Guide To Survival

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The Guide to Survival

Your Top Ten WAys to Survive an Israelite Invasion

For this assignment, you will be coming up with 10 different ideas of how to survive an attack from
God's People: the sraelites! "o far #ericho and $i have bit the dust! %his is your chance to advise
those nations who will come under sraelite attack in the future on how to best survive the whirlwind
storm of the sraelite nvasion! Following are the re&uirements of this 'Guide to "urvival:'
( )our Guide to "urvival should be written in the form of a %op %en list: '%op %en *ays to
"urvive an nvasion from the +ord's ,hosen People' or something like that!
( t should have 10 pieces of advice!
( %he final product needs to be:
- .ither typed up or written very nicely
- ,olorful
- /ordered !!! for e0ample: you could type your pro1ect on a piece of computer paper
and glue that onto a piece of construction paper!
( )ou can include at most 2 silly, goofy, not very serious strategies! $ll of your %op %en *ays
to "urvive are probably going to sound silly to some degree, but at least 3 of your points to
be at least somewhat serious! For e0ample:
- ',hallenge the sraelites to an .gyptian 4at "lap tournament until they're so
frustrated by the stupid game that they 1ust leave' 5 "illy 6limit yourself to 2 ma07
- '8ake a Golden ,alf and tell the sraelites as they are invading that the ,alf is their
real god and that it is telling them that the Promised +and is actually in the other
direction' 5 /orderline9 it's pretty silly, but has some roots in scripture and is fairly
witty 6still, limit yourself on these ( they can count as the at least 8 serious ones,
but still only one or two of these7!
- ':umble yourselves and pray to the God of the sraelites for mercy' 5 ;ot "illy at
$ll, but :ighly $ccurate 6do as many of these as you'd like<7!

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