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Dear Parents,

We are planning our annual Woodbridge Fifth Grade

Bike Trip for Friday, October 3.
Each students ticket to participate in the bike trip is to
attain a goal on a multiplication test. This test will consist of
all of the multiplication facts 0-0, and the students will ha!e
appro"imatel# $ minutes to complete this test. %t has been
e"tremel# di&cult for students who don't know their facts to
be successful in (fth grade math. The bike trip has pro!en
to be a great moti!ator to those students who still ha!e not
memori)ed these facts. *E!er#one will go on the trip, so
please dont worr#+ We ,ust like to ha!e a moti!ator.- .fter
an initial test of basic facts, we will then set indi!idual goals
for students. %f the goal is reached earl#, we will continue to
set new goals.
%f #our child does not ha!e a bike and/or a bike helmet
let his/her classroom teacher know, and we will make
arrangements for the loan of a bike. *The round trip is
appro"imatel# 00 miles.-
.n# parents that are interested in this trip ma# gladl#
,oin us+ We will need adults to bike with us and also to dri!e
the route. 1et us know if #ou are interested.
We will send home more detailed information.
2rade Teachers

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