Leadership Class Disclosure

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Through Music and Dance

Mr. Josh Roehl
Room A106
Office Hours: Before school: By appointment
T-F 2:30pm-3:00 pm or by appointment

Objective: This course is designed to teach 21
century leadership skills and project management through
concepts found in music and dance. By the end of this course students will have acquired marketable leadership
skills, useful for any workforce career. Included will be a developed foundational skill and performance talent
in choral music and ballroom dance.
Purpose: By the end of this course students will have developed foundational skills and performance talents in
choral music and ballroom dance.
Materials: The following materials will be needed for this class.
1.) composition notebook to take notes
1.) 8 x 11 folder to store music in class
1.) Pair mens standard ballroom dance shoes or ladies latin ballroom dance heals. Or 1 pair of dance
Grades: Grades with be determined based on the following criteria.
Daily Participation/Cooperation: 45%
Tests and Quizzes: 15%
Projects/performances: 25%
Homework: 15%

Grades will be computed based on the following standard scale as outlined by the CSD student handbook.
93-100 A 77-79 C+
90-92 A- 74-76 C
87-89 B+ 70-73 C-
84-86 B 67-69 D+
80-83 B- 60-66 D
59 or under F
Extra Credit: As a general rule the teacher does not offer extra credit. On the occasion that the instructor may
offer extra credit, he will do so only to offer further learning in the subject area and will give sufficient notice
for those projects to be completed outside of class.

Absence/Tardy Policy: The knowledge required to establish proficiency in any art form is a long process.
Professionals dedicate time inside the class and in practice rooms in order to establish the excellence required
for various professions within this field. Therefore class is absolutely vital for the student to attend and be
anxiously engaged.

All absences must be excused through the attendance office. Students will not be allowed to make up any work,
tests, or projects for any absences that are marked unexcused.

If a student is sick or has to be absent from class for any reason then they will have 5 excused absences to
before any penalty happens to their grade. After that students will lose participation points, yet can be made up
through assignments from the teacher.

Late Work: Homework is due by the due date assigned. The teacher does not accept late work.sorry!

Vacations/Sick/Excuse absence makeup work: Where the occasion arises that a student misses class due to
vacation, sickness etc. and it is excused as outlined per school policy, the student will have the time he or she
was gone plus one day. So if they were on vacation for 7 school days in Antarctica, they have 8 school days to
make up the work for full credit. Any longer than that, and the work will not be counted for credit. It is the
students responsibility to communicate any need for change that may arise.

Classroom Behavior:
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: All behavior is expected to contribute toward the learning atmosphere of the
classroom. Please be courteous, respectful, and supportive of your peer, the instructor, and the classroom in
order for learning to be achieved by all.

DISCIPLINARY PROCESS: Any behavior disruptive to the educational process will not be tolerated and
may be dealt with by detention, phone call home, parent/teacher/student conference, short- or long-term
removal from class-not to catch up on sleep, doing homework that should have already been done or
assignments from other classes, writing to friends, talking or any other activity not related to this class. Any
amount of disrespect will be dealt with accordingly. For any question please consult the student handbook.

FOOD/DRINK: No unauthorized food or drink is allowed in the classroom. This includes gum. Water (pure
and unadulterated) is ok as long as it is held in a container with a sealable lid. Please inform the instructor if
unusual circumstances merit an exception to this rule.
When applicable there will be celebrations as the content area allows. This will provide an exception this rule
and the instructor will notify parents and students with plenty of time in advance to prepare.
BULLYING/HARASSMENT/LANGUAGE: Wise men learn from their own experiences, super
wise people learn from others experiences-unknown. Language courses are wonderful opportunities for
students to not only learn another language, but it presents a unique opportunity to learn about a people whose
life style is not their own, as well as expand their world view. Due to the nature of this course, any language or
actions that is in anyway perceived as intimidating, or degrading in nature to those of a different race, religion,
sexual orientation, gender, etc. WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Such circumstance the may arise will
automatically be referred to a member of administration.
BATHROOM PASSES: I do not expect to have to monitor bathroom trips. If you need more time between
classes, go quickly and quietly at the beginning of class to keep disruptions to a minimum. Just let the instructor
know if youre going to be late or I may mark you tardy or absent. Once class is underway, you will not be
excused. Excessive tardies due to bathroom trips will result in the cancellation of this privilege.

century time, electronics can provide an expanded learning opportunity for all
students. Electronics such as smart phones, cell phones, I-pads, electronic books, iPods, may be used in class
only with expressed permission from the instructor and strictly for a deeper educational experience.

Nevertheless, if those devices are used in anyway perceived as distracting from the learning environment, or in
any way deemed as inappropriate, ie. personal texts, phone calls, watching inappropriate images or videos,
sexting, cyber bullying, cheating, plagerism, etc, then the instructor reserves the right to confiscate that device
to be picked up only at the main office only from a parent or guardian.

For any personal electronics used in class, the student assumes full responsibility. The teacher is not liable for
any personal electronics that may be stolen, lost, misused, or damaged in any way.

*The teacher reserves the right to change the program as he sees best for the education of his students.

*In compliance with applicable disability law, qualified students with a disability may be entitled to reasonable
accommodation. It is the students and/or the parents responsibility to disclose to the teacher any special
needs that she/he may have.

I have read and reviewed the above policies and procedures with my child and understand them to the best of
my ability

Student: ___________________________________ __________________________ __________
(Printed) (Signed) (Date)

Guardian: __________________________________ __________________________ __________
(Printed) (Signed) (Date)

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