Realtime BW-JAN 2013

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Bus i nes s Anal y t i c al s y s t ems

Real t i me/ i nt er vi ew
ques t i ons
BI W Real t i me Cl as s
November 15, 2012
BW/BI consultant roles an res!ons"b"l"t"es "n su!!ort !ro#ects$
I% &on"tor"n' ata loas%
II% &on"tor"n' ("c)et"n' tools * resolv"n' "ssues%
III% Wor)"n' on en+ancements, Brea),-"., Ne/ 0ro#ects%
I1% (2!es o- !ro#ects an roles an res!ons"b"l"t"es%
34"ve &on"tor"n'5 67,8 a2s9
:l"ent !rouct"on server s+oul be mon"tore ever2 a2 -or 2,3 +ours%
;o/ to mon"tor !rocess c+a"ns <S0:
;o/ to mon"tor bac)'roun #obs S&3=
;o/ to mon"tor /or) !rocess S&50
4oa mon"tor <S&O
S+ort um! S(22
S2stem lo's S&21
(<>:?s S&58
Serv"ce level a''rements%
:ollect"on o- stat"st"cs o- a"l2 loas
Errors "n ata loa
1% No SID -oun, No un"t -oun
2% Small case, +e.aec"mal, s!ec"al c+aracters"n"n', brea),-"., !ermanent
3% Dea loc) errors, +o/ to rect"-2, !ermanent solut"ons
@% Anable to !rocess ata !ac)ets , Dela2
5% (<>: stuc) u! an manual a!!roac+es to resolve% , sm58 , ela2
7% Error "n source s2stem B <SDB(I&EC , ("me Done -or )ernel an a!!l"cat"on servers
=% ("me stam! or 0SA error
8% (able s!ace !roblems
E% ;o/ to resume !rocess c+a"n "- re!eat "s not ava"lable%
, &on"tor"n' t"c)ets, t"c)et"n' tools
, 4evels o- su!!ort
o 4evel 0
o 4evel 1
o 4evel 2
o 4evel 3
, ("c)et"n' !roceure
, Status o- t"c)ets
sa! mae some m"sta)es /+"le evelo!"n' !rouct to resolve t+ose m"sta)es, /e nee to
"m!lement sa! notes, OSS notes%
(2!es o- SA0 note +o/ to searc+G 6serv"ce%sa!%com9
;o/ to "m!lement us"n' S,NO(E transact"on%
6@9 Su!!ort !ac) "m!lementat"on an BW/BI consultant role
:oor"nat"on /"t+ bas"s !ersons
Act"v"t"es "n s2stem o/n t"me
0re!are strate'"c !lann"n' -or outa'e
659 (rans!orts
0ac)a'es, trans!ort, lansca!e o- !ro#ects, trans!ort connect"ons
!rocess -lo/ -or trans!ortat"on ob#ects
e!enenc"es "n trans!orts
679 4"-e :2cle 6SD4:, Accelerate or /ater -all9,
Hual"t2 'ates
S"'n o--s
SD4: / 0+ases o- l"-e c2cle
1C <D act"v"t"es
2C Des"'n
3C :onstruct"on
@C (est"n'
5C AA(
7C Io,l"ve
=C Su!!ort
6=9 Documentat"on
<eJu"rements o- ocuments
;"'+ level est"mat"on ocuments
Des"'n"n' o- (ec+n"cal, -unct"onal ocuments
(est cases an results
Im!lementat"on !lan
0rouct"on su!!ort ocuments
689 Ob#ects
A''re'ates "n !ro#ect
SA0 "n-o cube !er-ect moel"n'
Data source en+ancements
:ustomer e."t -or var"ables
>lat -"le e.tract"on an automat"on
6E9 Interv"e/ Juest"oner 650,=59
6109 <eal t"me !re!arat"on * &oc) "nterv"e/
DAY 01 - November 1, 2012
BW !ro#ect sco!eB vert"calC
Aero s!ace
E:: , BW , &a"n-rame s2stem
E:I0B S!ec"al -"nance transact"onsC ,, >> ,, K BW
A!!l"cat"on area5s "n BW
SD , &"sc b"ll"n'B al"2C F SD masterBIO, DSOC &ater 0:B te.t, attr, +"erC L transact"onal ataB:ABE, DSOC SD tran
>I F A0, A<, I4Ba"l2C , masterBIO, DSOC L transact"onal ataB:ABE, DSOC
&& F 0urc+as"n'Ba"l2C
0& F B a"l2C
:O , Ba"l2 bas"sC
E:M0:AB a"l2 bas"sC
>IS , >ac"l"t"es "n-ormat"on s2stem B custom a!!l"cat"on areaC , a"l2
>E<: F >eeral ener'2 re'ulator2 comm"ss"on F BOn eman bas"sC
<OW1: F >A44 /ee)l2 base
;< F Da"l2 , B" /ee)l2B 1
&ona2 o- mont+, 3
&ona2 o- mont+C
(EN( c+a"nsB not "m!ortant master ataC F Wee)l2
S2stem lansca!e
4ansca!e , ;o/ s2stem /ere arran'e "n cl"ent net/or)
(ra"n"n' s2stem , San bo. , Onl2 -or tra"n"n' !ur!ose F >eas"b"l"t2 c+ec)
Develo!ment s2stem , Develo! ob#ects , :reate trans!orts F &ore aut+or"Dat"ons F Develo!ment cl"ent, Iol
cl"entB s!roC, , E:: F mult"!le cl"ents , Develo!ment cl"ent, test"n' cl"ent, Iol cl"entB S0<OC
HA s2stem F Do not +ave aut+ to create ob#ects, D"s!la2 an test"n' !ur!ose% Develo!er , S2stem an "nte'rat"on
test"n' F AA( BAser acce!tance test"n'C
0re 0ro S2stem F re!l"ca o- !rouct"on s2stem F (o avo" trans!ort -a"lure an suen sur!r"ses -or !rouct"on bo.
We can s"mulate !rouct"on act"v"t"es%
0rouct"on s2stem F 4"ve env"ronment, Data -lo/s +a!!ens a"l2 bas"s%
DA s2stem $ Bac)u! s2stem -or 0rouct"on s2stem "n case s2stem colla!se%
Live monitoring: in BW production system
Process chain logs - RSPC
To monitor and see logs - ST13
Process chain monitoring RSPC!
Load monitoring - RS!" #P$ %TP
&o' monitoring - S!3(
Wor) process S!*+
Short dumps analysis - ST,,
System logs - ora errors S!,1
TR-C stuc) up - S!*.
#n our pro/ect systems located in client place$ Process chains starts at 1,:+* 0! 12ST3 4 5:3* 0! 1#ST3 runs 6or
7 hrs8
SL0 on %aily loads
Service level 0greement in 'et9een client and service provider8
%aily loads starts at 1,:+* 0!$ it should complete 'y ::3+ 0!8 #n a month success rate should 'e 5+;8
#6 %aily chain end up errors $ then BW consultant should place system 9ide messages using transaction S!+,8
%aily loads happens 'ecause o6 a 'ig meta chain called !ain chain
!ain chain consist all master data local chains and all transactional data local chains
!ain chain consist 'elo9 chains
&a"n c+a"n
Start !rocess t2!e $ De-"ne /+en !rocess c+a"n s+oul start an +o/ "t s+oul startG
(rans-er sett"n's -rom source s2stem $ "t use-ul to u!ate tec+n"cal ( tables -rom E:: s2stem to B/ s2stem
&aster ata ma"n c+a"n $ "t "s use-ul to e.tract all master ata "n-ormat"on -rom E:: s2stemBSD &D, >I &D,:O
&D,;< &D, <OW1: &DC
(ransact"onal ata c+a"ns$ :O c+a"nB "t trans-er all co transact"onalBSD (D,;< (D, >IS (D,0A< (D,treasur2 (D, 0:A
(DC L >I c+a"n A< A0 I4 transact"onal ataC
E.!ort -"nanc"al ata L B:S ata to ma"n-rame s2stem $ As"n' In-o s!o)e an +"erarc+2 o/n loa !ro'rams t+"s
c+a"n trans-er ata -rom BW cubes an "n-o ob#ects to a!!l"cat"on s%
Start process type $ &anator2 !rocess t2!e "n 0rocess c+a"n, We can5t "nclue mult"!le start !rocess t2!es "n a
s"n'le !rocess c+a"n%
Imme"ate $ /e are 'o"n' to use t+"s start t2!e to tr"''er on eman loas%
Date / t"me $ I- /e /ant to run !rocess c+a"ns !er"o"call2 base on t+e Date an t"me% &ost o- !rocess c+a"ns
tr"''er us"n' t+"s%
A-ter #ob $ I- 2ou /ant to tr"''er !rocess c+a"n once e.tract"on !ro'ram #ob com!letesB once reJu"re ata +as
been e.tracte us"n' !ro'ramC, t+en /e nee use #ob name "n A-ter #ob tab%
3 tables FE.tract"on !ro'ram BOobC (AB4EBDSC ,,,0:B Start var"ant BA-ter #obC %
A-ter event$
:reate "n S&72, /e can manuall2 tr"''er us"n' S&7@, I- /e /ant tr"''er !rocess c+a"ns base on t+e event B<unn"n'
transact"on, 0lac"n' >lat -"le "n A!!l"cat"on server "s a eventC%
>actor2 calenar$
S!ec"al calenar BS:A4C 1
&ona2 3
&ona2 loas%
&o' status
0lanne$ Oob /"t+out an2 start con"t"on
<elease$ Oob /"t+ -uture start con"t"on% Wa"t"n' -or somet+"n' B>uture Dates/Date, A-ter #ob, A-ter eventC%
<ea2$ Oob /"ll "n t+e status -or &sec, <elease,<ea2,, Act"ve
Act"veBYello/C$ Oob "s runn"n' act"vel2 t+en /e can call t+at #ob as act"ve #ob%
>"n"s+eBIreenC$ Oob com!lete success-ull2%
:ancelleB<eC$ Oob -a"le ue to some reason%
;o/ to convert release status #obs to sc+eule or !lanne statusG
2A $ Select !rocess c+a"n 'o to start !rocess t2!e <: "s!la2 all #obs Select t+e #ob /+"c+ "n <elease
status Oob menu release sc+eule%
;o/ to sto! !er"o"call2 runn"n' c+a"nsG
1A $ Select !rocess c+a"n &ENA e.ecut"on remove -rom sc+eul"n'%
;o/ to convert sc+eule or !lanne status #obs to release status%
Sc+eule B No start con"t"onsC
Select Sc+eule status #ob release '"ve start con"t"ons an save%
:ase stu2$
:+oose !ro'ram% :reate #ob1B sm37C %Insert !ro'ram "n t+"s #ob F sc+eule t+"s #ob to run ever2 a2 at 12$05 A&%
B batc+ #obsC%
:+oose !ro'ram :reate Oob 2Bsm37C% Insert !ro'ram "n t+"s #ob F sc+eule t+"s #ob to run a-ter -"rst #ob%

Selection criteria options
In this field you specify variables for periodically scheduled load processes.
If you want to load data from the source system into BI periodically and therefore periodically want to change the entries in
the selection fields (for example, the date filed), you can select one of the following options for all the fields that can be
ABAP Routine (Type 6)
You can define an B! routine which the system processes at runtime. "his routine has access to all selection
fields and is the last to be processed at runtime.
OLAP Variable (Type 7)
You can use variables here.
You can enter the following variable types directly in the field. #or reasons of compatibility to future releases, however, we
recommend that you no longer use these variable types$ instead you should perform such selections with suitable routines
or (%&!) variables.
#or date fields:
Get Yesterday (Type 0)
Yesterday's date is automatically entered in the date field.
Get Last Wee (Type !)
"he last wee( is selected.
Get Last "ont# (Type $)
"he last month is selected.
Get Last %uarter (Type &)
"he last )uarter is selected.
Get Last Year (Type ')
"he last year is selected.
#or fields that are not date fields:
*ynamic +election ("ype ,)
You can change fields periodically.
"o define the dynamic selection, after selecting the variable type select Details for Type and enter the re)uired
(rans-er 'lobal sett"n's -rom source s2stem
I- t+ere "s ne/ un"t create "n source s2stem or ne/ currenc2 "s t+ere "n source t+en tar'et s2stem BW s+oul )no/
about t+ese ne/l2 create un"ts an currenc"es %
&anual o!t"on to trans-er 'lobal sett"n's$
<SA1 Select source s2stem <: (rans-er 'lobal sett"n's%
S2stem "s 'o"n' to e.ecute a !ro'ram calle <SI&0:AS(
(rans-er 'lobal table contents
>"scal 2ear var"ants
>actor2 calenars BSet o- ( tablesC
W+en /e run t+"s trans-er 'lobal sett"n's Data -rom set o- ( tables l")e B (007 (007A (:A<1C /"ll be trans-er "nto
Same set o- tables o- BW%
We can automate t+"s !rocess b2 us"n' <SI&0:AS( !ro'ram "n !rocess t2!e calle ABA0 !ro'ram%
We +ave trans-er e.c+an'e rates to trans-er e.c+an'e rate c+an'es -rom source s2stem BW s2stem%
0ro'ram calle <SI&0:A<< use-ul to trans-er ata -rom source s2stem to BW
We can automate t+"s !rocess b2 us"n' <SI&0:A<< !ro'ram "n !rocess t2!e calle ABA0 !ro'ram%
&aster ata !rocess c+a"ns
&D Bte.t, attr"bute, ;"erarc+2C ,,,,,,,, IO, DSO
&aster !rocess c+a"ns cons"st te.t loa, Attr"bute loa, ;"erarc+2 loa "nto IO
(e.t loa F I0B3%.C , I0 an D(0BBI =C , !rocess t2!es E.ecute "n-o !ac)a'e, Data trans-er !rocessB Start manator2C
Attr"bute loa F I0, D(0, A:<B Attr"bute c+an'e runC% (O 'et latest an 'reatest "n-ormat"on about attr"butes a-ter
attr"bute +as been loae "nto BW s2stem /e nee to run A:<
;"erarc+2 loa $ I0, SA1E ;IE<B to 'et latest an 'reatest "n-ormat"on "n ;"erarc+2 tableC,A:< F PQBI=
I0, D(0,SA1E ;IE<,A:< , BW =%3
(ransact"onal ata 0rocess c+a"ns
(D ,, KODS an In-o cube
ODS "n 0rocess c+a"ns "m!ortant !rocess t2!es are
Start E.ecute I0 D(0 Act"vat"on o- DSO%
:ube "n t+e !rocess c+a"n
Start Delete "ne. I0 D(0 :reate Ine. <oll u!
4oa"n' o!t"m"Dat"on tec+n"Jues
1% Delete "
2% :om!ress"on F O!t"m"Dat"on -or elete an create ste!s
3% 4"ne "tem
@% Number ran'e bu--er"n'
5% !arallel !rocess"n'
7% :reate small c+un)s o- ata loa I05s an run t+em !arallel
Delete Overla!!"n' reJuests
W+en /e run -ull I05s "nto "n-o cubes, to avo" u!l"cate ata "n "n-o cubes /e nee to )ee! elete overla!!"n' ste!
as sub seJuent ste! a-ter I0%
0re reJu"s"tes or sett"n's "n I0%
Data tar'ets tab "n I0, select ata tar'et -or /+"c+ 2ou /ant elete overla!!"n' reJuest% :l"c) on automat"c loa"n'
o- s"m"lar <eJuest
Roll up step : 9riting data 6rom cu'e to aggregate 'ased on re<uest8
#6 re<uest is deleted 6rom in6o cu'e then related data 9ill 'e deleted 6rom 0ggregate8
0ggregate is same as in6o cu'e$ and it consist - 0nd 2 6act ta'les $ 9e can repair inde=es and 9e can compress
#nitial 6ill o6 aggregates : 9riting data 6rom in6o cu'e to aggregate 6irst time8 0ggregate maintenance 9indo9 is
having this option10ctivate and -ill38 Reload chains uses this process type8
Rollup o6 6illed aggregates : Writing data 6rom in6o cu'e to 0ggregate 'ased on the re<uest8 %aily chains uses
this process types8
Cu'e 9ill not 'e availa'le 6or reporting until unless 9e 9rite data to the aggregates on top it8
Live monitoring
Live monitoring o6 daily loads? @ightly loads monitor using process chain log vie98RSPC? ST13?RSPC!? !-
CC!S ? Portal 'ased technical content 1 0dmin coc)pit3
-rom process chain log vie9 $ -or a particular process type can 'e monitor using %isplay messages conte=t
menu option$
-rom Conte=t menu option o6 display messages 9ill leads to /o' monitoring1S!3(3 transaction to display /o'
status and
/o' logs$
Same option can leads to process monitor 1 RS!"38 -rom there 9e can get more in6ormation a'out data loads
6ailures using detail ta'8
Transactions used in live monitoring
&o' overvie9 in the source system - S!3( too see more in6ormation a'out the /o'$ 9e need to see /o' log
Oob overv"e/ "n t+e BWB ata /are+ouse s2stemC
0rocess overv"e/ "n source s2stem$ S&50 , (o see /+et+er /or) !rocessors are bus2 or "le% I- all /or) !rocessors
are bus2 t+en #ob /"ll be "n ela2e status%
0rocess overv"e/ "n BW S2stem $ S&50 , (o see /+et+er /or) !rocessors are bus2 or "le% I- all /or) !rocessors are
bus2 t+en #ob /"ll be "n ela2e status%
Wor) !rocess $
BID F Bac) 'roun
A0D F A!ate
A02 F A0DA(E 2

A4E<E&O(E Aser " "s res!ons"ble to establ"s+ t+e connect"on an to e.tract t+e ata -rom sourceBE::C to BW

S+ort um! anal2s"s $ S(22 F Source s2stem an BW s2stem
As"n' s+ort um! anal2s"s /e can anal2De /+ere coe "s 'o"n' "nto um!%
(<>: , (ransact"onal <>: $ S&58 % IDO: stuc) u!, (<>: stuc) u!% 4oas /"ll be ela2e because o- t+ese stuc) u!%
We nee to manuall2 !us+ t+ese loas to resume our loa"n' !rocess%
We nee to select ela2e (<>: an 'oto EDI(B &ENAC cl"c) e.cute 4AW%
S2stem lo' F Oracle err4ors F S&21 F Source s2stem s"e , "n t+e BW s2stem /"se%
E.!ort"n' ata -rom BW s2stem to Do/n stream s2stem us"n' "n-o s!o)es an +"erarc+2 o/n loa !ro'rams%
In-o s!o)esB 0: "n-o s!o)esC 3%. an BI =, O!en +ub est"nat"onBD(0C onl2 bI =%.
We use IOB(EN(, A((<C, DSO, I: as ata sources -or In-o s!o)es an O;D , ;"erarc+2 -rom IO can o/n loae us"n'
SA0 el"vere !ro'ram calle SA0M;IE<A<:;YMDOWN4OAD%
I- /e /ant )ee! "n-o s!o)es "n 0: c+a"ns t+en 'enerate -lat -"les s+oul be "n a!!l"cat"on server%
>lat -"les s+oul be "n a!!l"cat"on server t+en onl2 I0 can be use as !rocess t2!es "n !rocess c+a"n%
:ollect"on o- ma"n !rocess c+a"n t"m"n's% (o calculate S4A5s % KE0R
Anot+er S4A
We +ave on eman c+a"n, (+"s /"ll be tr"''er b2 bus"ness users b2 runn"n' SB:S transact"on% S4A -or t+"s !rocess
c+a"n s+oul be com!lete /"t+"n 15 m"nutes% >etc+e recors s+oul be belo/ 100000% KE5R
Dec"s"on !rocess t2!e -or mult"!le alternat"ves$
A c+a"n s+oul tr"''er onl2 !lann"n' "n-ormat"on on 1
a2 o- ever2 2ear, -or ot+er a2s "t s+oul tr"''er actual
1 no S" -oun $ W+en /e are loa"n' transact"onal /"t+out loa"n' master ata -or a !art"cular "n-o ob#ect, t+en
transact"onal ata loa ma2 ene u! /"t+ an error calleT No S" -oun -or "n-o ob#ectT%
Brea) -". $ >oun t+e "n-o ob#ect caus"n' no s" -oun error, 4oa &aster ata "nto t+at "n-o ob#ect t+en re!eat
transact"onal ata loa%
0ermanent solut"on or best !ract"ce$ 4oa all s2stem /"e master ata -"rst t+en loa transact"onal ata%
2%No currenc2 -oun or No un"t -oun%
In Source s2stem "- /e +ave ne/ currenc2 or ne/ AO& t+en /+en /e u!loa t+"s "n-ormat"on "nto BW s2stem,
t+en loa ma2 -a"l because o- No currenc2 -oun or no un"t -oun or No s" -oun%
Brea) -".$ /e nee to run trans-er 'lobal sett"n's manuall2
<un 0ro'ram <SI&0:AS(%
0ermanent solut"on $ Inclue t+"s !ro'ram "n !rocess c+a"n, <un t+"s !rocess c+a"n on a"l2 bas"s be-ore runn"n'
actual loas%
3%Small case, +e.aec"mal, s!ec"al c+aracters , brea),-"., !ermanent solut"ons
Small case letters $ DSO/ODS /"ll allo/ small case letters, but /+"le act"vat"n' "t /"ll '"ve an error%
In-o cube /on5t allo/ small case letters "t /"ll '"ve an error /+"le loa"n' ata "nto%
Brea) -".$
Small case letters can converte "nto ca!"tal "n 0SA "n 3%.% or "n Error stac) BI =
0ermanent >".$
Wr"te rout"ne "n trans-er rulesB3%.C or trans-ormat"ons B B"=Cto convert small case "nto ca!"tal letters%
<esult $ (ranslate to A!!er case%
We can convert us"n' >ormula bu"ler
S!ec"al c+aracter"st"cs
A(O S 0 (O E allo/able c+ar "n "n-o cube
UVWRX*Y not allo/e "n BW "n-o cube%
US<I<A& 4oa /"ll -a"l
S<I<A&U 4oa /"ll not -a"l
S<IU<A& 4oa /"ll not -a"l%
Same /"t+ W
W "s onl2 c+ar "n ata t+en loa /"ll -a"l, S<I<A&W
Brea) -".
Inval" c+ar can be converte val" c+ar "n 0SA "n 3%.% or "n Error stac) BI =
0ermanent -".
Wr"te <out"ne to convert "nval" c+ar "nto val" c+ar
(/o t2!es o- rout"nes
<e!lace rout"ne $ <e!lace rout"ne /"ll re!lace "nval" c+ar /"t+ val" c+ar
DATA: l_zznote TYPE /bic/oizznote.
l_zznote = TRAN_STRUCTURE-zcomment.
DATA: l_offset TYPE i.
FND FRST !CCURRENCE !F "#" N l_zznote $ATC% !FFSET l_offset.
F l_offset E& '.
REP(ACE FRST !CCURRENCE !F "#" N l_zznote )T% "*".
RESU(T = l_zznote.
:lean"n' rout"ne $ "t removes "nval" "n-ormat"on -orm ata%
+,t,: l_--END_P( TYPE /.C/!--END_P(.
CA(( $ET%!D zcl_b/_c0stom_met1o+s=2cle,nse_st3in4
c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse = l_--END_P(.
RESU(T = l_--END_P(.
T3,nsl,te RESU(T to UPPER CASE.
:lean str"n' met+o
met1o+ C(EANSE_STRN5.
D,t,: l_st3len t67e i8
l_offset t67e i 9,l0e '8
l_len4t1 t67e i 9,l0e '8
l_nee+_to_cle,n t67e c.
l_st3len = STR(EN: c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse ;.
* found invalid character # in position 1
F c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:*; = "=".
F l_st3len 2 *.
* string is longer than 1
ADD * T! l_offset.
F c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:*; = " ".
* position 2 is a space
* set flag to need to clean
l_nee+_to_cle,n = ">".
F l_st3len 2 ?.
* string is longer than 2
ADD * T! l_offset.
l_len4t1 = l_st3len - l_offset.
F c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:l_len4t1; C! " ".
* position 3 thru end are all spaces
l_nee+_to_cle,n = ">".
* something other than space are in position 3 thru end
l_nee+_to_cle,n = " ".
* string is =1
l_nee+_to_cle,n = ">".
F l_nee+_to_cle,n = ">".
* either there is a single # or # followed space(s) and nothing else
C(EAR c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse.
E(SEF c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:*; = "#".
* found invalid character ! in position 1
* correct position 1
c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:*; = " ".
l_offset = '.
* process postxt until the end of the string
D! l_st3len T$ES.
*determine the length of the string or the portion we haven't verified
l_len4t1 = l_st3len - l_offset.
* chec! the portion we havent verified et
F c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:l_len4t1; CN c_9,li+_cle,nse_c1,3s.
* we found "ad data# correct it and setup to read rest of string
l_offset = l_offset < SY-FDP!S.
c1_st3in4_to_cle,nse<l_offset:*; = " ".
* no more "ad data found
3%Dea loc) errors, +o/ to rect"-2, !ermanent solut"ons
4oc)"n' errors
One user o!ene In-o !ac)a'e /+"c+ "s !art o- !rocess c+a"n, I- Ot+er user runn"n' same !rocess c+a"n
t+en loa /"ll -a"le because loc)"n' "ssue%
Solut"on$ Io S&12 an an elete entr"es "n t+e table, t+en re!eat t+e !rocess c+a"n% Or as) -"rst user to
come out o- "n-o !ac)a'e t+en secon user can re!eat t+e !rocess c+a"n -rom "n-o !ac)a'e%
0SA Delet"on , I- /e on5t /ant ata "n 0SA -or oler reJuests% /e elete ata -rom 0SA t+en We can
+ave more DB s!ace /"t+"n s2stem% It /"ll smoot+en s2stem !er-ormance "nclu"n' loa"n'% We can avo"
table s!ace errors ur"n' loa"n'%
&anual a!!roac+
BI =
Data source , mana'e, select reJuests an elete%
<SA1 F0SA F Select IS FE.!an F0SA F<:, <eJuest,Delete%
"- 2ou /ant to Automate t+e 0SA elet"on !rocess t+en /e nee to "nclue Delete 0SA reJuests 0rocess
t2!e "n !rocess c+a"n
4oa reJuest "nto t+e 0SA us"n' I0 us"n' 0rocess c+a"n an Delet"on 0SA table us"n' elete 0SA reJuest
ste!, I- bot+ !rocess c+a"ns are runn"n' same t"me% (+en one t+e #ob /"ll term"nate most o- t+e t"me
loa #ob /"ll term"nate because o- loc)"n' "ssue /"t+ 0SA table%
We nee /a"t unt"l one #ob "s 'et com!lete "n S&3=, t+en /e nee to re!eat t+e c+a"n%
4oa"n' loc)"n' "ssue /"t+ "n-o cube
W+en /e tr2"n' to elete reJuests -rom "n-o cube manuall2, an someone tr"''ere !rocess c+a"n to
loa t+e ata "nto same "n-o cube t+en !rocess c+a"n /"ll term"nate at e.ecute I0 ste! because o-
loc)"n' "ssue%
Wa"t unt"l elete reJuest ste! 'et com!letes t+en loa t+e ata us"n' !rocess c+a"n%
Delete "ne. Oob , 4oa #ob , :reate "ne. #ob
W+"le Delete "ne. an :reate "ne. or re!a"r " are runn"n' -or "n-o cube t+en /e s+oul not loa
ata "nto t+at "n-o cube% 4oa"n' !rocess ma2 en u! /"t+ loc)"n' "ssue%
0ermanent solut"on$ We nee to avo" t+e #ob con-l"cts b2 runn"n' !rocess c+a"ns or #obs /"t+ r"'+t t"me
Ana'le to process data pac)ets - -or huge amount data load1 reload3
>rom 0SA ata !ac)ets /ont be u!ate to D(
We can see t+ese t2!es o- ata !ac)ets "n 2ello/ status "n eta"ls tab o- mon"tor%
Source s2stem an Data /are+ous"n' s2stem #obs /"ll be "n -"n"s+e status, but loa mon"tor"n' status "n
2ello/ status% We cant see an2 "ncrease o- loa"n' recors "n mon"tor"n' screen%
An !rocesse ata !ac)ets can be !rocesse "n "alo' !rocess or bac)'roun !rocess%
D"alo' !rocess$ As"n' one sess"on /e can !rocess one ata !ac)et onl2% <"'+t cl"c) t+e ata !ac)et an
manual u!ate%
Bac) 'roun !rocess$ We nee to )ee! loa status "n re%
Select ra"o button !ac)et s+oul be !rocesse "n bac) 'roun%
W+enever /e !rocess ata !ac)et us"n' t+"s sett"n' -or eac+ ata !ac)et /e can see bac) 'roun #ob
W+en BIMBOOZ #ob "s "n act"ve status overall loa /"ll be "n 2ello/ status , once #ob com!leteB -"n"s+eC
t+en loa status /"ll be "n Ireen status%
5%(<>: stuc) u! an manual a!!roac+es to resolve%BIDO: Dela2C
4oa /"ll be "n 2ello/ status, We can see no act"ve ata loa"n'% Blue colore arro/ button /e can
observe "n t+e eta"ls tab o- mon"tor"n'% An "- /e see (<>: "n source b2 cl"c)"n' blue color Icon or b2
us"n' menu o!t"on , /e can see stuc) u! or un !rocesse (<>: -or lon' t"me, WE nee to select t+at
(<>: an 'o to EDI( menu o!t"on -rom t+ere cl"c) e.ecute 4AWB>7C
0ermanent solut"on !rov"e b2 SA0 note$ 1573359 s+oul be "m!lemente%
7% Error "n source s2stem B <SDB(I&EC , ("me Done -or )ernel an a!!l"cat"on servers
1!.$""1 - Delta l/ads fail in t+e l/ad m/nit/*0RS-12 f/* timestam& based datas/u*ces 3it+
'Errors in source system' Message no RSM340.
Program call RSDB!ME we nee" to run in #ot$ system % t$en we can get message li&e
t$ere is time inconsistency.
'e nee" to contact #asis to c$ange t$e server timings( )ernel an" a**lication server+.
4+e f/u* se*5e*s su&&/*tin, 6'1 7 B'1% 8A'6R'01 0SA' instance 6'129
8A'6R'0 0database 6'129 8A'BIW01 0SA' instance B'12 and 8A'BIW0 0database
B'12 3e*e c+ec:ed% 4+ey +a5e t+e same time;/ne de<ned but t+e*e 3as ab/ut a /ne minute time
8A'6R'01 is t+e c/**ect time9 t+e /t+e* t+*ee se*5e*s +ad l/st t+e nt& sync+*/ni;ati/n and t+ei*
time 3as be+ind t+e *est /f t+e AY6 se*5e*s%
4+e >4' se*5ice 3as *esta*ted /n 8A'6R'09 8A'BIW01 and 8A'BIW09 t+e time /n t+ese se*5e*s
is n/3 3it+in /ne sec/nd /f t+e time /n 8A'6R'01%
.% 4ime stam& and 'SA e**/*
W+ene5e* 3e c+an,e data s/u*ce afte* c+an,es if 3e 3/nt *e&licate and acti5ate t*ansfe* *ules
t+en l/ads may end u& 3it+ 4ime stam& /* 'SA e**/*s
Dis&lay messa,es s+/3s time ;/ne di=e*ences f/* 6R' and BW systems
W+ene5e* t+e*e is su&&/*t &ac: u&,*ade in s/u*ce system% 0 t+e*e mi,+t be c+an,e in data
s/u*ces t+en 3+en 3e *un l/ads f*/m BW 3it+/ut *e&licati/n and acti5ati/n /f t*ansfe* *ules t+en
l/ads may end u& 3it+ 'SA e**/*s /* time stam& e**/*s2
S/luti/n? 3+ene5e* 3e ,et time stam& e**/*s *e&licate data s/u*ces and acti5ate t+em and
acti5ate t*ansfe* *ules0 RSt*ancu(atci5ate(all2 /* t*ansf/*mati/ns%
8% (able s!ace !roblems$ S(22 , S&58 source , (able s!ace !roblems , (<>: /"ll en u! /"t+ errors
We nee '"ve more DB s!ace , We can contact bas"s to "ncrease table s!ace% Bas"s "s 'o"n' to a table
s!ace -or 2ou "- reall2 reJu"re%
B2 elet"n' ata -rom 0SA an c+an'e lo' table an com!ress"n' "n-o cubes , b2 elet"n' un/ante
a''re'ates /e can 'a"n t+e DB s!ace%
S2stem , 0: F Errors F &essa'es , 0a'ers or ema"l "s or 0+ones%
(o (rans-er messa'es to ema"ls o- user 'rou!% Bas"s nee create a !er"o"c !ro'ram S:O( transact"on
an t+e2 nee to ta)e care e.c+an'e server "n-ormat"on%
We nee to create "str"but"on l"st -or t+e rec"!"ents
D"str"but"on l"st "s collect"on o- em!lo2ee ema"l "5s an !a'er number, /e can use t+"s "str"but"on l"st "n
!rocess c+a"n messa'e ma"ntenance rec"!"ent l"st% (+"s "s reusable one%
>rom O--"ce /or) !lace /e can create an /e can e"t "str"but"on l"st%
Watc+ o' !ro'ram$ I- t+ere are an2 ela2 t+en t+"s !ro'ram /"ll be not"-"e t+rou'+ ema"ls an !a'ers
&on"tor !ro'ram%
<S0:0<O:ESS4OI "t "s table '"ve "n-ormat"on about lo's o- t+e !rocess c+a"n%
>or eac+ !rocess t2!e t+ere /"ll be an entr2 "n t+"s table% I- an2 !rocess t2!e /"t+ !rocess c+a"n -a"le
t+en messa'e /"ll be c"rculate us"n' "str"but"on l"st%
-/nit/* and
Watc+d/, &*/,*ams(D*aft%d/c@
<S0:M0<O:ESSM>INIS; !ro'ram to c+an'e entr"es "n <S0:0<O:ESS4OI table
H$ We +ave meta c+a"n , "n t+at /e +ave to local c+a"ns, >"rst local c+a"n ene u! /"t+ errors, A-ter
rect"-"cat"on "t "s unable to tr"''er ne.t local c+a"n, t+en +o/ to start secon or ne.t !rocess c+a"nG
As"n' <S0:M0<O:ESSM>INIS; 0ro'ram /e can c+an'e < status to I or > status t+en c+a"n /"ll resume%
"he following procedure can be used if the process chain does not offer a repeat on a failed process or if you do not
want or need to do a repeat, but you want to continue the process chain.
-) .o to +/-0 and bring up table 1+!2!1%2/++&%.. .et the &og I* from the &og run of the chain (left side of
screen in log of chain) 3 cut and paste in log id on the table selection screen and execute.
4) #ind the failed line in 1+!2!1%2/++&%., that is the line that matches the failed process in the chain and has a
status of 1, 5 or blan(.
6) %pen another session. 1un 1+!27!1%2/++7#I8I+9, using :;tcode <1+!27!1%2/++7#I8I+9. !ut in logid,
type, variant, and instance from the 1+!2!1%2/++&%. table from the record of the one that failed. !ut a . in the
state field. !ress execute and you will get no messages if it was successful. If it was not successful, rechec( the
values you entered in the program selection options.
"his should put the process in the chain to green and allow it to continue.
=) 1efresh the chain to see that it is proceeding as expected.
#6 Client is 6acing any issue in production environment $ then do call Belp des) and they e=plain
a'out their pro'lem to the help des) e=ecutive$ then help des) e=ecutive going to generate a tic)et
or incident 9ith customer complaint using tic)eting tool$ and they assign this tic)et to respective
Service center or help des) support is level one support8
Tic)et 9ill 'e availa'le in respective Cueue1 BW$-#38 This tic)et status is )no9n as "pen status8
BW support consultant 9ho is in "n-call need to pic) the tic)et8 Be needs to contact Aser 9ho raised
the tic)et and need to mention 6irst customer contact time then tic)et 9ill turned into W#P8
Wor) in progress
#n most pro/ect the a'ove step should 'e completed in 3+ minutes81 there 9ill 'e SL0 also3
Tic)et response time 6or all tic)et types it should 'e 3+ minutes8
W#P Status : Wor) in progress status SL0 cloc) start clic)ing 6rom this point on9ards8
Dou need 9or) actively on this tic)et$ need to contact user 6or more in6ormation on the tic)et$ We
need to come up 9ith right resolution$ it might 'e 'rea) 6i= or @e9 CR8
#6 9e are a'le to 'rea) 6i= error directly in Production environment then 9e need to as) user to
chec) the results then upon user acceptance 9e can close the tic)et 'y providing R""T cause
"nce 9e close tic)et $ tic)et status 9ill 'e closed8
Status o6 the tic)ets
SASP2@% Whenever 9e are 9aiting 6or an ans9er 6rom user then 6or time 'eing 9e can )eep tic)et
status as suspend8 SL0 cloc) 9ill 'e stopped8
P2@%#@E T" CL"S2- #6 solution is not 'rea) 6i=$ -i= should 'e come 6rom development then until
development hits the Production system using transport re<uest$ 9e can )eep respective tic)et in
pending to close8
T""L %W tic)eting 8 peregrine
SL0 Sev 1 should 'e completed in , hrs8 -#n Production environment i6 any 'atch /o' 6ails then 9e
receive Sev 1 tic)et8
Sev , tic)et should 'e completed in 7 hrs #- 6ile generation 6or other systems not happened in time
then other system 6ol)s are going to call sev , tic)et8 #- any user group is complain a'out report is
not e=ecuta'le or latest in6ormation is not appearing in the report then they call Sev , tic)et8
Sev 3 tic)et should 'e completed in 1: hrs #6 user re<uires any on demand load then they 9ill call
sev 3 tic)et8 #6 user is having any access related to access or data discrepancy pro'lems then they
9ill call these type tic)ets8
Sev 7 F @o time line @e9 user loo)ing 6or BW connection$
Service level 1 Belp des)
Service level, Responsi'le 6or tic)ets and data loading
Service level 3 Responsi'le 6or 2nhancements
Service level 7 Responsi'le 6or ne9 Pro/ects
Tic)et e=ample 1
Aser is una'le to see latest in6ormation in the <ueries
Reason : developer created ne9 aggregates on in6o cu'e and he missed to include roll up step
addition in the corresponding process chain8 06ter initial 6ill o6 aggregates in production system the
delta re<uest are not 9ritten into 0ggregates so re<uests ended up 9ith no reporting #C"@$
Then user complained a'out latest in6ormation is not reporta'le
Brea) 6i=: select latest re<uest in cu'e manage$ then per6orm roll up step manually$ then 6or this
re<uest reporting #C"@ 9ill 'e availa'le8
Permanent solution: #n development 'o= include roll up a6ter load processing$ then transport them
into Production environment8
Tic)et ,
Aser complained a'out 6e9 WBS hierarchies are missing in the reports
0nalysis : We have 1(*+++ records in RS!" monitor$ 0nd same records in RS038 We o'served 06ter
WBS element hierarchy load 9e donGt have S0H2 hierarchy step$ So all %ata records 1(*+++ not
updated in the Bierarchy ta'le8
Brea) 6i=: Run #P manually 6or WBS hierarchy8 0utomatically data 9ill 'e updated in Bierarchy ta'le
Permanent solution : #nsert Save hierarchy step in the process chain a6ter load step8
S0P @ote:
#6 S0P did some mista)es 9hile developing the product$ then S0P 9ill release @otes to recti6y their
9on errors 9hen customer reported product error8
Bo9 to search note:
We need to search in Service8sap8com 9ith search term 1 Based on your error38
Service8sap8com Support portal Provide SAS2R #% #n6ormationBelp and supportsearch 6or sap
S0P notes :
18Corrective notes : S0P 9ill provide corrections using this note$ Customer needs to implement this
note in their systems to resolve the pro'lem8 Asing Snote transaction 9e can do9n load sap note and
9e can implement this S0P note8 When 9e implement Sap note system 9ill as) 6or Transport re<uest
to collect the changes 'ecause o6 S0P note implementation8 So S0P note is transporta'le and 9e
need to apply in %evelopment system and transport it to C0 and Prod8
1SS >/te
Bo9 to implement corrective notes
BD1 ,K (coe SNO(E ,K Select Ioto ,K SA0 Note Bro/ser ,K Enter t+e note 15=335E ,K E.ecute ,K Select t+e note
an select Im!lement SA0 Note
2=ample :
We have TR-C stuc) up$ 9e need to clear these TR-C stuc) up using S!*. Transaction -:
0'ove one manual approach to clear stuc) TR-CGs$ S0P provided permanent solution 6or TR-C stuc)
up 9ith @ote 1*(33*58
0'ove note 9ill give ne9 program called RSTR-CCI in system8 This program 9ill clear the TR-C stuc)
up8 So run this program as a 'atch &"B 6or every 6ive minutes in 2CC and BW8
,8 Procedural notes : S0P provides Procedures or Steps to 'e maintained or 6ollo9ed to resolve the
@ote 1*(:331 is e=ample 6or Procedural note$ this note 9ill give in6ormation a'out Bo9 to run
RS%BT#!2 program to chec) inconsistencies 'et9een application server and )ernel time Jones8
38 in6ormative notes : We 9onGt apply these notes$ this in6ormation a'out 'est practices to 'e
2=ample: note 1+(3,:. 9ill give in6ormation a'out ho9 to implement +#CKC+3 'est 9ay8
6119 Support pac) implementation and BW?B# consultant role
SPGS - Patches - Collection S0P notes8 Patch 1 ---------,* $ Support contain ne9 6unctionalities
also81 @e9 data sources$ data sources changes$ ne9 changes to e=tractors$ @e9 cu'es3
Customers at least once in year try to implement latest patches to their systems8
Patches or SpGs 9ill 'e upgraded 'y Basis consultants8 SPGs are not transporta'le8 Basis need to apply
these SpGs System 9ise8
-irst 'asis apply on %ev systems - -unctional and technical testing 9ill 'e carried in that system$
once testing passed8 Basis apply same SpGs to C0 systems$ Then again technical 6unctional tesing
need s to 'e carried out8 "nce everything is 6ine then 'asis is going to apply SPGs in Production
Roles o6 BW consultant 9hen Basis consultant applying Support pac)s81 %o9n time activity38
"utage plan or do9n time plan1 B9 role - Clearing <ueues3
Cueues in 2CC system
B9 consultant role is to ma)e sure all entries in Belo9 <ueues are L+M

#6 user is posting the data1 creating the data3$ then entries come and sit in 'elo9 stated areas$ So 9e
need to loc) the user then he canGt log into the system to post the data8 Security consultants are
going to loc) the system 9ide 'usiness users8
S!C1 Whenever 9e run %elta #P 6rom BW side$ H3 /o'
RS0( Whenever 9e run %elta #P 6rom BW side1PC3
LBWC H3 /o'1 &o' control3 LBWC RS0( R!BWH3NN Program 1 NN 0pplication area3
S!13 H3 /o' 1&o' control3 Sm13 RS0( R!BWH3NN Program 1 NN 0pplication area3
S2TAP T0BL2S %eletion- LBWE
Plan 6or this system do9n time activity8
*raft communication to all users
+end out /!- wal(through plan
+chedule cutover wal(through
B+I > "echnical ?pgrade
8otify uto+ys teams (@i(e +weA(BCoe 2ronin) of upcoming
#inali:e /!- ?nloc( &ist
!rovide &ist of /*-D transports
2utover wal(through @eeting
@a(e sure we have a clean bac(up
+end communication to all outage particpants
+end communication to 9elp *es( to be sent to all employees
2reate .roup 2hat
E pprove /*-D "ransports
Initial clearing of BI Eueues in /1!
!lace utosys Cobs %n 9oldBIce ; everything %8 I2/
Ferify all Aobs are complete
&oc( ll ?sers /xcept ?nloc( list on attached tab
1emove any active users from /!-
#inal BI )ueues in /1!
/mail confirmation of #inal BI Eueue clearing
#inal clear )ueues (+@E-, +@E4, +@,G)B?pdates ; #inal 2hec(
8otify +8%2 to +top @onitoring +ystems
+ystem shutdown
pply 91+! 0HB0- I pply *@I+ I"echincal Ferification
apply /*-D >6H6=G +!? adAustments
apply tax factory cyclic +
apply "?B+ 4H>;4-=
apply &0*DJ transports
Import 1emaining/*-D "ransports using "@+
Implementation 3 2omplete
S!ste "estart
unloc( && users loc(ed in step !1/;HH6 above
+ystem 1estart
1elease utosys Cobs %n 9oldBIce ; everything %8 I2/
/nd group chat
%evelopment process
Water 6all$ S%LC$ 0S0P methods to develop o'/ects or to implement S0P pro/ects
ASAP Methodology
ASAP stands for Accelerated SAP. Its purpose is to help design SAP implementation in the most efcient manner possible. Its goal is to efectively optimize time, people, quality and
other resources, using a proven methodology to implementation. ASAP focuses on tools and training, wrapped up in a fve-phase process oriented road map for guiding
The road map is composed of fve well-known consecutive phases:
Phase 1 Project Preparation
Phase 2 Business Blueprint
Phase 3 Realization
Phase 4 Final Preparation
Phase 5 Go-Live and support
In today's post we will discuss the frst phase.

ASAP Methodology - Phase 1 : Project Preparation
Phase 1 initiates with a retrieval of information and resources. It is an important time to assemble the necessary components for the implementation. Some important milestones that
need to be accomplished for phase 1 include
Obtaining senior-level management/stakeholder support
identifying clear project objectives
architect an efcient decision-making process
creating an environment suitable for change and re-engineering
building a qualifed and capable project team.
Senior level management support:
One of the most important milestones with phase 1 of ASAP is the full agreement and cooperation of the important company decision-makers - key stake holders and others. Their
backing and support is crucial for a successful implementation.
Clear project objectives:
Be concise in defning what your objectives and expectations are for this venture. Vague or unclear notions of what you hope to obtain with SAP will handicap the implementation
process. Also make sure that your expectations are reasonable considering your company's resources. It is essential to have clearly defned ideas, goals and project plans devised
before moving forward.
An efcient decision making process:
One obstacle that often stalls implementation is a poorly constructed decision-making process. Before embarking on this venture, individuals need to be clearly identifed. Decide now
who is responsible for diferent decisions along the way. From day one, the implementation decision makers and project leaders from each area must be aware of the onus placed on
them to return good decisions quickly.
Environment suitable for change and re engineering:
Your team must be willing to accept that, along with new SAP software, things are going to change, the business will change, and information technology enabling the business will
change as well. By implementing SAP, you will essentially redesign your current practices to model more efcient or predefned best business practices as espoused by SAP.
Resistance to this change will impede the progress of your implementation.
ASAP Methodology - Phase 2- Business Blueprint
SAP has defned a business blueprint phase to help extract pertinent information about your company that is necessary for implementation. These blueprints are in the form of
questionnaires that are designed to probe for information that uncovers how your company does business. As such, they also serve to document the implementation.
Each business blueprint document essentially outlines your future business processes and business requirements. The kinds of questions asked are germane to the particular
business function, as seen in the following sample questions:
1) What information do you capture on a purchase order?
2) What information is required to complete a purchase order?
Accelerated SAP question and answer database:
The question and answer database (QADB) is a simple although aging tool designed to facilitate the creation and maintenance of your business blueprint. This database stores the
questions and the answers and serves as the heart of your blue print. Customers are provided with a customer input template for each application that collects the data. The question
and answer format is standard across applications to facilitate easier use by the project team.
Issues database:
Another tool used in the blueprinting phase is the issues database. This database stores any open concerns and pending issues that relate to the implementation. Centrally storing
this information assists in gathering and then managing issues to resolution, so that important matters do not fall through the cracks. You can then track the issues in database, assign
them to team members, and update the database accordingly.
ASAP Methodology - Phase- 3 - Realization:
With the completion of the business in phase 2, "functional" experts are now ready to begin confguring SAP. The Realization phase is broken in to two parts.
1) Your SAP consulting team helps you confgure your baseline system, called the baseline confguration.
2) Your implementation project team fne-tunes that system to meet all your business and process requirements as part of the fne tuning confguration.
The initial confguration completed during the base line confguration is based on the information that you provided in your blueprint document. The remaining approximately 20% of
your confguration that was not tackled during the baseline confguration is completed during the fne tuning confguration. Fine tuning usually deals with the exceptions that are not
covered in baseline confguration. This fnal bit of tweaking represents the work necessary to ft your special needs.
Confguration Testing:
With the help of your SAP consulting team, you segregate your business processes into cycles of related business fows. The cycles serve as independent units that enable you to
test specifc parts of the business process. You can also work through confguring the SAP implementation guide (IMG). A tool used to assist you in confguring your SAP system in a
step by step manner.
Knowledge Transfer:
As the confguration phase comes to a close, it becomes necessary for the Project team to be self-sufcient in their knowledge of the confguration of your SAP system. Knowledge
transfer to the confguration team tasked with system maintenance (that is, maintenance of the business processes after Go-live) needs to be completed at this time.In addition, the
end users tasked with actually using the system for day-to-day business purposes must be trained.
ASAP Methodology - Phase 4 - Final Preparation:
As phase 3 merges into phase 4, you should fnd yourselves not only in the midst of SAP training, but also in the midst of rigorous functional and stress testing. Phase 4 also
concentrates on the fne tuning of your confguration before Go-live and more importantly, the migration of data from your old system or systems to SAP.
Workload testing (including peak volume, daily load, and other forms of stress testing), and integration or functional testing are conducted to ensure the accuracy of your data and the
stability of your SAP system. Because you should have begun testing back in phase 2, you do not have too far to go until Go-live. Now is an important time to perform preventative
maintenance checks to ensure optimal performance at your SAP system.At the conclusion of phase 4, take time to plan and document a Go-live strategy. Preparation for Go-live
means preparing for your end-users questions as they start actively working on the new SAP system.
ASAP Methodology - Phase 5 - Go-live and Support:
The Go-live milestone is itself is easy to achieve; a smooth and uneventful Go-live is another matter altogether. Preparation is the key, including attention to what-if scenarios related
not only to the individual business processes deployed but also to the functioning of technology underpinning these business processes and preparation for ongoing support, including
maintenance contracts and documented processes and procedures are essential.
Development phases:
1%<eJu"rement 0+ase% $ :ollect reJu"rements -rom t+e user b2 conuct"n' "nterv"e/s an meet"n's% 0re!are
<eJu"rement ocument an 'et s"'n o-- -rom t+e user
2% Des"'n !+ase $ Base on t+e nam"n' convent"on !re!are >unct"onal an tec+n"cal s!ecs or es"'n ocuments% Iet
a!!roval -rom t+e Sr consultant -or t+ese ocuments%
3% :onstruct"on !+ase$ :onstruct ob#ects "n Develo!ment s2stem accor"n' to es"'n ocumentat"on% :a!ture
ob#ects "nto trans!ort reJuests% 0re!are un"t test cases, conuct un"t test"n' an ca!ture results% Iet a!!rovals on
un"t test cases an results an on trans!orts -rom Sr consultantsBW0<C% <elease ob#ects "nto HA s2stem% 0re!are
"m!lementat"on !lan, Iet W0< a!!roval -rom Sr consultant%
@%(est"n' !+ase$ A-ter success-ul "m!ort o- ob#ects "nto test"n' s2stem% 0re!are s2stem test cases an conuct
s2stem test"n'% As) W0< -or t+ese % Once /e 'et a!!roval t+en as) user to o AA(BAser acce!tance test"n'C% Once
AA( !asse t+en :< "s rea2 to move "nto !rouct"on%
5%"m!lementat"on or 'o l"ve !+ase
As) bas"s or m"'rat"on team to "m!ort t+e ob#ectB trans!ort reJuestsC "nto 0rouct"on s2stem accor"n' to
Im!lementat"on !lan%
0er-orm !re an !ost "m!lementat"on ste!s "- necessar2%
I"ve su!!ort to ob#ectB loa"n' , re!ort"n'C
12.0 Development Phases: .................................. Error: Reference source not found
12.1 Requirements Phase - Analyst .................... Error: Reference source not found
12.1.1 reate the Requirements ..................... Error: Reference source not found
12.1.2 Revisit the !"E and omplete the Detailed Estimate Error: Reference source not found
12.1.# $PR for Requirements and Estimate ..... Error: Reference source not found
12.1.% Requestor Approval of Requirements ..... Error: Reference source not found
12.1.& '-(ate 1 Approvals ............................. Error: Reference source not found
12.2 Desi)n Phase - Desi)ner ........................... Error: Reference source not found
12.2.1 reate the Desi)n ............................... Error: Reference source not found
12.2.2 $PR for Desi)n .................................. Error: Reference source not found
12.2.# '-(ate 2 Approvals ............................. Error: Reference source not found
12.# onstruction Phase * Developer and +ester .. Error: Reference source not found
12.#.1 Development - Developer .................... Error: Reference source not found
12.#.2 ,nit +est Plans- ases- and Results - Developer Error: Reference source not found
12.#.# $PR for onstruction and ,nit +est * Developer Error: Reference source not found
12.#.% .ystem +est .trate)y- Plan and ases - +ester Error: Reference source not found
12.#.& $PR for .ystem +est .trate)y- Plan and ases - +ester Error: Reference source not found
12.#./ '-(ate # Approvals - Developer ........... Error: Reference source not found
12.% +estin) Phase- Developer and +ester ........... Error: Reference source not found
12.%.1 omplete 0mplementation Plan- Release of +ransports and .ystem +est Preparations -
Developer .................................................... Error: Reference source not found
12.%.2 $PR for 0mplementation Plan - Developer Error: Reference source not found
12.%.# onduct .ystem +estin) * +ester .......... Error: Reference source not found
12.%.% $PR for .ystem +est Results * +ester .... Error: Reference source not found
12.%.& '-(ate %.1 Approvals - +ester ............. Error: Reference source not found
12.%./ Request ,A+ 1e Performed 1y the Requestor * +ester Error: Reference source not found
12.%.2 '-(ate %.2 Approvals - +ester ............. Error: Reference source not found
12.& 0mplementation Phase * Responsi1le Person and 0mplementer Error: Reference source not
12.&.1 Preparation for (o34o-(o Decision 5eetin) * Responsi1le Person Error: Reference source not
12.&.2 Preparation for +ransport to Production - 0mplementer Error: Reference source not found
12.&.# 0mplement - 0mplementer .................... Error: Reference source not found
12%5%@ 0ost 0rouct"on , Im!lementer Error$ <e-erence source not -oun
6129 4"-e :2cle 6SD4:, Accelerate or /ater -all9,
<eleases$ & F &ont+l2, H , Juarterl2, s!ec"al release -or !ro#ects% Imme"ate release to brea) -".
!rouct"on "ssues, Year en releases% <elease mana'ement /"ll ta)e care o- t+ese releases%
W0< F Wor) !rouct rev"e/, Hual"t2 !rocess
W+enever /e create !roucts ot+er !erson nees rev"e/ an a!!roveBenorseC t+e !rouct%
Hual"t2 'ates$ H1, H2,H3,H@,H5
("me -rames or ea l"ne to com!lete eac+ !+ase% H1 'ate "s a t"me -rame to com!lete
reJu"rements 'at+er"n'%
S"'n o--s , Aser a!!rovals, W0< a!!rovals% We rece"ve t+ese s"'n o-- us"n' ema"ls%
;4E $ ;"'+ level Est"mat"on
Base on t+e "n"t"al reJu"rements /e nee to '"ve est"mat"on to com!lete t+e ob#ects an
ocuments% ;r /"ll be calculate +ere base on t+e "--erent !+ases%
Documents /e create "n Develo!ment !rocess
0+ase 0 $ 0r"or to reJu"rement 'at+er"n'%
;4E Document
0+ase 1$ <eJu"rement !+ase
<D an Deta"l est"mat"on
0+ase 2$ Des"'n !+ase
Des"'n ocumentsB -unct"onal s!ecs * tec+n"cal s!ecsC ocuments
0+ase 3$ :onstruct"on !+ase
An"t test cases an results Documents
0+ase @$ (est"n' !+ase
S2stem test case an results ocs * AA(
0+ase 5 $ Im!lementat"on
Im!lementat"on Document
0+ase 7 $ Su!!ort
0rouct"on S2no!s"s ocument F (+"s ocument /"ll !rov"e "n-ormat"on to su!!ort t+e el"vere
ob#ects "n !rouct"on s2stem%
"'/ect 1 Cuery enhancement
"'/ect, -lat 6ile automation
"'/ect 3 0ggregates
Reporting per6ormance8
"lap Cache
-ree char reporting
Pre cal value set
!ini cu'es contain data physically$ -lat aggregates8 !odel 9ill 'e /ust li)e in6o cu'e8
0ggregate can 'e created in the %evelopment system$ a6ter import into the C0 and Production
system 9e need activate and 6ill them in each individual system
So aggregate technical name 9ont 'e same in all systems8
0ggregates are transporta'le $ 'ut a6ter transportation aggregate needs to activated in the target
system 1 &ust li)e Process chain and #n6o spo)e$ %TP 9ith %irect access3
Bo9 to 6ind out 9hether aggregate is using 'y <uery or notO
RSRT - 2=ecute P%e'ug %isplay 6ound aggregates
Threshold #alue $%&''(: Delta &) "econstruct A**re*ates $ SP"O(
A:< ste! !er-ormance "ncrease%
*etermines, during the hierarchy attribute realignment run, the level of percentage change at which the delta process is to
be switched to reconstruction.
ggregates are adAusted to the new attributes and hierarchies during hierarchy, attribute and realignment runs. "here are
various adAustment strategies. "he aggregate can be completely reconstructed or the old records can be updated negatively
and the new records positively (delta process). "he procedure that is used depends, among other things, on how much has
actually changed.
/nter a number between H and >>. H means that the aggregate is reconstructed generally. 2hange the parameter until the
system is running at its fastest.
Desi*nin* the Star Schea
. Small dimensions.
. Few dimensions (less important than small dimensions).
. Only as many details as necessary.
. Hierarchies only if necessary.
. Time-dependent structures only if necessary.
. void !"#$ !% - &&re&ation for 'ey fi&ures in hu&e "nfo(u)es
Small dimensions means entries in dimension ta'les should 'e lesser than 1*; 9hen compare to 6act
ta'le entries
Rule o6 thum'
%imension ta'le entries?-act ta'le entries N 1++ Q4 1*;8
,++?,+++N 1++ 4 1+;
Whenever 9e develop in6o cu'es1 our o9n in6o cu'es3 9e need to de6ine dimensions8 While
de6ining dimensions 9e need to see 9hether same )ind in6o o'/ects ho9 placed in dimensions o6
S0P delivered in6o cu'es 1 use sap delivered in6o cu'es as templates 9ile designing custom in6o
Custom application 1 @o S0P std cu'es3 8 We need sit 9ith S!2 1 su'/ect matter e=pert3 need to get
in6ormation li)e 9hat is strong entities in the application area8 We need to 6inaliJe 9ea) entities
then 'uild relation model 6or entities 1 2R38 Bu''le model8
-or each strong entity 9e create a dimension8
"nce ne9 cu'e is created then 9e need to load data into the cu'e $ to see percentage o6 entries in
the dimension ta'le 9ith compare to the 6act ta'le 9e need to run program called
S0PK #@-"CAB2K%2S#E@S8
Run RSRH test 6or %ata'ase #n6ormation a'out #n6o Provider Ta'les$
2ntries @ot Ased in the %imension o6 an #n6o Cu'e8
(i)# *ardinality means that this dimension contains a high number of attributes. "his information is used to execute physical
optimi:ations, depending on the database platform. #or example, different index types from those in a standard case are used.
.enerally, a dimension has a high cardinality if the number of dimension entries is 4HK (or more) of the number of fact table
entries. Lhen in doubt, do not set a dimension with high cardinality.
"'/ect * - %ata source enhancement - C!"%
%ata source types
SA' &*/5ides en+ancement RS,P000- t+at y/u use t/ &/&ulate t+e e@t*act st*uctu*e% 4+is
en+ancement +as f/u* c/m&/nents t+at a*e s&eci<c t/ eac+ /f t+e f/u* ty&es /f RA"
M 4*ansacti/n data E.!/S,P0RS,P/00-
M -aste* data att*ibutes E.!/S,P0RS,P/001
M -aste* data te@ts E.!/S,P0RS,P/003
M -aste* data +ie*a*c+ies E.!/S,P0RS,P/004
182nhance e=tract structure 9ith 0ppend structure 9ith re<uired data 6ields
,8!aintain data source - select -ield only )no9n in customer e=it
38 C!"% Create? display pro/ect - Select components - Select right customer e=it then select
include program and 9rite code8
Re<uirement :
Aser 9ould li)e to see Withhold ta=$ ta= type in6ormation in the report8
-irst 9hether re<uired #" are there in the #n6o cu'e then modi6y <uery only1 Cuery enhance ment38
Whether required IO are there in the BW side. for possibility of look up or turning attributes
WB2@ R+H2@%"RK0TTRR81 %ata source3
%0T0 : W0KB#WKL-01KS1 Wor) area3 L#I2 B#WKL-01KS8

%0T0 : B2E#@ "- #TKH2@%"R$1 data declaration using # ta'3
SSW#TBT1Custom %ata 6iled3 L#I2 L-BW1 application ta'le3-W#TBT1 data 6ield3$
SSWTKW#TBC%1 Custom data 6ield3 L#I2 L-BW1 application ta'le3-WTKW#TBC%1 data 6ield3$
2@% "- #TKH2@%"R8
L""P 0T #KTK%0T01ta'le3 #@T" W0KB#WKL-01KS8
CL20R #TKH2@%"R8
S2L2CT S#@EL2 W#TBT T9ithhoding ta=
WTKW#TBC% T9ithholding ta= type
-R"! L-BW #@T" #TKH2@%"R WB2R2 L#-@R 4 W0KB#WKL-01KS-L#-@R8
#- SD-SABRC 4 +8
!"H2-C"RR2SP"@%#@E #TKH2@%"R T" W0KB#WKL-01KS8
!"%#-D #KTK%0T0 -R"! W0KB#WKL-01KS #@%2U SD-T0B#U8
Logistics e=traction
#t is part o6 'usiness content e=traction$ Ase6ul to e=tract data 6rom logistics application areas o6
#n 2CC logistics application areas are
%ata 6lo9 diagram 6or logistics
0pplication areas in logistics
1% +, Purchasing - NNN
2% +3 #nventory -NNNNN
3% +7 shop 6loor control
@% +* Cuality management -
5% +: - #nvoice veri6ication -
7% +. Shipment
=% 11 S% sales BW - Sales orders - NNN
8% 1, L2 Shipping BW Sales deliveries -NNN
E% 13 S% Billing -NNN
10% 1( Plant !aintenance - NNN
11% 1. Customer services -
12% 7+ Retailing
#mportant transactions in Logistics
1% S211$ S21:$S21:@ - T" see data in application ta'les and set up ta'les8
2% RS0* BCT data source activation
3% RS0: %ata source has 'een activated Post processing data sources
@% RS0( %elta Cueue
5% LBW2 Lo e=traction customiJing coc)pit
7% LBWE To delete the data in setup ta'le 'ased on the application area8
=% LBWC 2=traction Cueue
8% LBW- Logs 6or logistics e=tract structures
E% S!13 To vie9 update ta'les
10% S!C1 "ut 'ound <ueue
11% S23.$ S2.+$ S03. To run or e=ecute programs8
12% SB#W %is #!E1 #mplementation guide3 N - all logistics transactions can 'e accesed8
13% "L#NBW to 6ill setup ta'les
1@% @PRT to see logs 6or setup o6 statistical data1 -illing setup ta'les3
Lo*istics E,traction Structures* -oc/pit
"he aim is to manage extract structures, used to transfer &ogistics movement data from %&"! into the BL.
"he extract structures are completed using the counication structures in the &ogistics Information +ystem (&I+).
"he 2oc(pit contains the following functions, entered in the following se)uence:
-. Maintenance of e,tract structures
/ach extract structure can be maintained by +! or by you. "he extract structures are provided from the assigned
communication structures. You can only use selected fields from the communication structures. +! already delivers
extract structures. You can enhance these. fter creating the extract structure, they are automatically generated. *uring
this process, the missing fields (related units and features) are completed. "he extract structure is created hierarchically in
accordance with the communication structures. /ach communication structure leads to the generation of a sub;structure
of the actual extract structure.
4. Maintainin* data sources
t this point, call up general maintenance of *ata sources. 9ere you can set the selection of selectable fields and the
negativability of fields.
6. Activatin* the update
By setting as active, data is written into the extract structures, both online as well as during completion of setup tables.
(see below).
=. 0ob control
,. *epending on the +pdate Mode you have set (see next section), a Aob may have to be scheduled, with which the
updated data is transferred in the bac(ground into the central delta management.
0. +pdate Mode
9ere, you can set how the incurred data is updated during delta posting:
a) Seriali.ed #1 +pdate $ 2o in E--(
"his is the normal update method. 9ere, document data is collected in the order it was created and transferred
into the BL as a batch Aob.
"he transfer se)uence is not the same as the order in which the data was created in all scenarios.
b) Direct Delta
In this method, extraction data is transferred directly from document postings into the BL delta )ueue.
"he transfer se)uence is the same as the order in which the data was created.
c) 3ueued Delta
In this method, extraction data from document postings is collected in an extraction )ueue, from which a periodic
collective run is used to transfer the data into the BL delta )ueue.
"he transfer se)uence is the same as the order in which the data was created.
d) +nseriali.ed #1 +pdate
"his method is almost exactly identical to the seriali:ed update method. "he only difference is that the order of
document data in the BL delta )ueue does not have to be the same as the order in which it was posted. Le only
recommend this method when the order in which the data is transferred is not important, a conse)uence of the
data target design in the BL.
Transfer 4usiness -ontent DataSources
In this step, you transfer and activate the *ata+ources delivered by +! as well as partner *ata+ources delivered in your own
namespace where applicable. fter this step, for all connected BL systems, you can extract and transfer data from *ata+ources
that have been activated and replicated into the current BL.
-. In the Install DataSources fro 4usiness -ontent screen, the *ata+ources for the application components assigned
to you are displayed in an overview tree.
?nder an application component, the 1/2%82I&I""I%8 node indicates that *ata+ources for data reconciliation with one
or more 2ontent *ata+ources are assigned to the application component. You use these reconciliation *ata+ources, that
are delivered with Business 2%ntent, to chec( that data loaded from other *ata+ources is correct.
If *ata+ources that are flagged as *ata+ources for data reconciliation exist for the application component, this is
displayed by the 1/2%82I&I"I%8 subnode. "his node is not displayed if reconciliation *ata+ources do not exist for an
application component.
4. In the application component hierarchy, select the node for which you want to transfer the *ata+ources to the active
version. *o this by placing the cursor over the node and choosing Select Subtree.
"he *ata+ource and subtrees positioned beneath it are selected.
6. 2hoose Select Delta.
*ata+ources are highlighted in yellow when the chec( shows differences between their active and delivered versions (for
example, due to extractor changes).
=. "o analy:e the differences between the active and delivered versions of a particular *ata+ource, select the
*ata+ource, and choose Version Comparison. "he application log that appears contains more detailed information
about the two versions.
,. "o transfer *ata+ources from the delivered version into the active version, select the *ata+ources you want to transfer
in the overview tree using the Select Subtree pushbutton, and choose Activate DataSources.
"he error log appears if an error occurs.
You can also call up the log regardless of whether your transfer into the active version was successful or not, under
Display Log.
Lith a metadata upload, when replicating *ata+ources in BL, the active version of the *ata+ource is recogni:ed by the
Edit DataSources and Application -oponent 5ierarch!
"o adAust existing *ata+ources to your re)uirements, you edit them in this step and transport them from a test system into a
productive system.
You can also use this procedure to post;process the application component hierarchy.
Transportin* DataSources
+elect the *ata+ources that you want to transport from the test system into the productive system, and choose
Transport. +pecify a development class and a transport re)uest, so that the *ata+ources can be transported.
@aintaining *ata+ources
"o edit a *ata+ource, select it, and choose Maintain DataSource. "he following editing options are available:
o Selection
Lhen scheduling a data re)uest in the BL +cheduler, you can enter selection conditions for the data transfer.
You can, for example, determine that data re)uests are applied only to data from the last month.
If you set the +ele,tion indicator for a field in the extract structure, the data for this field is transferred according
to the selection conditions determined in the scheduler.
o 5ide 6ield
"o exclude a field in the extract structure from the data transfer, you must set this indicator. "he field is used in
the BL to determine the transfer rules, and can no longer be used to generate the transfer structure.
o -ancelation 6ield
1everse postings are possible for customer;defined (ey figures. 2ancelations are therefore only active with
certain transaction *ata+ources. "hese are *ata+ources that have a field designated as a cancelation field, for
example, the +pdate Mode field in the *ata+ource %6I7AP71. If this field has a value, the data records are
interpreted as reversal records in the BL.
If you want to carry out a cancelation posting for a customer;defined field ((ey figure), set the *an,el indicator.
"he value of the (ey figure is transferred inverted (multiplied by &8)into the BL system.
o 6ield 9nown Onl! in E,it
You can improve the )uality of data by adding fields in append structures to the extract structure of a
#or fields in an append structure, the indicator -ield .no/n Only in 01it is set, meaning that, by default, these
fields are not passed to the field list and the selection table in the extractor.
1emove the -ield .no/n Only in 01it indicator if you want the +ervice !I to pass the field in the append
structure to the extractor, along with the fields from the delivered extract structures in the field list and in the
selection table.
Enhancin* E,tract Structures
If you want to transfer additional information for an existing *ata+ource from a source system into the BL, you have to
enhance the extract structure of the *ata+ource with additional fields.
"o do this, you create an append structure for the extract struture.
a) ?se the /nhance /xtract +tructure pushbutton to reach the field maintenance for the append structure. "he
name of the append structure is generated from the extract structure name in the customer namespace.
b) /nter the fields you want to append and the data elements based on them into the field list. ll functions
available for field maintenance for tables and structures are available here.
c) +ave and activate the append.
#or more information on the append structure, see the B! *ictionary documentation for maintaining tables.
6unction Enhanceents
"o fill the fields of the append structure with data, create a customer;specific function module. Information on enhancing
the +! standard with customer;specific function modules can be found in the 1B6 library under 4asis &) A4AP
:or/bench &) Enhanceents to the SAP Standard &) ";1 Enhanceent -oncept or under Enhancin*
Testin* E,tractions
If you want to test the extraction in the source system independent of a BL system, choose DataSource &) Test
Application -oponent 5ierarch!
"o create a node on the same level or under it, place the cursor on this node and choose Ob2e,t 34 *reate 5ode. You can
also create subordinate nodes by choosing N&+N%bAect ;N 2reate 2hildren.
"o rename a node, to expand or compress it, place the cursor on the node and clic( the corresponding pushbutton.
"o reassign a node or a subtree, select the node to be reassigned ( by positioning the cursor over it and clic(ing the
Select Subtree pushbutton), position the cursor over the node to which the selected node is to be assigned, and clic( on
the Reassign pushbutton.
If you select a node with the cursor and choose Set Section, the system displays this node with its subnodes. You can
use the respective lin(s in the line above the subtree to Aump to subordinate nodes for this subtree.
Lhen you select a node with the cursor and choose Position, the node in the first line in the view is displayed.
ll *ata+ources for which no valid (assigned) application component could be found appear under the node
8%*/+8%"2%&&/2"/*. "he node and its sub;nodes are only constructed during the transaction runtime, and updated
when saving in the display.
8%*/+8%"2%88/2"/* is not stored persistently in the database. #or this reason, it is not transferred into other
systems when the application component hierarchy is transferred.
8ote that hierarchy nodes created under the 8%*/+8%"2%88/2"/* node are lost when you save. fter saving, only
those nodes under 8%*/+8%"; 2%88/2"/* are displayed that were moved with *ata+ources under these nodes.
*ata+ource lies under an application component 5. You transfer a new application component hierarchy from Business
2ontent, which does not contain the application component 5. "he system then automatically assigns this *ata+ource
under the component 8%*/+8%"2%88/2"/* in this application component.
+pecial *ata+ources can be delivered with Business 2ontent that are not used to extract data but to reconcile data with
one of more 2ontent *ata+ources. Lith these reconciliation *ata+ources you can chec( that the data loaded from other
*ata+ources is correct.
"he 1/2%82I&I"I%8 node of the application component indicates that reconciliation *ata+ources of this type are
assigned to the application component. If *ata+ources exist for an application component that can be flagged as
*ata+ources for reconciliation, this is displayed in the corresponding 1/2%82I&I"I%8 lower;level node. If no
*ata+ources exist for an application component that can be used for reconciliation, this node is not displayed.
2ote that changes made to the application component hierarchy are only valid until the next transfer from Business 2ontent ta(es
%elta Cueue RS0(
"he status symbol indicates whether the update in a delta )ueue is activated for a *ata+ource. If the status symbol is green, the
delta )ueue is activated, meaning it is filled with data records when an update process or a data re)uest from BL is running.
prere)uisite for the delta update is the successful completion of the delta process initiali:ation in the BL scheduler.
Displa!in* data records
-. "o chec( whether and how many data a delta )ueue contains, select the delta )ueue and choose Display data
4. You get to a dialog box where you to specify how you want the data records to be displayed.
a) You can choose the data pac(ets containing the data records that you want to see.
b) You can choose to display particular data records in a data pac(et.
c) You can use a simulation of the extraction parameters to choose how you want the data records displayed.
6. 2hoose 01e,ute to display the data records.
Displa!in* current status of the delta&relevant field
#or *ata+ources that support generic delta, you can display the current value of the delta;relevant field in the delta )ueue. In the
+tatus column, choose Detail to do this. "he value displayed contains the largest value of the delta;relevant field for the last
extraction. It acts as the lower limit for the next extraction.
If you choose Refresh,
-. recently activated delta )ueues are displayed,
4. data records recently written to the delta )ueue are ta(en into account, and
6. data records that were deleted when reading the data records are no longer displayed.
Deletin* <ueue data
If you want to delete the data in a delta )ueue for a *ata+ource, select the delta )ueue, and choose 6elete 6ata from the context
menu (right mouse;clic().
If you delete the data in a delta )ueue, you do not have to reinitiali:e the delta process before you are able to write the data records
of the *ata+ource to the delta )ueue.
!lease note that data that has not yet been read from the delta )ueue is also deleted. "his invalidates an existing delta update. ?se
this function only if you are aware of the conse)uences this will have.
Deletin* <ueues & data sources will be deleted fro "SA=$ Initiali.ation option
for the data source deletion(
You delete the entire )ueue by choosing %ueue 34 6elete %ueue. "o write data records from the corresponding *ata+ource into a
delta )ueue, you need to reinitiali:e the delta process.
Lhy we need to delete set up tables
-. "o avoid invalid data transfer into BL and to avoid data duplicates into the BL system , before
reconstructing( #illing data) we need delete set up tables data.
4. If Basis applying support pac(. If data is there in any application areaOs set up tables, then basis cant apply +!Os
+o we need to delete setup tables data.
6. In development system when we changeB enhance extract structure then system wonOt allow you to ma(e
changes until unless we delete set up tables information from the all clients of development environment.
=. Lhen we import data sourceB extract structure changes into target systems(E.!1*) then to avoid transport
failure we need to delete set up tables from the target systems.
&o coc( pit !rocedure
1 % Act"vate lo ata source% F <SA5
2% &a"nta"n e.tract structure F 4BWE
You /ant to ma"nta"n t+e e.tract structure alt+ou'+ t+e u!ate "s
act"ve% I- 2ou c+an'e t+e structure, t+e u!ate "s automat"call2
eact"vate% Be-ore 2ou o t+"s, 2ou s+oul note t+e -ollo/"n' !o"nts$
o (+e c+an'es s+oul be carr"e out "n a !ost"n' -ree t"me% Ot+er/"se
"n"t"al"Dat"on "s necessar2 so t+at t+e ocuments ue ur"n' t+e
c+an'e o not 'et lost%
o Is t+ere st"ll ata "n t+e 13 u!ateG You can see t+"s "n t+e u!ate
overv"e/% I- 2ou are not sure, start t+e 13 u!ate "rectl2 an
eact"vate t+e u!ate%
o Is t+ere st"l ata "n central elta mana'ementG You can c+ec) t+"s
"n BW &a"ntenance Delta Hueue% Be-ore a c+an'e, 2ou s+oul collect
t+e ata -rom BW%
o (o ensure t+at a c+an'e oes not a--ect t+e 13 u!ate, 2ou s+oul
-"rst eact"vate t+e u!ate o- all e.tractors o- t+e relevant
a!!l"cat"on "n all cl"ents%
I- 2ou +ave alrea2 restructure ata, "t /"ll be /ort+less a-ter
t+e c+an'e% You nee to elete t+e ata a'a"n%
I- t+e u!ate lo' "s act"ve, t+e lo' ata can no lon'er be rea
a-ter a c+an'e% (+"s "s onl2 !oss"ble a-ter an u!ate an
over/r"t"n' t+e last lo' entr2%
Im!ortant !o"nts -or lo'"st"cs /+en "m!ort"n' t+e trans!orts "nto tar'et s2stem%
<un t+e trans!ort /+en t+e tar'et s2stem "s not be"n' boo)e%
Ot+er/"se 2ou /"ll nee to "n"t"al"De "t because ocuments are lost
ur"n' t+"s t"me%
None o- t+e cl"ents "n t+e tar'et s2stem "n t+e 13 u!ate -or t+e
a!!l"cat"on 11 s+oul conta"n ata% I- 2ou are unsure, start t+e 13
u!ate o- t+e a!!l"cat"on 11 "n all cl"ents%
I- t+ere "s st"ll ata "n t+e central elta mana'ement o- t+e tar'et
s2stem, "t must be retr"eve b2 BW be-ore t+e trans!ort ta)es !lace%
I- 2ou +ave alrea2 reconstructe /"t+"n t+"s tar'et s2stem, "t ma2
be t+at t+e ata st"ll e."sts "n t+e reconstruct"on tables% A-ter
t+e trans!ort, 2ou can no lon'er trans-er t+ese entr"es "nto BW% You
must elete t+e contents o- t+e reconstruct"on tables o- t+e
a!!l"cat"on 11 "n t+e tar'et s2stem an run anot+er reconstruct"on
"- nee be%

o I- t+ere "s an u!ate lo' "n t+e tar'et s2stem, 2ou cannot rea t+e
lo' ata o- t+e a!!l"cat"on 11 a-ter t+e trans!ort +as been run% You
can onl2 rea "t a'a"n once ata "s boo)e an t+e last lo' entr2
Ase t+e re!ort <&:SBW:: to "s!la2 a lo' -or t+e c+an'e e.tract
structure "n t+e tar'et s2stem, to see "- an2 o- t+e above !roblems
e."st% An a"t"onal s/"tc+ eletes all u!ate lo's -or t+e a!!l"cat"on
o- t+e selecte e.tractor%
3% Data source ma"ntenance
@%>"ll set u! tables
@o mar)er update in #nventory8
@on cumulative )ey 6igures in inventory1 Stoc)$ 2mp Bead count3
)/3 t/
Se<uence o6 inventory loads
-irst 9e load BU data source - #nitial stoc) - this is one time load1 every time 6ull load @o deltaGs3 8
-or this set up ta'les 6ill happens 9ith transaction !C@B8
B- load - We can have initialiJation and deltaGs 6or these t9o loads
BU load - These t9o are part o6 daily loads8
1% S2+1$S2+3$ S2+5$S21+8
#n real time 9e do release transports 6rom %evelopment environment to C0 only$ then 6rom
<ueue Basis or migration team 9ill import the transports in production environment 'ased on
the se<uence 9e propose in #mplementation documentation8
18We need to ta)e care o6 transport se<uence 'ased on the o'/ects dependencies 8
Cuery should not move 'e6ore #n6o providers8
Wor) 'oo) should not move 'e6ore <uery8
#n6o cu'e should not move 9ithout re<uired in6o o'/ects
,8"'/ects in all three systems should 'e in sync8 "ther9ise 9e may end up transport 6ailures8

Return codes
RC 4 + Success6ul
RC 4 7 Warning
RC 4 . 2rror 1 "'/ect missing$ Apdates una'le to activate3
RC 4 1: 2rror 1 @ot de6ine target systems in ST!S$ Pac)age not availa'le in the target system3
Post processing transport activities8
When 9e 9or) 9ith PCGs$ 0ggregates$ #n6o spo)es$ 9e need to activate these o'/ects in target
systems a6ter success6ul import8
Transport connection in RS01 is also chec) point 'e6ore 9e release transports into target
We can merge !ultiple transports into single transport8
We can delete un9anted transport 6rom the systems S2+1$ S2+5$ and S21+8
We can unloc) o'/ects 6rom transport - S2+38
C V 0
38> Lo*istics e,traction step b! step approach in ipleentation phase>
&% 2oc(pit +tep By +tep
/22 ; .o to "ransaction &BL/ (&% 2ustomi:ing 2oc(pit)
-). +elect &ogistics pplication
+* +ales BL ;N /xtract +tructures
4). +elect the desired /xtract +tructure and deactivate it first.
6). .ive the "ransport 1e)uest number and continue
=). 2lic( on P@aintenance' to maintain such /xtract +tructure
+elect the fields of your choice and continue
@aintain *ata+ource if needed
,). ctivate the extract structure
0). .ive the "ransport 1e)uest number and continue
; 8ext step is to *elete the setup tables
Q). .o to ";2ode +BIL. +elect Business Information Larehouse
+etting for pplication;+pecific *ata sources ;N &ogistics ;N @anaging /xtract +tructures ;N Initiali:ation ;N *elete the
content of +etup tables (";2ode &BL.) ;N +elect the application (H- 3 +ales R *istribution) and /xecute
; 8ow, #ill the +etup tables
>). +elect Business Information Larehouse
+etting for pplication;+pecific *ata+ource ;N &ogistics ;N @anaging /xtract +tructures ;N Initiali:ation ;N #illing the
+etup tables ;N pplication;+pecific +etup of statistical data ;N +* +ales %rders 3 !erform +etup (";2ode %&IQBL)
a. +pecify a 1un 8ame and time and *ate (put future date)
b. /xecute
; 2hec( the data in +etup tables at 1+6
!lan 2ollective 1un (if necessary after you run #ull &oad).
-. 1eplicate the *ata+ource.
4. Install the re)uired Business 2ontent ( if necessary).
6. 2reate "ransformations.
=. 2reate *"! and ?pdate 1ules.
,. 2reate I! for data I8I". (8ext !lan 2ollective 1un if re)uired)
0. 2reate I! for delta.
E4. E,plain the Dataflow in lo*istics in dail! delta> $#1 +n&seriali.ed(
31> Si*nificance of setup table>
+etup tables are cluster tables and are used o extract tables from /22.
You should fill the setup table in the 1B6 system and extract the data to BL ; the setup tables is in +BIL ; after that
you can do delta extractions by initiali:e the extractor.
#ull loads are always ta(en from the setup tables.
3?> :hen we need to delete the setup tables>
+etup tables are (ind of interface between the extractor and application tables. &% extractor ta(es data from set up
table while initiali:ation and full upload and hitting the application table for selection is avoided. s these tables are
re)uired only for full and init load, you can delete the data after loading in order to avoid duplicate data.
3@> 5ow to clear the data fro Delta 3ueue $"SA =(A Is it possible to delete directl!A
"o delete the data in a delta )ueue, select the delta )ueue and, from the context menu, choose 6elete 6ata7
3B> :hat are all the ipleentation steps we need to perfor when support pac/s are
appl!in* on production environentA
3=> Is it possible to re & initiali.e lo*istics without outa*eA Then howA
YesC /arly *elta Initiali:ation
Lith early delta initiali:ation, you have the option of writing the data into the delta )ueue or into the delta tables for the
application during the initiali:ation re)uest in the source system. "his means that you are able to execute the
initiali:ation of the delta process (the init re)uest), without having to stop the updating of data in the source system.
You can only execute an early delta initiali:ation if the *ata+ource extractor called in the source system with this data
re)uest supports this.
/arly init allows you to do *elta settings first and then pull the records. %nce the delta settings are done your update
)ueue will then start collecting the changed and new records.
3D> 5ow to transfer entries fro e,traction <ueue to delta <ueue anuall!A
?se 1B6 program 1@BLF6Sapplication;componentN
H4 !urchasing 1@BLF6H4
H6 Inventory 2ontrolling 1@BLF6H6
H= +hop #loor 2ontrol 1@BLF6H=
HG +hipment 1@BLF6HG
-- +* +ales BL 1@BLF6--
-4 &/ +hipping BL 1@BLF6-4
-6 +* Billing BL 1@BLF6-6
3'> :hat are all the precautions need to be ta/en when lo*istics ipleentation or
enhanceent is *oin* in to production environentA
-. 1un "ransports when target system is not being boo(ed (%utage). %therwise you will need to initiali:e it because
docOs are lost during this time.
4. 8one of the clients in target system in F6 update for application SnoN should contain data. If you are unsure, start
the v6 update of the application 5 in all clients.
6. *el contents of re;construct table of application in target system and run another re;construct if needed.
=. ?se "ransport 1@2+BL22 to display log for changed extract structure in target system.
38%> :hat is ar/er updateA
@ar(er ?pdate is used to reduce the time of fetching the non;cumulative (ey figures while reporting. It helps to
easily get the values of previous stoc( )uantities while reporting. "he mar(er is a point in time which mar(s an
opening stoc( balance. *ata up to the mar(er is compressed.
"he 8o @ar(er ?pdate concept arises if the target Info2ube contains a non;cumulative (ey figure. #or example, ta(e
the @aterial @ovements Info2ube HI272H6 where stoc( )uantity is a non;cumulative (ey figure. "he process of
loading the data into the cube involves in two steps:
-) In the first step, one should load the records pertaining to the opening stoc( balanceBor the stoc( present at the time
of implementation. t this time we will set mar(er to update (unchec( 'no mar(er update') so that the value of current
stoc( )uantity is stored in the mar(er. fter that, when loading the historical movements (stoc( movements made
previous to the time of implementing the cube) we must chec( mar(er update so that the mar(er should not be
updated (because of these historical movements, only the stoc( balance B opening stoc( )uantity has been updated$
i.e. we have already loaded the present stoc( and the aggregation of previousBhistorical data accumulates to the
present data).
4) fter every successful delta load, we should not chec( mar(er update (we should allow to update mar(er) so that
the changes in the stoc( )uantity should be updated in the mar(er value. "he mar(er will be updated to those records
which are compressed. "he mar(er will not be updated to those uncompressed re)uests. 9ence for every delta load
re)uest, the re)uest should be compressed.
2hec( or unchec( the @ar(er %ption:
2ompress the re)uest with stoc( mar(er TN unchec( the mar(er update option.
2ompress the loads without the stoc( ma(er TN chec( the mar(er update option.
388> DataSource involved in %ic7c%1 cubeC E,plain each DataSource>
"his Info2ube is based on the following Info+ources:
U 4&I+7H67B5 ; "his structure is used to extract the stoc( data from @@ Inventory @anagement for initiali:ation
to a BL system.
U 4&I+7H67B# ; "his structure is used to extract the material movement data from @@ Inventory @anagement
(@@;I@) consistently to a BL system.
U 4&I+7H67?@ ; "his structure is used to extract the revaluation data from @@ Inventory @anagement (@@;I@)
consistently to a BL system.
38E> E,plain a sin*le report startin* fro re<uireents to !our approach to accoplish the
"e<uireent: 1eport to analy:e Av*> deliver! tie b! vendor>
"his report can answer )uestions li(e:
a. Lho can deliver a material the fastestV
b. Lhat procurement lead time must you rec(on with for a certain materialV
Approach: Info !rovider 3 H!?172H6 3 !urchasing *ata.
1e)uired 2har and D#:
HF/1+I%8 (#ilter).

Lith the
information from D#Os HF.*"I@/ and HF.L*"I@/ we can (now the avg. delivery time for a shipment to arrive
from the vendor, so his gives an idea about how many days in advance an order for the re)uired material has to be
381> Difference between filters and free characteristics>
#ilters and #ree characteristics are two similar methods to restrict data in BL and both restrict the values of
characteristics in a )uery. 9owever the main difference is with the filter, you cannot see the restricted data in a )uery.
2onversely, a free characteristic allows you to navigate or use drill down on the restricted data.
38?> E,plain difference between selection and restricted /e! fi*ures>
H2&@%8"9 (#ree 2har) 2alendar @onth
H!&8" (#ree 2har) !lant
HF/8*%1 (#ree 2har) Fendor
H@"/1I& (1ow) @aterial
HF.*"I@/ (2olumn) vg. *elivery "ime
HF.L*"I@/ (2olumn) vg. Leighted *elivery "ime
38@> Difference between forula and calculated /e! fi*ure
2alculated (ey figure is global element (2reated at Info !rovider &evel) we can use this in all the )ueries which
designed for that particular cube.
8ew formula is local element (created at )uery level).
38B> :hat is the option to a/e *lobal structure to local structureA :hen is this option
+cenario: dd structure elements that are uni)ue to the specific )uery.
2hanging the global structure changes the structure for all the )ueries that use the global structure. "hat is reason
you go for a local structure.
2oming to the navigation part;;
In the B/x naly:er, from the +! Business /xplorer toolbar, choose the open )uery icon. %n the +! B/x %pen
dialog box: 2hoose Eueries. +elect the desired Info2ube 2hoose 8ew. %n the *efine the )uery screen: In the left
frame, expand the +tructure node. *rag and drop the desired structure into either the 1ows or 2olumns frame. +elect
the global structure. 1ight;clic( and choose 1emove reference. local structure is created.
1emember that you cannot revert bac( the changes made to global structure in this regard. You will have to delete the
local structure and then drag n drop global structure into )uery definition.
Lhen you try to save a global structure, a dialogue box prompts you to confirm changes to all )ueries.
38=> E,plain the si*nificance of I7step %C I7step 8C I7step E and I7step 1>
If you execute a )uery that contains variables with the customer exit replacement path (and these variables are filled
depending on input;ready variables), sometimes, the variable exit is not run or incorrect data is selected. "o avoid this,
you can control the dependencies using the I7+"/! parameter.
"he enhancement 1+1HHHH- (B89 0n#an,e:ents ;or Global Variables in Reportin)$ transaction +@%*$ component or
function module /5I"7+!&11+H7HH-) is called several times during the execution of the report. "he I7+"/!
parameter specifies when the enhancement is called.
"he following values are valid for I7+"/!:
B I7+"/! T -
2all is made directly before variable entry.
B I7+"/! T 4
2all is made directly after variable entry. "his step is only executed if the same variable is not input;ready and
could not be filled for I7+"/! T -.
B I7+"/! T 6
In this call, you can chec( the values of the variables. Lhen an exception (1I+/) is triggered, the variable
screen appears again. I7+"/! T 4 is then also called again.
38D> E,plain business scenario where -od is usedA
38'> 5ow an! structures we can create at Ma, in <uer! definitionA Is it possible to create
two structures in colunsA
You can use a maximum of only two structures in a )uery.
Yes, it is possible to have two structures in the same column.
3E%> :hen Te,t eleents are used and what are are the places the! can be createdA
"ext variables represent a text and can be used in descriptions of )ueries, calculated (ey figures and structural
You can use text variables when you create calculated (ey figures, restricted (ey figures, selections and formulas in
the description of these obAects
3E8> E,plain the business scenario for forula variable with replaceent path and -od>
Business scenario: "o find out the document count for analy:ing 8umber of %rders in a given period. "his can be
done using #ormula variable with processing type as 1eplacement path.
-. 2reate a 2alculated D# to determine 8o of *ocumentsBorders.
4. 2reate a formula Fariable for getting *ocument 2ount. ( processing type ;N 1eplacement path).
6. In select 2har #ield 3 choose *ocument 8umber.
=. In the "eplace #ariable with drop down box, choose Attribute #alue.
,. In the Attribute drop down, select -haracteristic "eference $-onstant 8(
0. Euery !roperties.
3EE> E,plain the business scenario for forula collision and -ell editor>
3E1> :hen should we use offset valuesA
"o analy:e (ey figure to have that have a fixed time;relationship with one another, you can use
variable offset. #or example compare current sales figures with same time;period figures in the
previous year.
3E?> :a!s to iprove the perforance of set up table fillin*>
3E@> :hat is the difference between repair full re<uest and full re<uestA
@%( :here we use E7T7DATAC I7T7DATAA
,H) I7"7*" used in @aster data source with attribute,
/7"7*" used in @aster data source with "ext
and 27"7*" used in "ransactional *ata source
=>). what is options "e<uest b! re<uest and Delta at onceA
=>) -. %nly .et *eltas %nce ; itOs useful for a snapshot scenario, which will get all the re)uests in the !+, with
out having a delta pointer (data mart status) set
%nly .et *elta %nce:
+ource re)uests of a *"! for which this indicator is set are only transferred once, even if the *"! re)uest is deleted in
the target.
If this indicator is set for a delta *"!, a snapshot scenario is built.
scenario of this type may be re)uired if you always want an Info !rovider to contain the most up;to;date dataset for
a )uery but the *ata +ource on which it is based cannot deliver a delta (new, changed or deleted data records) for
technical reasons. #or this type of *ata +ource, the current dataset for the re)uired selection can only be transferred
using a 'full update'.
In this case, a *ata +tore obAect cannot usually be used to determine the missing delta information (overwrite and
creation of delta). If this is not logically possible because, for example, data is deleted in the source without delivering
reverse records, you can set this indicator and perform a snapshot scenario. %nly the most up;to;date re)uest for the
*ata +ource is retained in the Info !rovider. /arlier re)uests for the *ata +ource are deleted from the (target) Info
!rovider before a new one is re)uested (this is done by a process in a process chain, for example). "hey are not
transferred again during the *"! delta process. Lhen the system determines the delta when a new *"! is generated,
these earlier (source) re)uests are seen as 'already fetched'.
+etting this indicator ensures that the content of the Info !rovider is an exact representation of the source data.
1e)uests that need to be fetched appear with this indicator in the where;used list of the !+ re)uest, even is they
have been deleted. Instead of a traffic light you have a delete indicator.
4. .et *ata by 1e)uest ; will get the first re)uest that was loaded to !+B*+% in se)uence. ItOs more
li(e first in ; first out. "he data by re)uestW is only for delta loads and not for full loads.
.et *ata by 1e)uest
this indicator belongs to a *"! that gets data from a *ata +ource or Info !ac(age in delta mode.
if you set this indicator, a *"! re)uest only gets data from an individual re)uest in the source.
"his is necessary, for example, if the dataset in the source is too large to be transferred to the target in a single
If you set this indicator, note that there is a ris( of a bac(log: If the source receives new re)uests faster than the *"!
can fetch them, the amount of source re)uests to be transferred will increase steadily.
=G) 5ow DTP delta echanis wor/A
=G) *elta from !+ to *""1./" wor(s based on the 1e)uest. "here is no @echanism except ta(ing the &ast
updated 1e)uest.
If there is no new re)uest from +ource to !+, 4nd time if you run delta from !+ to *ata target, you will get H
records in the 4nd attempt.
=Q) Deletin* ODS data re<uest wise> 5ow to delete data art re<uest fro ODSV
=Q) *eleting %*+ data re)uest wise: go to 1+I22%8" give ur *+% name and clic( on display, u can see the
re)uest loaded into *+%. +elect the re)uest what u want to delete and go to table contents and clic( delete entries
and refresh the target u will see the re)uest will not be there.

deleting data mart re)uest from ods: .o to rsmo and select ur re)uest loaded from %*+
there(via ur
Info pac(age), change tech E@ status to red and then go to ur
9/*/1 tab and clic( on ur data targets tab;;N it will ta(e u to
the manage screen for all the
targets. +elect one each time and delete the red re)uests.
"his way u can delete all ur bad re)uests from ur targets (via
same screen)

=0) 5ow to delete data incase data was alread! copressedA
+elective deletion, go to manage of the info cube.
go to contents tab and clic( on delete selections.
You will get a popup where in you need to clic( on delete selections again. now give the selections based on which the
data will be deleted.
2lic( on start and this will carry on with selective deletion.
use "2ode delete7facts and delete from there.
If in case you want to schedule this deletion in a process chain, you will need to generate the program using
delete7facts in dev and copy it to a < program in *ev and add that in a process chain. 8ow migrate the program and
the process chain.
+chedule it howvere you want it to be.
=,( what is -opression & use of copressionV
=,) /ach *ata &oad done in an info;cube is uni)uely identified with a re)uest I* associated with them. "he
2oncept of deleting these meaningful load identifiers in info;cubes is called as 2ompression.
2ompression improves !erformance "uning as it removes the redundant data.
; 2ompression reduces memory consumption due to following:
-. *eletes re)uest I*s associated with the *ata.
4. It reduces redundancy by grouping by on dimension R aggregating on cumulative (ey;figures.
+! compression reduces the number of rows in the # fact table (sometimes to :ero). "his is because when 1e)uests
are compressed data moves from # ; #act "able to /; #act "able.
; smaller # fact table results in 3
-. ccelerated loading into the # fact table.
4. #aster updating of the # fact table indexes.
6. ccelerates aggregate rollups, since the # fact table is the source of data for rollup.
=. +hortens 1?8+""+ processing time on the # fact table.
,. 1educes index 1/B?I&* processing time if indexes are dropped as part of load.
==) what is "epartionin* and reodelin*V
==) 1epartitioning is a great tool provided by +! which gives the business another chance to rethin( about the
performance needs without the need of disturbing the data that is already existing in the infocubes. It is a feature that
lets us to redefine partitions without deleting the data in the infocubes.
!rocess %verview
-. 2reates shadow tables for the / and # fact tables, starting with BBI2B=J
4. 2opies data from the / and # fact tables to the shadow tables.
6. 2reates partitions on the / and # fact tables.
=. 2opies data bac( to the / and # fact tables.
,. 1ecreates indexes.
-. @a(e sure you have enough tablespace in the !+!J#2".
4. If you are using the H#I+2!/1 for repartitioning, ma(e sure that the #iscal Year Fariant is constant in
the Infoprovider +ettings.If not, use the program 1+*?7+/"7#F7"%7#I57F&?/.
6. "a(e pre;snapshots of data for later validation after repartitioning.
1epartitioning ctivity
-. 1ight clic( on the cube and select dditional #unctions;N1epartitioning.
4. "here are three options to add, merge or complete partitioning. +elect the desired option and clic( on
Initiali:e. 2ontinue through the popups.
6. 2hec( the monitor .
!ost 1epartitioning.
-. 2hec( and rebuild the indexes andBor aggregates if needed.
4. Falidate the data against the pre;snapshots.
6. %nce the data is validated the shadow tables can be cleaned up.
1emodeling is a new concept introduced in BI 4HH=s to manage changes to the structure effectively in an
infoprovider, where the data is loaded and running.
2haracteristics can be remodeled on the following ways
; Inserting, or replacing characteristics with:
o 2onstants
o ttribute of an Info%bAect within the same dimension
o Falue of another Info%bAect within the same dimension
o 2ustomer exit (for user;specific coding).
; *elete
(ey #igures can be remodeled on the following ways
; Inserting:
o 2onstants
o 2ustomer exit (for user;specific coding).
; 1eplacing (ey figures with:
o 2ustomer exit (for user;specific coding).
; *elete
@3C #nde= types O
B !hysical index:
B &ogical index
B BI index
B 2ompound index
B @emory index
B "emporary index
?E( Line ite diension F scenarioA
=4) -. Lhen the number of master data is very high ; li(e for example ; customer master running into
4. Lhen you add this to a dimension ; the *I@ table si:e increases dramatically and the cube
performance is affected. +ince a *I@ I* is created for every combination of characteristics possible;
where if you put customer master ( - mill records ) and the material master ( ,HHHH records ) you get
- mill J ,H,HHH records in *I@ "able.
6. "% avoid this you would separate the customer master into a separate dimension but even then if
the si:e is high you can declare it as a line item dimension which would ma(e the +I* part of the fact
table and hence improve cube performance. 9owever you can have only one characteristic in a line
item dimension.
?8( 4usiness scenario for end routine> F paraetersA
=H) *enerated info obGects in I26OSET and M+LTIP"O#IDE" while creatin* reportin*A
6>) 5ow to e,tract the data selectivel! fro source s!ste> Hive info pac/a*e options to do this>
In the *ata +election tab of Info !ac(age we had the privilege provided to load the data selectively.
You need to select variable type for a field, confirm the selection, and then choose *etail for "ype, an
additional dialog box appears. In this dialog box you can freely restrict the values of the fields.
In the Info !ac(age select the "ypes, which results the below Fariables.
In this scenario, let us load the data or transactions for the month s of H,.4HH> to H0.4HH> using the option
of #ree "emporal +election X,Y. "ype , gives you a free selection of all fields.
#or the desired field H2&@%8"9 we have confirmed variable type X,Y.
%n conformation it pops up a screen for entering from value of H2almonth, "o Falue of H2almonth, 8ext
!eriod from Falues and !eriod indicator. By providing these values you will be driven for entering the value
for 8umber of !eriods until 1epetition.
In this scenario, from value is H,.4HH> and to value of H0.4HH>
Lith the above selection the data re)uested for time span H,.4HH>(4HH>H,) to H0.4HH>(4HH>H0) including
both the limit values.
8ext period from value indicates the period for +econd *ata 1e)uest which spans between
HQ.4HH>(4HH>HQ) to HG.4HH>(4HHH>HG),
In !eriod Indicator "ype we have Year;&i(e !eriod (ongoing) and YearB!eriod;li(e.
Le need to select the !eriod Indicator X-Y YearB!eriod 3&i(e which is sensible, with period type XHY the
re)uest is carried out with ongoing values.
fter the Gth run the system starts counting from H-.4H-H (4H-HH-), as the !eriod Indicator is X-Y
YearB!eriod 3&i(e.
If the !eriod Indicator "ype XHY (Year;&i(e !eriod (ongoing) is selected for the above scenarioZ
fter the G
run instead of starting the load from H-.4H-H (4H-HH-), the scheduler starts over again with
time span H,.4HH>(4HH>H,) to H0.4HH>(4HH>H0) which is not sensible.
%n scheduling the Info !ac(age, in the monitor screen you can observe the +election field with "emporal
#ree +election Fariable Falue (4HH>H,;4HH>H0) in the header tab.
Below is the re)uired data in "arget <+/&/2, which are the list of products in the months H,.4HH> to
3.3 Bo9 to 6ind out 9hether <uery is using aggregates or cu'eO
6G) .o to 1+1". .ive the name of the )uery you have created on the cube. 2lic( W/xecute I *ebugW.
2hec( the box for W+elect ggregateW and press /nter. "his will automatically select W*isplay ggregate
#oundW. %nce the execution is started you can see whether )uery B )ueries use aggregates or not and also
you can see which aggregate is been used.
6Q) 5ow to Debu* -MOD -ode in Data source enhanceent
6Q) "here are many ways to debug the code if you wish to enhance the *ata+ource. In 1+6 you can do
that by clic(ing *ebug mode option.
nother way to do.
If you want to enhance the "ransactional data then you need to choose /5I"7+!&1+!7HH- component
of 1+!HH- enhancement. It has = components for master data ("ext, hierarchy...etc).
"his is a function module enhancement. If you goto the source code of the function module, you will find an
include program i.e. <51+?H-. double clic( on this program which will ta(e you to the body of the
program. "his is the place where you need to write code.
9ere you need to write the code as follows.
case i7datasource.
Lhen '4&I+755755555'.
8ow here you can set a brea( point. "his can be soft or hardcoded brea( point if you need to debug.
Better 9ardcode it. Lrite
B1/D;!%I8" or B1/D username.
8ow when you execute the *+ through 1+6, "he program will stop here. "he data extracted from *+ will
be available in an internal table 27"7*". 8ow you can enhance this by writing code. gain you can
debug by pressing #, or #0. "his is as usual the way you debug an B! program
60) 5ow to debu* start and end routinesA; 5ow to debu* transforationsA
60) +tep.- put a hard coded brea( point (B1/D;!%I8") in +tart 1outineB/nd 1outine which you desire to
+tep 4. %pen *"! of desired transformation$ go to /xecute tab. 2hoose processing mode as [+erially in the
*ialog !rocess (for *ebugging)O.
+tep 6. 2lic( on change Brea(points button in front of "ransformation. +elect [Before "ransformationO chec(
box to debug +tart 1outine. +elect [Before /nd 1outineO chec( box to debug /nd 1outine.
+tep =. 2lic( on +imulate button to start debugging. *ebugging will not actually load data into data target$
instead it will simulate the code behavior for *ata &oading.
6,) 5ow to debu* variables -OMD codeA
1?( 5ow to ipleent Sap noteA
6=) .o to "code +8%"/ and download the +! note using *%L8&%* +! 8%"/ icon and execute that note and
after implement it.
#irst read the 8ote description for any !rere)uisites to do and after that implement it.
66) :hat are all proposals we need to consider before creatin* A**re*atesA
66) 8ormally before creating an aggregate over an info cube we need to consider few things chec( for the )uery
which is the 9ighest contributor in total run time using "2: stH6(wor( load analysis).
2hec( the )uota of data base time to total run time. s a rule of thumb if K *B is N 6H then the )uery is suitable for
aggregate. and aggregation ratioN -H as well.
"his data can be seen only if you maintain the technical content .+tatistics is also not mandatory. If you want to have
information regarding the performance, utili:ation of your cubes and reports, you can use +tatistics.
64) :hat is e,ceptional a**re*ationA :hat are all places to define thisA 4usiness e,aple>
64) /xception ggregation are mostly used to get the detailed value or drill down to single instance value or to get nay
grouped value based on some characteristics.
"he scenario below shows you how to count the results of a calculated (ey figure in the B/x Euery *esigner.
You have loaded the following data into your Info2ube:
1egion 2ustomer +ales Folume

2 ,H,HHH
You want to use the )uery to determine the number of customers for which the sales volume is less than -,HHH,HHH
?+*. "o do so, you create the calculated (ey figure*usto:er sales <olu:e => !70007000 (-!) with the following
C General tab page: -or:ula de;inition9 Sales Volume <= 1..
C A))re)ation tab page: 01,eption A))re)ation9 Total? Re;7 *#ara,teristi,9 *usto:er
"his )uery would deliver the following result:
1egion 2ustomer +ales Folume #-

2 ,H,HHH -
"esult B@%C%%% 1
2 6HH,HHH -
"esult 8C8%%C%%% E
Overall result 8C=@%C%%% E
"he overall result of the calculated (ey figure #- is calculated as follows: +ales volume of customer (=HH,HHH I
GHH,HHH) ;N does not fulfill condition (sales volume ST -,HHH,HHH) ;N H: sales volume of customer B (4HH,HHH) ;N fulfills
condition ;N -$ sales volume of customer 2 (,H,HHH I 6HH,HHH) ;N fulfills condition ;N -. Lhen totaled, this gives 4 as
the overall result for #-.
)uery with a drilldown by region would give the following result:
1egion +ales Folume #-
8Y 0,H,HHH 6
2 -,-HH,HHH 4
%verall result 8C=@%C%%% E
*ue to the assignment of the reference characteristic *usto:er to the calculated (ey figure #- for the exception
aggregation, the )uery also delivers the re)uired data without a drilldown by reference characteristic.
6-) :hat are Safet! upper and lower intervalsA 5ow the! wor/A
6-) +afety interval should be set so that no document is missed 3 even if it was not stored in the *B table when the
extraction too( place.
+afety Interval ?pper &imit of *elta +election
"his field is used by *ata+ources that determine their delta generically
using a repetitively;increasing field in the extract structure.
"he field contains the discrepancy between the current maximum when the
delta or delta init extraction too( place and the data that has actually
been read.
&eaving the value blan( increases the ris( that the system could not
extract records arising during extraction.
+afety Interval &ower &imit
"his field contains the value ta(en from the highest value of the
previous delta extraction to determine the lowest value of the time
stamp for the next delta extraction.
6H) Delta specific fields in *eneric e,tractionA 5ow these fieldsJ wor/sA
6H) "I@/ +"@!
8umeric pointer
2alendar day
4>) Lhat is the difference between repair full re)uest and full re)uestV
4>) 1epair #ull re)uest:;If you have done #ull repair you donOt have to reinit. Basically thatOs one advantage of #ull
repair as it wonOt affect your delta loads.
But in case it was a #ull load, you may need to reinit.
#ull repair can be said as a #ull with selections. But the main use or advantage of #ull repair load is that it wonOt affect
delta loads in the system. If you load a full to a target with deltas running you again will have to initiali:e them for
deltas to continue. But if you do full repair it wonOt affect deltas."his is normally done we when we lose some data or
there is data mismatch between source system and BL.
1epair 1e)uest:;/diting a re)uest in !+ and loading that into subse)uent target. %r doing reconstruction.
4G) Lhen should we use offset values
4G) "o analy:e (ey figure that had a fixed time relationship with one another we use variable offset. #or example
compare current sales figure with some time period figures in the previous year.
4Q) /xplain the business scenario for formula variable with replacement path and 2mod
4Q) A +tep3by3+tep )uide
9ave you ever wanted to perform calculations using dates defined as characteristics but have never wor(ed out how it can be
doneV 1eplacement !ath Fariables are the (ey.
?sing 1eplacement !ath in your "ext and #ormula variables, replace values held in a characteristic. "he 2haracteristic value
variables are replaced by the results of a )uery at run;time.
"he steps detailed below show a techni)ue to enable a B/x )uery user to determine the number of days between two dates.
"he group 91 administrator wants a detailed line item report that lists all employee absences in a given period. "he report is to
show the employee number, the absence start date, together with the end date of the absence and show the number of calendar
days the employee was absent.
"he good thing about using this techni)ue is that no redesign wor( is needed from your technical BL team, no B! is involved
and best of all, it )uic( and easy.
#or this example I created an %*+ obAect called bsence that holds basic employee information along with individual absence
record data.
#ollow the steps below:
-. %pen the B/x Euery *esigner and create a new report on your chosen Info!rovider.
4. *rag the /mployee, Falid from and Falid to characteristics into the 1ows section of the screen. If needed, apply data
selection restrictions to the characteristics as shown in #igure -.
6. 1ight clic( on the Dey #igures structure and select 8ew #ormula (#igure -).
6i*ure 8
=. In the new formula window right clic( on -or:ula Variable and choose 5e/ Variable ( 6i*ure E ).
6i*ure E
,. "he Fariables Li:ard will launch and will re)uire you to specify the variable details.
( 2lic( the 2EIT button if the 8ntrodu,tion s,reen appears )
0. /nter the variable details on the .eneral Information as shown in 6i*ure 1 .
/nter the Variable 5a:e , *escription and select 1eplacement !ath in the Pro,essin) by field.
2lic( the 2e,t Button.
6i*ure 1
Q. In the 2haracteristic screen (#igure =) select the date characteristic that represents the first date to use in the calculation
(#rom *ate).
2lic( the 2e,t Button.
6i*ure ?
G. In the 1eplacement !ath screen (6i*ure @) select Dey in the 1eplace Fariable with field. &eave all the other options as
they are ("he offset values will be set automatically).
2lic( the 2e,t Button.
6i*ure @
>. In the 2urrencies and ?nits screen (6i*ure B) select *ate as the *imension I*.
2lic( the 2e,t button.
6i*ure B
-H. "he +ave Fariable screen (6i*ure =) displays a summary of the new variable.
2lic( on the 6inish button to save the variable.
6i*ure =
--. 1epeat steps ? to 88 to create a second variable for the second date to be used in the calculation. In the example shown,
the characteristic H*"/"% is used to create the variable B+/8* (bsence /nd *ate).
Define the -alculation
Le can now use our two new replacement variables to define our new calculated (ey figure that generates the number of absence
days for each record.
-. You will now be bac( at the 8ew #ormula screen (6i*ure D). *rag and drop the two new variables into the formula section
of the screen and insert the subtract sign (X&X) between the two.
4. .ive the new formula a description and clic( the formula syntax chec( button to ensure the formula is valid.
6i*ure D
6. "he new calculated (ey figure will now show in the columns section of the B/x )uery designer (#igure >).
6i*ure '
=. +ave the )uery and execute it.
In the example shown the 8umber of 2alendar *ays bsent is calculated correctly. +ee the table of results below.
Eplo!ee #alid 6ro #alid To
2uber of -alendar
Da!s Absent

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