01 - Basic Letters

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1- Get a light pencil and pick a letter that you want to piece.
now in constructiing this letter we are gonna pice it together like building
this is an example using the letter "B" and "S" (haha, i didnt mean to use B
S as in bullsh!t, it was purely accident"
#ow pickin a starting point is purley up to the indi$idual, i like to start with
what i would concider a basic %rame.
&- #ow as you can see i am o$erlapping lines, sort o% like a transparent style
letter, but these lines will be erased a%ter we ink the out lines in later.
'- (ou can be allot more creati$e once you get used to this kind o% letter
building, but %or now keep it simple.
)- *%ter your done you can ink in the outer lines o% the letter and then erase
all the pencil lines, and thats it.
+- *lso you can get more creati$e and add hookups and ', to make the
letter more %unky.

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