Witch Trials 2 0

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Swimming test

Similar to trial by water, the accused witches were taken to the nearest body of water and stripped
to their undergarments. They are then bound and thrown into the lake, it was thought that if they
were guilty of witchcraft the water would reject them and they would oat, if they sunk they were
pulled from the water by a rope around their waist. It was not uncommon for accidental drowning to

Prayer Test

In the middle ages it was believed that witches could not speak holy scripture aloud. So the
accused witches were made read sections from the bible. If they stuttered or messed up, their
execution would go through. Sometimes the accused could recite the poem awlessly and their
execution still went through.

Touch Test

If a victim went into a t or spell the accused witch would be brought in. They had to touch the
victim and if there was no reaction the accused was innocent. If they stopped tting then the
accused was killed.

Witch Cakes

A witch cake was when a witch hunter would take the victims urine and bake it into a cake with rye-
meal and ashes. They would then feed it to a dog hoping in would fall under a spell and reveal the
name of the witch.

Strange Marks

Witch hunters often stripped their accused publicly and search them for any strange marks. It was
believed that when they made a pact with the devil they received the devils mark. Things like
moles, scars, birthmarks, sores and tattoos could all qualify.


It was believed that if the victim scratched the suspects, their symptoms would improve and they
would nd relief. Sometimes this was enough evidence to prove that they were guilty.


This meant forcing the accused to verbally order the devil to release the possessed victim. Other
people around them would also mutter words. The victim would be assessed and if any changes
occurred they would be executed.

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