2 Awesome Trick. Hack Admin Password From User Mode & Notepad-Useful Trick

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2 Awsome Trick.

Hack Admin Password from

User Mode & Notepad-usefull Trick
1.Hack Admin Password From User Mode
Disclaimer: Use this article for eductational purpose ON!.
Follow these steps:
1. Open command prompt "#tart$%&un$%cmd'(
). *nter the followin+ command( then press *N,*&
-. *nter the followin command( then press *N,*&:
,his should open the computer mana+ement console.
.. /o to local users 0 +roups$%users. &i+ht click on an1 user and select 2set password2.
3f 1ou +et a 2access denied2 do the followin+:
then use followin+ commands
1' net user test 4add "this command will make test named user'
)' net local+roup administrators test 4add "this command will make test user as administrators
and use net user command to reset 1our admin. password
his is real cool for people who use notepad to write down an1 info on a da1 to da1 6asis7
Open a 6lank Notepad file
8 9rite .O/ as the first line of the file( press enter.
8 #a:e the file and close it.
8 Dou6le$click the file to open it and notice that Notepad appends the current date and time to
the end of the file and places the cursor on the line after.
8 ,1pe 1our notes and then sa:e and close the file.
*ach time 1ou open the file( Notepad repeats the process( appendin+ the time and date to the end
of the file and placin+ the cursor 6elow it.

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