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Y: Excuse me.
L: Please com in and have a seat, Miss Cantillo.
Y: Oh Thanks Dr.
L: What is the porpose of your visit? What can i help you?
Y: Doctor i have feeling many symptoms of fever and aches, daily headache.
L: That usually happens when there is a respiratory infection, such as flu, colds
Y: Oh yeah,i didnt know that doctor, i only know i feel bad.
L: Ok, for discover what is your problem you have to make some test.
Y: Of course, leaving here im going to make it immediately.
L: It should be, but for now you must take naproxeno, that is a soothing of pains,
after that you should come back for check how are you get better.
Y: Ok, Doctor, i understand, i will buy them to improve.
L: Ok, sounds good.
Y: Yes, thanks you so much doctor.
L: your welcome.

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