My Personal Teaching Philosophy: St. Mary's College of Baliuag Racelis St. Baliuag, Bulacan

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Marys College of Baliuag

Racelis St. Baliuag, Bulacan

Midterm Examination in The Teaching Profession

Submittted by:
Maria Isabel G. Cruz

Submitted to:
Mrs. Jo-an Guansing
September 5,2014
I believe that every child
Has their own goals in life.
Is different in their own way.
Has the right to live and to be respected.
Is a blessing.
Can create and visualize their future on their own.

I believe that every child has their own way of learning and so I will be aware of what styles Im
going to use.
I believe that parents can affect the academic performance of the students and so the parents
must be the first teachers.
I believe that the school cannot provide all the needs of the students and so the family must help
the school to give their childs needs.

I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every child to the optimum
and maximum by:
Teaching them not only lessons from the book but also lessons in life.
Giving them the right to freely express their own feelings and idea.
Making every child realize that they can do things on their own.
Helping them in building a better future through teaching them well.
Transferring any valid information so that they will not be confused on what to
believe in.

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