9th Grade Syllabus

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Portland Waldorf High School

Grade Eurythmy 2014-2015
M! "em
arah!rem#$ortland%aldorf !org
&hi year in eurythmy %e %ill 'e loo(ing at $olaritie in mo)ement!
E*$loring the di+erence of %hat it mean to mo)e for%ard,'ac(%ard in
$ace- ide to ide- and u$ and do%n! We %ill loo( at %hat change a
%e mo)e a traight line or a cur)ed line! &hi %ill lead to our initial
te$ in loo(ing at .ionyian choreogra$hy 'aed on the three
$rinci$le of thin(ing- feeling and %illing! We %ill alo learn the form
for the element through $oetry and $o(en %ord! /n tone %e %ill do a
com$lete re)ie% of the tone and inter)al geture %hile focuing
mainly on the mood and geture of the ma0or and minor chord!
Each tudent %ill %or( in mall grou$ %ith one another to create their
o%n choreogra$hy uing thee learned $rinci$le!
We %ill ha)e at leat one all grou$ tone and $eech $iece that %ill 'e
$erformed at our annual Eurythmy 1em'ly in May!
Class Participation 23545 6or my 9
grade tudent- cla $artici$ation
i the mot fundamental element / grade on! &hi include- 'eing
ready %ith eurythmy hoe on %hen cla 'egin! Partici$ating in all
grou$ %or(- %arm-u$- e*ercie- tone and $eech $iece and any
dicuion that ta(e $lace during cla regarding the u'0ect matter!
7ing the rod re$oni'ly and ho%ing that you ha)e the a'ility to
liten and ta(e direction! &reating me a %ell a your clamate %ith
re$ect 'y not diru$ting our %or(ing together!
Efort 22545 / undertand that eurythmy doe not come eay to
e)eryone nor do / e*$ect my tudent %ho are ne% to it- to (no% e)ery
geture right a%ay! / do ho%e)er- e*$ect e)ery tudent to try to create
'eautiful geture and mo)ement! &hi i a more u'0ecti)e
0udgment 'ut / do ee a line 'et%een 0ut doing the geture rather
than creating 'eauty- trength and clarity %ith your mo)ement!
Attendance 21045 / do not gi)e out home%or( in eurythmy! E)erything
%e do and learn ha$$en in cla! /t i often )ery hard to ma(e u$ thi
%or(- although %ith $ecial circumtance it could 'e done! &ardine
%ill alo reult in a decreaed grade! &ardie %ill 'e gi)en if you arri)e
late to cla and,or if you are not in your eurythmy hoe at the tart of
the leon!

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