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How to Make Jam Drops

100g softened butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
50g icing sugar
100g plain our
25g cornour
25g desiccated coconut
raspberry jam

1. Heat the oven to 180C.
2. Grease two baking trays with butter.
3. Measure the butter using the scales until it reaches to 100g.
4. Put the butter in a large bowl and stir it until it goes smooth.
5. Put one teaspoon of vanilla essence into the bowl.
6. Put the cornour into the scales until it reaches 25g.Sift the cornour in to the bowl.
7. Put the our into the scales until it reachers to 100g.Sift the our into the bowl then stir until its
all mixed up.
8. Put the coconut on the scales until it reachers to 25g.Add the coconut in to the bowl.
11. Stir it until it makes soft dough.
12. Dip your hands into the plain our.
13 Use your hands to roll little balls of dough.Put them on the tray.Put your pinkie into the ball until
it reaches to the rst knuckle .
14. Bake in the oven for 12-14 minutes.
15. Let the biscuits cool down .
16. Sift the icing sugar over the biscuits.Put jam in the hole in the middle.
17 Have a yummy biscuit.

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