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Guided Writing - Section A, Paper 2, English PMR

Sample Answer

On Monday, our class went on a field trip to a fruit orchard. As this orchard is situated in
Taiping, therefore we had to go there by bus. We enjoyed the lovely and mouth-gasping scenery
along the journey.

Once we reached there, we were cordially greeted by Encik Razak, the caretaker of the
orchard. He is in charge of the entire orchard. He took us on a tour of the orchard and explained his
job there.

He started the tour by showing us a tree sapling. The sapling of the mango tree is kept in a
greenhouse for a month, so that it can grow without being affected by insects or wind. The saplings
were safe there because it was enclosed. Finally we got the general idea of what a green house is all

He then took us to another part of the orchard where the month old trees are finally planted
into the ground. According to Encik Razak, a small tractor is used to dig up the ground for each tree.
We were able to watch the process of planting the trees and it was an interesting experience. We
were very grateful to be given this kind of exposure.

Before leaving, Encik Razak brought us two large baskets of fruits to share among ourselves.
We thanked him for his patience and willingness to spend time with us.

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