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Social 30 Related Issue 1

Film Study
Key Concepts: Ideologies: Collectivism, Individualism, Liberalism
Task: In the flm Antz, the main character Z-!"#, or Z $or short,
desires change% &n$ortunately, he is $aced 'ith the challenge o$ being
an inde(endent thin)er in a collectivist society% Consider 'hat you
have learned in class regarding ideology to res(ond to the *uestions in
the conte+t o$ the flm% ,e (re(ared to e+(lain your res(onses in class
- .hat are some o$ the things that Z desires to change in his li$e/
0- 1rovide t'o e+am(les o$ individualism and t'o e+am(les o$
collectivism $rom the flm%
What a bunch of losers.
Mindless zombies
capitulating to an
oppressive system.
Social 30 Related Issue 1
2- .hen born, do individual Ants have a choice in li$e to do 'hat they
desire/ 3+(lain your res(onse%
!- .hat ha((ened once the 'or)ers got 'ord o$ Z4s inde(endent
#- .hat does Insecto(ia signi$y to Z/ .hat do you believe Insecto(ia
re(resents in terms o$ (olitical theory/
5- 6eneral 7andable 'as giving orders to fnd Z and )ill him% 8is
res(onse to the soldiers *uery, 9:o' you see ho' dangerous
individualism can be; it ma)es us vulnerable%< .hat message is being
rein$orced by the general/
=- 8o' does the flm Antz demonstrate the (roblems or obstacles o$
individualism in a collectivist society/
>- ?raditionally, liberalism has embraced $reedom o$ thought as 'ell as
the conce(t o$ change% 1rovide t'o e+am(les $rom the flm o$ 'hat
may have been 9liberal< ideas in the colony%
Why does everyone
have to dance the
Social 30 Related Issue 1

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