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What was the most memorable event in your life?

Use specifc reasons and examples to support your answer.

The most memorable event of my life is when I got to know that I was accepted to
an institute. It is an important and extremely pleasant memory of mine for three
First, getting in my school had been my dream for many years before I fnally got
accepted to it. For example, I have written an essay about my future as an architect
when I had started a middle school and during my classes I was drawing building
designs instead of listening to a teacher. When I received a letter of acceptance to
the institute I felt absolutely happy because my longtime dream had come true.
!econd, my acceptance energi"ed me for many months if not years. For example, I
was exhausted after my entrance exams. For several weeks before I got to know the
results I had been too nervous to get a su#cient sleep and was very harsh on my
family and friend due to the stress. The psychological tension was intense, so when
I was told that I had succeeded and got in the school, the strongest stress I had ever
felt was alleviated and I was galvani"ed by the news to the give my best afterwards
at the school.
Third, getting in my school, which has the best architectural program in $ussia, was
extremely hard and after I got there I had a strong feeling of an accomplishment. To
illustrate, I spent a lot of time and e%ort to get there. I had graduated from a special
architectural class in my high school and had studied with private teachers to get
prepared for the entrance exams.
To sum up, the news of me getting in my dream school was the most memorable
and one of the happiest events in my whole life because it had been my ultimate
dream for many years, it has flled me with energy and enthusiasm for my studies
and also gave me the strongest feeling of an accomplishment.

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