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Environmental Effects

All mining activity, has a strong impact on the environment. In this text, i will
mention the most important, dividing both underground and open pit.

In underground mining, are extracted sulfide minerals, which are processing by
pyrometallurgical. Which produces great impacto in the air and the atmosphere, by
the proces of cast metals.
Despite the use of filters to reduce damage to the environment, equally large
amount of toxic gases and metal fumes are released.
On the other hand, the processes grinding and flotation used large amounts of
water, which directly affects the nature reserves, rivers and glaciers.

Open pit:
both in open pit mining as underground, the water resource is seriously affected,
by high consumption, changes in natural flows and contamination by heavy metals.
Also the air is polluted, mainly by the pollution produced by the equipment, blasting
and rock crushing processes.
In addition the open pit mining requires large extensions of lands for leaching
fields, and the mine dumps itself
All of the above, has a serious negative impacto on existing settlements in the
rea, even reaching them uninhabitable.

In summary, mining always negatively effect the environment, so its extremely
important that companies perform and comply with Environmental impact studies,
and respect the law in its entirety, in addition to performing the community and
compensatory processes to reforestation mine closure Works.

Claudio Pino Muoz
Tcnico en minera
2B vespertino

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