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Gabrielle Rothman

September 8, 2014
English 2010
Notebook 3

Prompt 5i (Social Media)

I posted a video on my facebook page about how organ donation and tranplantation occurs and
received a few interesting comments and post in reply. Most of them were very supportive of organ
donation either because they were a reciepient of a donation or had a family member be a live organ
donor or choice to donate when thy passed away. I did receive some negative replies about how families
were affected by choices made, but their overall attitude was supportive of their family members
choices even after the choice was made. I included the word birthdays because I mother had posted
about how her son could blow out the candles for his first birthday due to the donation of a valve by a
baby who had passed away shorlty after birth. Although she was devestated for the family that lost their
child, she was so greatful for their willingness to give the gift of life. Color Blindness occurred through
my research on facebook and came across a post about national minority organ awareness day and how
some people believe that only african americans or latinos can donate to others in the ethnicity when in
truthall that matters is your blood type and tissue match. Overall I got a great response on facebook,
and a lot of great examples to pass along of heroism, but also family conflict unfortunately.

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