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Chart O' the Judges

Name Who is s/he? Key Facts/Stories

Deborah The wife of Lappidoth
Went with Barak to lead the army of 10,000 from
ephtali and !ebulun to defeat king "abin of #anaan$
%ead of "abin&' army, Si'era, end' up getting nailed to a
floor by "ael$
Son of "oa'h the )bie*rite
from Ophrah
Te'ted (od many time' before leading an army of
+,,000 again't the -idianite'$ (od redu.ed hi' army
down to +00, and then .au'ed (ideon&' army to '.atter
and kill 1,0,000 -idianite'$ (ideon wa' obedient,
fearful, but a' time went on be.ame .onfident in (od,
.le/er, and /engeful$ Before dying, he refu'ed to be the
0'raelite' king, yet he made a golden ephod whi.h all
0'rael wor'hipped$
Son of -anoah, born
a a*irite
Sam'on lead the 0'raelite' again't the 1hili'tine'$ Being
a a*irite, he ne/er 'ha/ed hi' head$ %e married a
1hili'tine, wa' betrayed by hi' father2in2law 3perhap'
a..identally4, lit the 1hili'tine' .rop' on fire, 'laughtered
1hili'tine' with a donkey&' 5awbone, married a
pro'titute named Delilah, wa' betrayed by Delilah who
'ha/ed hi' head .au'ing him to lo'e all hi' power, and
ended up dying in a .rowded temple, bringing the whole
'tru.ture down on top of thou'and' of 1hili'tine', killing
more in hi' death than in hi' life$

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