8th Grade September 11 Lesson 1 of 5 9 8 14

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Aim: What happened on September 11, 2001?

Do Now: In your notebook, list at least five (5) things that

you know about September 11, 2001
Our Skyline
Tone is the authors attitude toward the topic
Authors will use words/phrases that suggest
their tone
Newspapers ought to have an objective tone
but sometimes they do not
September 11 Articles and Tone
After reading both articles, take out loose-leaf, write your name
and, in complete sentences:
1. Write whether the tone of each article is subjective or
objective. If it is subjective, write what the tone is (use
adjectives--look at your Tone Handout). Use at least one (1)
piece of evidence from each article in your response.
2. If the tones are different, what are at least two (2) reasons for
this? Use at least two (2) pieces of textual evidence from the
articles in your response.
Yes, this is going to be collected!
Personal Stories
After watching the clip of Neal discuss his brother Brian,
respond to the following in a full-sentence paragraph in
your notebook:
1. What was Neals tone as he shared his story?
2. How did he feel on 9/11?
3. How does he feel now?
4. How did you feel watching him tell his story?

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