et al., 2001; Baudoux, 2003; Minami et al., 2003;
imperatively be accompanied by a strict liIe style where
Baudoux, 2004; Sokmen et al., 2004).
ligure 1. VaginaI formuIation suggestion for
Candida aIbicans
Essential oils (HECT)
Eugenia caryophyllata 30 mg
Cymbopogon flexuosus 50 mg
Laurus nobilis 30 mg
Lavandula latifolia 30 mg
Cinnamomum verum (cort.) 15 mg
Melaleuca alternifolia 30 mg
Macerated herbal oil
Calendula officinalis 50 mg
Suppository base
Witepsol (or other conventional suppository base) in a
quantity suIIicient to make one vaginal suppository.
Quantity required: 20 suppositories.
One vaginal suppository morning and night Ior three
weeks. Break treatment Ior one week (therapeutic
window) then recommence treatment over a period oI
three months.
ligure 2. OraI formuIation suggestion for
Candida aIbicans
Essential oils (HECT)
Origanumcompactum 25 mg
Cinnamomumcassia 15mg
Litsea citrata 15mg
Laurus nobilis 20mg
Melaleuca quinquenervia CT 1,8-cineole 10 mg
Powdered excipient
330mg to make one O' sized capsule. Quantity
required: 120 capsules.
One capsule three times a day taken with a glass oI Iresh
water beIore meals Ior three weeks. Break treatment Ior
one week (therapeutic window) then recommence
treatment over a period oI three months.
Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 2. EssentiaI oiIs indicated in the treatment of infectious disease associated with
Latin name
Common name
Cinnamomum camphora
CT linalol
Ho wood linalol excellent
Cymbopogon martinii Palmarosa geraniol excellent
Thymus vulgaris
CT thujanol
Thyme ct thujanol thujanol excellent
Melaleuca alternifolia Tea tree terpinen-4-ol good
Trachyspermum ammi Ajowan thymol irritant
Origanum compactum Oregano carvacrol irritant
Eugenia caryophyllata Clove bud eugenol medium
Salvia officinalis ssp
Sage thujone good
Eucalyptus polybractea
CT cryptone
cryptone excellent
Rosmarinus officinalis
CT verbenone
Rosemary CT
verbenone excellent
Cymbopogon flexuosus Indian Lemongrass neral, geranial good
Litsea citrata May Chang neral, geranial medium
Cinnamosma fragrans
linalol, 1,8-cineole excellent
Cinnamomum camphora
CT cineole
? terpineol, 1,8-
Melaleuca quinquenervia Niaouli
? terpineol, 1,8-

Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 2. EssentiaI oiIs indicated in the treatment of infectious disease associated with HPV.
The main routes oI administration Ior treatment oI HPV
oI the Iemale genital tract are oral and vaginal and are
designed to be used simultaneously and in complement to
one another.
The oral Iormulation (see Figure 3) consists oI capsules
each containing 100 mg oI an essential oil synergy. This
synergy includes essential oils oI diIIering chemistry that
are active against the viral agent as well as assisting the
immune terrain oI the patient.
By way oI conclusion we pose the Iollowing question:
When the conventional therapist Iinds him/ herselI
powerless Iaced with gynaecological pathologies that
allopathic treatments cannot help as, Ior example, with
The powdered excipient Ior the capsules may be composed cervical dysplasias and genital warts or in the case oI long
oI Ior example, 30 kaolin (a buIIer Ior the aggressive invasive treatments with variable results as with vaginal
nature oI certain essential oils on the gastric mucosa) and Candida, why not have an open-minded critical and
70 tricalcium phosphate (an inert calcium salt). scientiIic approach towards using powerIul, eIIective
natural alternatives that have controllable toxicity?
The vaginal route (see Figure 4) may consist oI In these circumstances, the use oI essential oils is without
vaginalettes'(small vaginal ovules) or less expensively, doubt the most appropriate and the most recommended
vaginal suppositories, each containing 250 mg oI response Ior the greatest beneIit to patients.
essential oils identiIied by their chemical and
chemotypical composition (HECT). The selection
rationale Ior the essential oils is the same given Ior the
Allan, P., Bilkei, G. (2005) Oregano improves
capsules mentioned above. The use oI essential oils that
reproductive perIormance oI sows. Theriogenology 63
are irritant to the vagina mucosa are limited in their dose
and tempered by the inclusion oI Calendula officinalis
macerated herbal oil.
Allahverdiyev, A., Duran, N., Ozguven, M., Koltas, S.,
(2004) Antiviral activity oI the volatile oils oI Melissa
oIIicinalis L. against Herpes simplex virus type-2.
Phytomedicine 11 (7-8): 657-61 TkEATMENT Ol HPV
For optimised patient comIort it is suggested to time the
Baudoux, D. (2003) Formulaire d'aromatherapie pratique
therapeutic windowwith the woman's menstrual period.
pour le prescripteur et le conseil pharmaceutique.
Editions Inspir, Luxembourg
The treatment cannot be implemented during pregnancy,
principally due to the presence oI essential oils rich in
Baudoux, D. (2004) Cahiers pratiques d'aromatherapie
ketones (thujone, cryptone).
selon l'Ecole Iranaise. Volumes 1 to 3. Editions Inspir,
Gynaecological monitoring is recommended as the only
means oI veriIying the eIIicacy oI the proposed treatment.
Benencia, F. Courreges, M. C. (2000) In vitro and in vivo
The gynaecologist must monitor regularly the evolution
activity oI eugenol on human herpes virus. Phytotherapy
oI the inIection and his ultimate decision (taken in
Research14: 495-500
consultation with the patient) should be respected Ior any
intervention that is needed in the case oI treatment Iailure.
ligure 3. OraI formuIation suggestion for HPV
Essential oils (HECT)
Thymus vulgaris CT thymol 30 mg
Melaleuca alternifolia 15 mg
Origanumcompactum 10 mg
Cinnamomumcamphora CT 1,8-cineole 15 mg
Melaleuca quinquenervia 30 mg
Powdered excipient
330 mg to make one O' sized capsule. Quantity
required: 100 capsules.
One capsule three times a day taken with a glass oI Iresh
water beIore meals Ior three weeks. Break treatment Ior
one week (therapeutic window) then recommence
treatment over a period oI three to nine months.
ligure 4. VaginaI formuIation suggestion for
Essential oils (HECT)
Melaleuca alternifolia 50 mg
Eugenia caryophyllata 25 mg
Eucalyptus polybracteaCT cryptone 70 mg
Cymbopogon flexuosus 25 mg
Salvia officinalis ssp. OIIicinalis 30 mg
Melaleuca quinquenervia 50 mg
Cinnamomumverum(cort.) 15 mg
Macerated herbal oil
Calendula officinalis 50 mg
Suppository base
Witepsol (or other conventional suppository base) in a
quantity suIIicient to make one 3g vaginal suppository.
Quantity required: 60 suppositories.
One vaginal suppository morning and night Ior three
weeks. Break treatment Ior one week (therapeutic
window) then recommence treatment over a period oI
three to nine months.
Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 2. EssentiaI oiIs indicated in the treatment of infectious disease associated with
Latin name
Common name
Cinnamomum camphora
CT linalol
Ho wood linalol excellent
Cymbopogon martinii Palmarosa geraniol excellent
Thymus vulgaris
CT thujanol
Thyme ct thujanol thujanol excellent
Melaleuca alternifolia Tea tree terpinen-4-ol good
Trachyspermum ammi Ajowan thymol irritant
Origanum compactum Oregano carvacrol irritant
Eugenia caryophyllata Clove bud eugenol medium
Salvia officinalis ssp
Sage thujone good
Eucalyptus polybractea
CT cryptone
cryptone excellent
Rosmarinus officinalis
CT verbenone
Rosemary CT
verbenone excellent
Cymbopogon flexuosus Indian Lemongrass neral, geranial good
Litsea citrata May Chang neral, geranial medium
Cinnamosma fragrans
linalol, 1,8-cineole excellent
Cinnamomum camphora
CT cineole
? terpineol, 1,8-
Melaleuca quinquenervia Niaouli
? terpineol, 1,8-

Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
TabIe 2. EssentiaI oiIs indicated in the treatment of infectious disease associated with HPV.
The main routes oI administration Ior treatment oI HPV
oI the Iemale genital tract are oral and vaginal and are
designed to be used simultaneously and in complement to
one another.
The oral Iormulation (see Figure 3) consists oI capsules
each containing 100 mg oI an essential oil synergy. This
synergy includes essential oils oI diIIering chemistry that
are active against the viral agent as well as assisting the
immune terrain oI the patient.
By way oI conclusion we pose the Iollowing question:
When the conventional therapist Iinds him/ herselI
powerless Iaced with gynaecological pathologies that
allopathic treatments cannot help as, Ior example, with
The powdered excipient Ior the capsules may be composed cervical dysplasias and genital warts or in the case oI long
oI Ior example, 30 kaolin (a buIIer Ior the aggressive invasive treatments with variable results as with vaginal
nature oI certain essential oils on the gastric mucosa) and Candida, why not have an open-minded critical and
70 tricalcium phosphate (an inert calcium salt). scientiIic approach towards using powerIul, eIIective
natural alternatives that have controllable toxicity?
The vaginal route (see Figure 4) may consist oI In these circumstances, the use oI essential oils is without
vaginalettes'(small vaginal ovules) or less expensively, doubt the most appropriate and the most recommended
vaginal suppositories, each containing 250 mg oI response Ior the greatest beneIit to patients.
essential oils identiIied by their chemical and
chemotypical composition (HECT). The selection
rationale Ior the essential oils is the same given Ior the
Allan, P., Bilkei, G. (2005) Oregano improves
capsules mentioned above. The use oI essential oils that
reproductive perIormance oI sows. Theriogenology 63
are irritant to the vagina mucosa are limited in their dose
and tempered by the inclusion oI Calendula officinalis
macerated herbal oil.
Allahverdiyev, A., Duran, N., Ozguven, M., Koltas, S.,
(2004) Antiviral activity oI the volatile oils oI Melissa
oIIicinalis L. against Herpes simplex virus type-2.
Phytomedicine 11 (7-8): 657-61 TkEATMENT Ol HPV
For optimised patient comIort it is suggested to time the
Baudoux, D. (2003) Formulaire d'aromatherapie pratique
therapeutic windowwith the woman's menstrual period.
pour le prescripteur et le conseil pharmaceutique.
Editions Inspir, Luxembourg
The treatment cannot be implemented during pregnancy,
principally due to the presence oI essential oils rich in
Baudoux, D. (2004) Cahiers pratiques d'aromatherapie
ketones (thujone, cryptone).
selon l'Ecole Iranaise. Volumes 1 to 3. Editions Inspir,
Gynaecological monitoring is recommended as the only
means oI veriIying the eIIicacy oI the proposed treatment.
Benencia, F. Courreges, M. C. (2000) In vitro and in vivo
The gynaecologist must monitor regularly the evolution
activity oI eugenol on human herpes virus. Phytotherapy
oI the inIection and his ultimate decision (taken in
Research14: 495-500
consultation with the patient) should be respected Ior any
intervention that is needed in the case oI treatment Iailure.
ligure 3. OraI formuIation suggestion for HPV
Essential oils (HECT)
Thymus vulgaris CT thymol 30 mg
Melaleuca alternifolia 15mg
Origanumcompactum 10 mg
Cinnamomumcamphora CT 1,8-cineole 15 mg
Melaleuca quinquenervia 30 mg
Powdered excipient
330 mg to make one O' sized capsule. Quantity
required: 100 capsules.
One capsule three times a day taken with a glass oI Iresh
water beIore meals Ior three weeks. Break treatment Ior
one week (therapeutic window) then recommence
treatment over a period oI three to nine months.
ligure 4. VaginaI formuIation suggestion for
Essential oils (HECT)
Melaleuca alternifolia 50 mg
Eugenia caryophyllata 25 mg
Eucalyptus polybracteaCT cryptone 70 mg
Cymbopogon flexuosus 25 mg
Salvia officinalis ssp. OIIicinalis 30 mg
Melaleuca quinquenervia 50 mg
Cinnamomumverum(cort.) 15 mg
Macerated herbal oil
Calendula officinalis 50 mg
Suppository base
Witepsol (or other conventional suppository base) in a
quantity suIIicient to make one 3g vaginal suppository.
Quantity required: 60 suppositories.
One vaginal suppository morning and night Ior three
weeks. Break treatment Ior one week (therapeutic
window) then recommence treatment over a period oI
three to nine months.
Inteinational }oninal o clinical Aiomatleiapy (2uu5) Vol 2, Issne !
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