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The Emmbrook School

Pure Core Mathematics 1

Problem Sheet 6: Factors, Remainders and Cubic Graphs
46 marks
Calculators Not Allowed

The Emmbrook School 1
1. Given that !x" # x
x & 4,
!a" ind !'" and !%",
!b" actorise !x" into the product o three linear actors(
(Total 5 marks)

2. !a" E)press 6x
& '*x
& '4x & $ in the orm !x & '"!ax
& bx & c", statin+ the values
o a, b and c(
!b" ,ence solve the e-uation 6x
& '*x
& '4x & $ # .(
(Total 6marks)

3. / pol0nomial is +iven b0 p!x" # x
''x & '%(
!a" 1se the actor theorem to sho2 that !x 4" is a actor o p!x"(
!b" E)press p!x" as a product o three linear actors(
!c" ,ence ind all the real solutions o
& '% # .
(Total 9 marks)

4. The pol0nomial p!x" is +iven b0
p!x" # x
& x
3 '.x & 4
!a" !i" 1sin+ the actor theorem, sho2 that x 3 % is a actor o p!x"(
!ii" ,ence e)press p!x" as the product o three linear actors(

!b" Sketch the curve 2ith e-uation y # x
& x
3 '.x & 4, sho2in+ the coordinates o the
points 2here the curve cuts the a)es(
The Emmbrook School 2
!5ou are not re-uired to calculate the coordinates o the stationar0 points("
(Total 9 marks)

5. The pol0nomial p!x" is +iven b0 p!x" # x
3 4x
& $x(
!a" 1se the Factor Theorem to sho2 that x 3 $ is a actor o p!x"(
!b" E)press p!x" as the product o three linear actors(

!c" !i" 1se the Remainder Theorem to ind the remainder, r, 2hen p!x" is
divided b0 x 3 %(
!ii" 1sin+ al+ebraic division, or other2ise, e)press p!x" in the orm
!x 3 %"!x
& ax & b" & r
2here a, b and r are constants(
(Total 10 marks)

6. The cubic pol0nomial p!x" is +iven b0 p!x" # !x 3 %"!x
& x & $"(
!a" Sho2 that p!x" can be 2ritten in the orm x
+ ax
& bx 3 6, 2here a and b are constants
2hose values are to be ound(

!b" 1se the Remainder Theorem to ind the remainder 2hen p!x" is divided b0 x & '(

!c" Prove that the e-uation !x 3 %" !x
& x & $" # . has onl0 one real root and state its value(
(Total 7 marks)
The Emmbrook School 3

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