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Lesser-Known Heroes Of The Bible

When we think of great people from the Bible, we think of

individuals like David, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, the Apostle
Paul, Queen Esther, or Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus. But
woven into the stories of each of these giants of faith are some
names not quite so familiar to us, yet they are great men and
women of faith, as well. These are lesser known figures in the
Bible; people who, if they were characters in a movie, would be
the supporting actors and have the cameo roles.
They are people who stand in the background of the main
storyline, people who are overshadowed by the more featured
players in the Scriptural record. From Gods viewpoint, however,
there really is no such thing as a supporting character; He has
given a calling to every person and, regardless of how unimportant
mankind might view that calling, God considers everyone who
trusts in Him as a great person of faith. Some of these people are
mentioned in no more than a single verse of Scripture. Some are
not even mentioned by name. But God knows who they are and
values their service to Him.
In The next few weeks, we will learn about be some of these
people, getting closer to them, and learn from them,

Think of the Following, and write your thoughts on a draft paper.

Think of 2 people in the bible whom God Supported and delivered
because of their faith and Believe in him.

This Sunday you will receive your own personal Journal ,so you
can start writing your answers thoughts and Meditation in It.

Congratulation for the new beginning of the Coptic Year, and
Congratulation for Continuing to Grow in Knowledge of God, His
Word and His People.

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